
What phone number can I use to have a Live Chat via TEXT?

  • 9 June 2024
  • 2 replies


I’m starting a new thread instead of adding to this older one:


charm wrote:

text the number +1 (800) 866-2453 that’s there live chat number 


I sent an SMS to the above number about 30 minutes ago but haven’t received a reply. Has the number changed or is it just not monitored on the weekend?


Best answer by HeavenM 24 June 2024, 23:50

View original

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

I’m starting a new thread instead of adding to this older one:


charm wrote:

text the number +1 (800) 866-2453 that’s there live chat number 


I sent an SMS to the above number about 30 minutes ago but haven’t received a reply. Has the number changed or is it just not monitored on the weekend?

That's the basic Tmobile support number, there's no sms support there.


Userlevel 7
Badge +13

I love the idea of being able to send a text instead of having to wait on a phone call or having to keep an app open to stay connected. You are on the right track, but you are right that the phone number is the wrong one. I will have to check out that other thread to make sure the right information is marked as the answer to avoid confusion for others. 

Any T-Mobile customer can send a text message to 611 and get help from our messaging team. So much easier than trying to remember the long 1-800 number. 

Try it out and let us know how it goes 😁
