
any one else not receiving texts randomly

  • 1 October 2023
  • 18 replies


I am missing texts from random people (at&t. Tmobile, Verizon etc). The most recent is from an At&T android phone. I'll get texts and then randomly I won't get one text but then I'll get another 20m later. It's only my phone and not theirs because other iPhones on tmobile or other androids not on tmobile aren't having this issue. I'm half tempted to move to iPhone because I can't keep missing important messages.


Best answer by erikjay 1 October 2023, 23:59

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18 replies

As of September 28, 2023 I cannot receive emails-to-text or text -to-email via All emails sent from have to message attched.   Seems to be a change that T-Mobile made recently.  Trying to get an answer from T-mobile support.


As of September 28, 2023 I cannot receive emails-to-text or text -to-email via All emails sent from have to message attched.   Seems to be a change that T-Mobile made recently.  Trying to get an answer from T-mobile support.

I clicked solved under this thread on accident. Any idea how to un-solve it?

Userlevel 1

Having the very same problems…...and the tech support is useless😡

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

oddly enough is this an issue only when texting with another carrier? and im going to guess they are on Verizon?

yes, I’m having same problem.  I get most texts but some texts I don’t get at all from various people and they are customers or for appointments so important texts.  I have a Samsung S21.


Same here and I have the Samsung Flip4. I have learned that people can tell I didn’t get messages at times because it won’t say delivered on their end but they aren’t having this problem with anyone but their T-mobile contacts


This is happening to me.  My mom sends me texts from her AT&T Samsung phone, but I never receive them.  Her texts are making it to other members of my family.  This started happening over the last month.  I am considering just changing carriers because I am fairly certain this is a T-Mobile network issue.  I have a Samsung Z Flip 4.


Same here... I have at least 2 people who's text aren't coming through and both by chance are with at&t. I'm thinking of dropping Tmobile

Same here... I have at least 2 people who's text aren't coming through and both by chance are with at&t. I'm thinking of dropping Tmobile

Same I have the S23 but my missed texts seem to be from and to Cricket svc, I don't know how many other texts I have missed as these are only the ones I know about,  I think it's a straight up T Mobile issue

This is happening to me.  My mom sends me texts from her AT&T Samsung phone, but I never receive them.  Her texts are making it to other members of my family.  This started happening over the last month.  I am considering just changing carriers because I am fairly certain this is a T-Mobile network issue.  I have a Samsung Z Flip 4.

Same I have the S23 but my missed texts seem to be from and to Cricket svc, I don't know how many other texts I have missed as these are only the ones I know about,  I think it's a straight up T Mobile issue

I'm having the same issue with my new iPhone I keep getting run around I called Tech like four times I'm going to the store today and see what's going on if I hear anything I will message back

I've had the same problem since the end of 2023. I can't receive more than one or two texts from certain people. I think most of them are with AT&T. It's frustrating when someone texts me and I never get it. Especially when it was something important or we were in the middle of a conversation. Or having to ask "did you ever respond to my text".

I went to the T-Mobile store and they couldn't help me and could only suggest the things I had already tried. They said getting a new phone probably wouldn't help. So, my only option seems to be leaving T-Mobile. Even though I've been with them for 20 years.

Same here... I have at least 2 people who's text aren't coming through and both by chance are with at&t. I'm thinking of dropping Tmobile

Same here. It started with one person, then two. Now I think there is a possible third person. I need to see if they have AT&T, also.

I have had this issue for years but it seems to of gotten much worse recently.   I have several people who were texting just fine and all the sudden, I stop receiving texts.  This is with several people across android/ios.  Support always wants me to reset network settings and basic info.  Last tech tried to walk me through resetting the messaging app and delete all data without warning me it would wipe out all messages.   Not great service.   

I just checked the usage page and these messages do not show on the tmobile network, so this is 100% a network issue and not a phone issue.   Beyond angry with tmobile in general and the cookie cutter canned responses they give us.   Then, once escalated I never hear back until I have to call in again and start the whole song and dance over again.  

I have a Samsung S23 Galaxy. I receive texts from Tmobile and Verizon users without any issues. My friends with iphones and AT&,  I receive texts from them without an issue. The problem seems to be with AT&T users that have android devices, I sporadically miss texts from people specifically with AT&T with android devices. It’s been going on for a few months. I’ll think maybe it’s fixed, then I start missing texts again from AT&T users with android devices. T-mobile says they have a work ticket and they’re investigating. I told them lots of other users with Samsung devices seem to be having similar issues, but T-mobile wouldn’t verify or agree it seems to be an ongoing issue for multiple users.

I often miss texts and calls from certain people. I’ll have to ask them which carrier they use. They have to send me a messenger message on Facebook to call them. It is very frustrating. I’ve tried support on phone and in three stores with no real success in the past 10 months. Last idea was to switch my e-SIM with a physical SIM which I think help a bit, but found out I missed several important calls last weekend. Never had this issue with other carriers. I received an $800 credit when I joined Tmobile but after a year of paying they tell me I still owe $600. I’m thinking of going to Verizon (they will pay off the balance) which makes sense as T-Mobile isn’t any cheaper anymore.

I am having same issue with 2 people both android users and one of them is in same plan with me? so not sure what the issue is we have to use whatsapp to message each other  since our texts arent working. this is so frustrating I was going to call tech support as I’m over this issue but i feel based on all of your answers that, that would be a waste of time. I have already reset settings, network, cleared app cache and other things i found on youtube and still can’t get texts from my husband.

Same issue here thats been going on since Oct 2023 from what I tell, but who knows how many text messages I never got. It seems to be ok on my old Lg G7, but again, you dont know always know when you miss a message. I got a new samsung galaxy s23 last year and its been horrible. iphone, android, doesnt seem to matter. I havent been asking people which carrier they use, but I will start tomorrow. I’ve been with tmobile for almost 20 years. I guess ill be happy if its a tmobile issue and not a samsung issue as I really dont want an iphone but I was ready to get one before finding this. Maybe Verizon will let me keep my phone and number and use their network instead. I’ve been on with tech support three times going in circles - first they did all the network resetting, cache clearing, then blame 5g, then blame samsung messages app, then they blame google messages update. im on 4g now, with google messages without the update and sissue pops up again. text messages not coming to me. calls were also weird with phone ringing but no way to answer them - at least these would eventually show up as missed called. I’m not seeing any errors with messages not coming in or going out so who knows how many jobs I lost, dates I missed and friends i pissed off. I found other threads here that this issue has been ongoing for 8 years with no resolution, seemingly the problem is worse now. I wish I know exactly if I can keep my s23 and go to verizon will that solve it?
