
Worst customer service

Userlevel 2

Tmobile became the worst customer service carrier since they became TMobile USA. The original TMobile customer service was not bad at all.

The TMobile USA has the worst, I mean, the worst of all customer service of all any other carriers. Once you ported your numbers out of TMobile, that’s it, they don’t want to help you. They find all kinds of excuses not being able to help you. They keep telling you to call this and that, and when you call them, they told you to go to Store, etc. they keep bouncing you around until you give up calling or inquiring. Plus once your service is not with TMobile any longer, you loose the online access to billing in order to update the billing address for the credit proration. I don’t know why people keep switching over to TMOBILE?



19 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Verizon and Sprint did the same to me after I ported since I'm no longer a customer.

Userlevel 1

T mobile Your team members aren't any help this has been my third time calling about a refund I called Sunday and "Danna" was supposed to take care of me she didn't she did it her own way and didn't not call me back like she so called claimed either I was waiting lol. Gave it time called up again Wednesday and now being told a different refund price , I'm annoyed send me something so I can get to work at this point , your team members explained to me 1-3 business day cool that should've been in play since Monday right "Danna" lol now back to "Ebony" a refund for $100 shouldn't take up to 3 days no freaking way, so I call up T mobile again and now another Team member explains to me "oh we can't credit it back to your card only your account" it's seems to me y'all company isn't coherent nor care about your customers it's obvious because I did my research and this ain't the first time T MOBILE pulled this sorcery on other customers 
count your days you keep treating customers like this your in for a rude awakening for real. 

Userlevel 1

Customer support seems to only be provided by a third party company located within the Philippines. 

Although they attempt to be helpful and kind, they are completely unable to function or have any latitude beyond T-Mobile policy. They are incapable of forwarding calls directly to T-mobile or have any authority. 

I feel, at half the price, Mint Mobile may become a great alternative. 

I was with Sprint 25 years….this is the WORST I have ever seen it.  There is no US based customer service.  No one knows how to do anything.  Utterly RIDICULOUS!!!

Userlevel 1

Dear T-Mobile Customer Care,


I am writing this letter to express my extreme disappointment and frustration with the level of customer service I have received from T-Mobile recently. As a loyal customer of your company for the past 9 years, I expected a certain standard of assistance and respect that has unfortunately been sorely lacking in my recent interactions.


On 8.07.2023, I called your customer service hotline regarding an issue with my already paid for Iphone 14 max pro that was mailed to UPS from your T Mobile facility in Louisville, KY. During the transporting process I received a notification that my package is delayed then an update message from UPS stating that my package is damaged, and the sender (T Mobile) will be notified.  The wait time to speak to a representative was unreasonably long, lasting over 45 minutes. Once I finally connected with a representative, I was met with an unprofessional and dismissive attitude. The representative appeared disinterested in my concerns and seemed to rush through the conversation without providing adequate solutions.


The solution was that my Iphone 14 max pro was going to be refunded between 7-10 business days and if I was to go to a T Mobile store, I would have to pay another x amount of dollars. I then asked the customer service rep why I must wait 7-10 business days to receive my money back for a phone that I purchased that was damaged during the sending process (that ultimately had nothing to do with me) and asked if I can go to a nearby T Mobile store and pick up a phone. The customer service rep then stated that the only solution was to wait 7-10 business days then repurchase the phone.


Furthermore, during the call, I asked to speak with a manager then I was transferred to multiple departments, each time being required to reiterate my issue and personal information. This not only wasted my time but also left me feeling frustrated and unheard. It is deeply concerning that your customer service system appears to lack the necessary coordination and communication between departments to efficiently resolve customer problems.


In addition to the poor phone experience, I attempted to reach out to T-Mobile through the online chat support on 8.05.2023. However, I was met with technical difficulties that prevented me from connecting to a representative altogether. This inability to access alternative support channels only added to my frustration and reinforced the perception that T-Mobile does not prioritize customer satisfaction.


I am truly disappointed by the lack of professionalism, efficiency, and empathy displayed by your customer service team. It is disheartening to see such a decline in the quality of service that I have come to expect from T-Mobile over the years. As a loyal customer, I believe that I deserve better treatment and a timelier resolution to my issues that are still not resolved.


I trust that you take this matter seriously and take immediate steps to rectify the shortcomings in your customer service system. I value the services T-Mobile offers, but unless these issues are addressed promptly and effectively, I am left with no choice but to reconsider my continued patronage.





Jake Gutierrez

Userlevel 2

Dear T-Mobile Customer Care,


I am writing this letter to express my extreme disappointment and frustration with the level of customer service I have received from T-Mobile recently. As a loyal customer of your company for the past 9 years, I expected a certain standard of assistance and respect that has unfortunately been sorely lacking in my recent interactions.


On 8.07.2023, I called your customer service hotline regarding an issue with my already paid for Iphone 14 max pro that was mailed to UPS from your T Mobile facility in Louisville, KY. During the transporting process I received a notification that my package is delayed then an update message from UPS stating that my package is damaged, and the sender (T Mobile) will be notified.  The wait time to speak to a representative was unreasonably long, lasting over 45 minutes. Once I finally connected with a representative, I was met with an unprofessional and dismissive attitude. The representative appeared disinterested in my concerns and seemed to rush through the conversation without providing adequate solutions.


The solution was that my Iphone 14 max pro was going to be refunded between 7-10 business days and if I was to go to a T Mobile store, I would have to pay another x amount of dollars. I then asked the customer service rep why I must wait 7-10 business days to receive my money back for a phone that I purchased that was damaged during the sending process (that ultimately had nothing to do with me) and asked if I can go to a nearby T Mobile store and pick up a phone. The customer service rep then stated that the only solution was to wait 7-10 business days then repurchase the phone.


Furthermore, during the call, I asked to speak with a manager then I was transferred to multiple departments, each time being required to reiterate my issue and personal information. This not only wasted my time but also left me feeling frustrated and unheard. It is deeply concerning that your customer service system appears to lack the necessary coordination and communication between departments to efficiently resolve customer problems.


In addition to the poor phone experience, I attempted to reach out to T-Mobile through the online chat support on 8.05.2023. However, I was met with technical difficulties that prevented me from connecting to a representative altogether. This inability to access alternative support channels only added to my frustration and reinforced the perception that T-Mobile does not prioritize customer satisfaction.


I am truly disappointed by the lack of professionalism, efficiency, and empathy displayed by your customer service team. It is disheartening to see such a decline in the quality of service that I have come to expect from T-Mobile over the years. As a loyal customer, I believe that I deserve better treatment and a timelier resolution to my issues that are still not resolved.


I trust that you take this matter seriously and take immediate steps to rectify the shortcomings in your customer service system. I value the services T-Mobile offers, but unless these issues are addressed promptly and effectively, I am left with no choice but to reconsider my continued patronage.





Jake Gutierrez

Fcc or bbb them they will give you answers. 

Do you people even read these messages?

Tmobil  customer service is legendarily bad. You guys are losing over a million customers every year and you customer service is actually getting worse. The service is pretty but why would anyone want to do business with a company that treats their customers so badly? The cell service is very good. The home internet is an excellent product but Good Lord, the customer is atrocious.  I have literally been lied to by your associates and supervisors, promised callbacks that never came, and generally treated very poorly. I have no desire to do business with a company that steals from their customers. I don’t expect anything to change but I just wanted to let you know why I will be canceling my service.

Merry Christmas

I've had tmobile since the merger and sprint before that. The last time I had good in store customer service was when sprint was still open. Every tmobile I go to employees have a very hard time taking their attention off of their phones, even when they are supposed to be actively engaging with customers. This has been every tmobile I have been to, every time. Almost like tmobile employees are paid to be on their phone for an amount of time while working in store. I've considered switching networks, might try one more store.

Customer support seems to only be provided by a third party company located within the Philippines. 

Although they attempt to be helpful and kind, they are completely unable to function or have any latitude beyond T-Mobile policy. They are incapable of forwarding calls directly to T-mobile or have any authority. 

I feel, at half the price, Mint Mobile may become a great alternative. 

You ain't lying 


Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Customer support seems to only be provided by a third party company located within the Philippines. 

Although they attempt to be helpful and kind, they are completely unable to function or have any latitude beyond T-Mobile policy. They are incapable of forwarding calls directly to T-mobile or have any authority. 

I feel, at half the price, Mint Mobile may become a great alternative. 

You ain't lying 


Tmobile is in the process of buying Mint so since it's an MNVO support will probably be sent off shore.

VERY DISAPPOINTED with customer service ! I cancelled my account and after being canceled they over charged my account more than what my original bill was . They promised to have that amount refunded back to my account and two weeks later nothing has been refunded ended up calling back just for a lead Jane to tell me that they can’t refund back the amount they promised and that she’s sorry if wrong information was provided to me ! I asked for the recording of the last call to match what I’m saying and she said that it can’t be possible and nothing can be done but refund me half of what I was told 

Hello everyone, i feel very disappointed that T-Mobile start had a bad customer service.  Not like before when you call 611 you can get Customer on the phone quickly or Automictic said press number 1 call you back or number 2 stay on the line. But at this moment they change their policy and let you wait on the line average 45minutes to 3 hours wait time. I very disappointed and i will stop the T-Mobile services and my family. Will change different provider. This is today date May, 7 2024. Bad Services hope this messages will come to the Owner.  

I've been a T-Mobile customer for exactly 19 years - that's almost 2 whole decades! Usually I don't ask for much and perhaps that's the reason I've lasted this long with them.

In August 2023 I purchased an iPhone 14 pro max from Walmart and returned it to the same point of sale immediately for a full refund of the deposit that I had paid after I discovered that the salesgirl had provided false information about a promo. Therefore this meant that the device was no longer in my possession.


However T-Mobile had put an installment plan on my account. From then on I started seeing new charges on my bill. So I reached out to T-Mobile via chat and explained my situation. At first I thought they were very understanding because for that first month the extra charges were removed and I  paid my regular bill. To my surprise the next statement showed the same extra charges. The device was still on my account. 


So I reached out to T-Mobile again and was advised to go back to Walmart because apparently the device was not "returned properly". I went back to Walmart, they checked and confirmed that yes, I  did return the phone. I thought that this satisfied everything. How wrong I was! Infact the customer rep wanted me to "just pay for it and then follow up for a refund later". Pay for a phone that I don't have or use??? So they removed the extra charge yet again. Meanwhile the phone was still under installment plan in my account. 


After seeing the charges again the following billing period, I reached out again and they sent me back to the point of sale. I made another trip and the Walmart manager made a call to T-Mobile and confirmed to them via phone conversation that I did indeed return that phone. So again I mistakenly think that we're done. 


The following month again I'm told the same thing. This time this is what I messaged the T-Mobile customer rep

Here's my concern: I have visited the point of sale several times, and in those times, the manager of the store talked to T-Mobile on phone while I was there and I was informed that the handset is with T-Mobile so that is why I'm wondering why it has taken too long to fix this. How many times should I go back to the point of sale? When I do go back, what additional step should I perform aside from what I have done several times before?

They had no answer for me.


Very frustrating! From August 2023 until May 2024 when my problem was addressed professionally by T-Force. Had I known about T-Force before I would never have wasted my time and energy with the incompetent unprofessional customer service reps. For my 19 years of being a loyal client; never been late with my payments I expect better customer service.

Really bad customer service. I am not sure what they are doing, but not “customer service” at all😡

Customer care now charges a $10 fee

Good morning,

I shouldn’t even be dealing with this aggravation right now, I was told it was taken care of. I went into T-mobile store months and months ago and returned my modem. I told them the issues. They told me, call customer service, you will get  a new, white modem that is  more powerful. If you call them, they’ll send it to you. Wrong information of course. I called,  they apologized for the wrong info said we’ll send a new one out but, pretty much, you get what we send you. They sent the same one out. We returned the new one that day or the next.  I had called numerous times, no help. Anyhow, wrote a review and was called immediately. Was told the reason for the mix up, different number then the old one. We returned the new one because, it would be the same issue as our old one. Gentleman said taken care of. NOT!! I’m receiving emails and texts today that it hasn’t been returned. I want resolution ONCE and FOR All. Call me 

I have the letter it was returned, I have the receipt it was returned. This needs to be addressed immediately. Call me. 414-588-7259 Pam

No response from T-Mobile?!?!?!?! Come on Michael, is this the kind of customer service you want for your customers?

So I did a trial on home internet lite which didnt work in my area so i returned it within the grace period. When it came time to pay my phone bill they forced me to pay $65 for it but said “Refunded to you the following month” So I paid it to move forward trusting Tmobile.. Now im being told that I been declined to get my money back???!!!!!  

Spoke with a lot of those representatives and always promised to be taken care of “I got your back” “I will take care of you”.. At this moment in time they are stealing money from me and if anyone is a lawyer on here I would like some advice..  I been with them since 2016 and this is by far the worst experience i have ever had. False promises, lies, stealing, misleading..  I will be ending plans with tmobile. I have never been so mad in my life…. plus only for $65 too which is nothing but the fact is to decline money back that is mine and making promises and not following through is something that is disgusting…...
