
Google Pixel 6?

  • 14 October 2021
  • 42 replies

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42 replies

Yeah I personally took that as a... It's coming but I can't say but who knows... That being said... I looked back at the rest of the thread ... Generallyt speaking (and I mean always with extremely few exceptions...) If a company makes a phone as an unlocked direct from manufacturer device... I.e. apple and their iPhones, Samsung and the Galaxy lineup.  They will work without issue and have all the bands built in for all carriers.  This has been the case for a long time.  Example is apple sells various devices for various carriers but they are all the same phone.  The only difference is that the ones for carriers are locked to that carrier for the purposes of carrier financing.  But once the phone has been unlocked (i.e. you pay cash for phone or you payoff the lein) the phone is functionally  the same to any carrier's network.  The exception to this is when you see a device say... The LG V60 ThinQ which was made exclusively and marketed as such for att and I think maybe a Verizon model?  Those were unlockable and able to be brought to tmobile but lacked certain bans (also some bands were introduced after the phone was made).  So in the event Tmo doesn't do the pixel at launch if Google sells an unlocked one (you can check the bands they will publish upon release) it 99.99% will be good as if Tmo sold it direct.  (Promise I'm not making this up used to work in telecom on network and device side) 

Userlevel 2

Yeah I personally took that as a... It's coming but I can't say but who knows... That being said... I looked back at the rest of the thread ... Generallyt speaking (and I mean always with extremely few exceptions...) If a company makes a phone as an unlocked direct from manufacturer device... I.e. apple and their iPhones, Samsung and the Galaxy lineup.  They will work without issue and have all the bands built in for all carriers.  This has been the case for a long time.  Example is apple sells various devices for various carriers but they are all the same phone.  The only difference is that the ones for carriers are locked to that carrier for the purposes of carrier financing.  But once the phone has been unlocked (i.e. you pay cash for phone or you payoff the lein) the phone is functionally  the same to any carrier's network.  The exception to this is when you see a device say... The LG V60 ThinQ which was made exclusively and marketed as such for att and I think maybe a Verizon model?  Those were unlockable and able to be brought to tmobile but lacked certain bans (also some bands were introduced after the phone was made).  So in the event Tmo doesn't do the pixel at launch if Google sells an unlocked one (you can check the bands they will publish upon release) it 99.99% will be good as if Tmo sold it direct.  (Promise I'm not making this up used to work in telecom on network and device side) 

To be honest with you that's not the case. The reason I say that is because 1st off before the iPhone was officially a part of T-Mobile. I had an unlocked iPhone and it was giving me all sorts network issues and I used to have a circle where the data was supposed to be. Which all these issues back then were known issues with the iPhone on the T-Mobile's network. Which obviously now since the iPhone has officially been apart of T-Mobile, iPhones work correctly on T-Mobile.


Then one of the main reasons why I even made this post was because earlier in the day I did some research and I saw multiple people on Reddit and other places complaining about any Pixel phone including the 5 not working properly on T-Mobile's network. I saw one person say that he went to T-Mobile and they told him that even unlocked it's not compatible with the network, so he walked right across the street to Verizon got an official branded Pixel and switched networks. Then I saw a common issue of people complaining that they were getting kbps data speed and the data was never working properly for them (probably because like the other guy said it wasn't compatible with their network even if it was unlocked). I even saw someone make another post about how the Pixel is not on the official approved network list of compatible unlocked phones. 


So with all that being said, I don't want to purchase the phone from Google and then take a chance that these issues occur for me. Then I would need to switch the phone to something that's officially carrier branded. Which I'll probably lose a lot of money because I'll not be able to return the Pixel phone for a full refund if it doesn't work on T-Mobile's network after I purchased it, used it, and tested it out to see this.


I should clarify a few things that should help.  The pixels when they launched were never billed as a fully unlocked phone.  We're you originally a Sprint customer or Tmo?  Back in the day when Google was launching the pixel line they went looking for a dance partner because back then if your name wasn't apple or Samsung the main way to get traction in the market was to partner with a carrier.  Sprint passed and Tmo wasnt interested.  The pixel 4 for example was a Verizon based device that also had some flexibility to go on other networks (game). What I mean by that is it was especially optimized for Verizon networks but did also work on Sprint and Tmo and att.  They were very clear with what bands it was capable of.  Also keep in mind at this time Tmo was doing a major network overhaul.  There were many bands on all networks that worked with the pixel 4 but Tmo especially who were expanding their network and Sprint who were deploying 4g like they didn't pick the wrong thing the first time (wimax) were enhancing as well.  One of the points of confusion for Tmo customers (and it still is) is as Tmo builds out it's network it's doing so on new bands.  When they show their network footprint they do so assuming you have the latest and greatest but older devices especially can't hit all those bands and it makes their network seem smaller and slower (because it is if you can't get the newer bands of network).  As previously mentioned when pixel 6 is announced take a look at the bands it supports (they will publish them) and then compare them to TMobile.  I would highly suspect that this new pixel will be compatible on all the 4g and 5g bands that Tmo is currently using.  If it is (and assuming Google doesn't release network specific devices (I highly doubt they will) then it doesn't matter where you get your phone from.  In terms of iPhone, what iPhone did you have?  Apple has been making iPhones for us sales that are fully compatible with all networks for... Ehh I dunno 4 or 5 years now... Maybe a little longer.  They did market and have different models for different carriers buttttt the radio receiver in them was entirely the same across all models.  That being said... The same above scenario still applies... Say you had a 4 year old iPhone from att and switched it to TMobile.  The issue here isn't that you had a att iPhone. It's that 4 years ago some of the bands that Tmo is using today didn't exist 4 years ago and thus even if you had a TMobile iPhone you'd be missing some of the possible bands to receive Tmo service from.  This has been less of an issue on the Verizon side as theyve had less network band movement .  But sprint and especially Tmo have had a lot of flex in the bands that are deployed for use by customers.  When in doubt take the specific model of whatever phone you're holding and look up what TMobile bands it's capable of finding. Then pull up a lost of all the current bands TMobile is using and see if you have some differences. 

Also not trying to give you a hard time or anything just want you to be comfortable getting the phone you want.  I should also mention it's pretty common for reps at stores to not get how the bands and network unlocks work under the hood.  In all fairness they really don't have to know, they just have to know hey if you try to bring a phone here are you going to be happy with the result or not.  But there's a technical layer under that that if you can get comfortable with you can do pretty much whatever the availbe tech and hardware at the time will let you do.

Userlevel 2

Yeah I personally took that as a... It's coming but I can't say but who knows... That being said... I looked back at the rest of the thread ... Generallyt speaking (and I mean always with extremely few exceptions...) If a company makes a phone as an unlocked direct from manufacturer device... I.e. apple and their iPhones, Samsung and the Galaxy lineup.  They will work without issue and have all the bands built in for all carriers.  This has been the case for a long time.  Example is apple sells various devices for various carriers but they are all the same phone.  The only difference is that the ones for carriers are locked to that carrier for the purposes of carrier financing.  But once the phone has been unlocked (i.e. you pay cash for phone or you payoff the lein) the phone is functionally  the same to any carrier's network.  The exception to this is when you see a device say... The LG V60 ThinQ which was made exclusively and marketed as such for att and I think maybe a Verizon model?  Those were unlockable and able to be brought to tmobile but lacked certain bans (also some bands were introduced after the phone was made).  So in the event Tmo doesn't do the pixel at launch if Google sells an unlocked one (you can check the bands they will publish upon release) it 99.99% will be good as if Tmo sold it direct.  (Promise I'm not making this up used to work in telecom on network and device side) 

I've been a T-Mobile customer for 13+ years. Also I know that you're not trying to give me a hard time or anything like that. I'm just stating things back to you based on what I seen and my personal experience and just having a conversation with you and nothing else. Which I have absolutely no problems and no bad feelings of any kind towards you.

Userlevel 2

Also not trying to give you a hard time or anything just want you to be comfortable getting the phone you want.  I should also mention it's pretty common for reps at stores to not get how the bands and network unlocks work under the hood.  In all fairness they really don't have to know, they just have to know hey if you try to bring a phone here are you going to be happy with the result or not.  But there's a technical layer under that that if you can get comfortable with you can do pretty much whatever the availbe tech and hardware at the time will let you do.

I completely agree that they do not know about the bands and a lot of other stuff that I think they should know about. Also I'm very tech-savvy myself and know about all this stuff and this is exactly why I'm concerned. It's the fact that a lot of people have been complaining with kbps speed like I mentioned before and that leads me to believe that it's a band issue and it's going to give me the same issues. 


Just to be clear as well this has nothing to do with owning a Pixel in the past and wanting to upgrade to a new pixel and or moving over from Sprint or another carrier to T-Mobile. Which I used to be one of these type of people that upgraded every year to the latest Samsung Galaxy device and I did that for at least 3 devices until the Galaxy S9+. Now I've had that phone since release date day in 2018 and now I think it's time to upgrade. So I did some research on the next Samsung Galaxy phone and supposedly they're going to be using a smaller size battery and a lot of things are going to be lacking the next Galaxy device. Then I saw the new Google Tensor chip which in my opinion is some really high power next-gen type of chip. Then I saw some of the leaked and I saw that supposedly it's going to be a top-of-the-line high-end phone with the best of the best being the pro model. Also people are saying that the leaked rumored price is also very fairly priced for the technology that you're getting.



Userlevel 2

Yeah I personally took that as a... It's coming but I can't say but who knows... That being said... I looked back at the rest of the thread ... Generallyt speaking (and I mean always with extremely few exceptions...) If a company makes a phone as an unlocked direct from manufacturer device... I.e. apple and their iPhones, Samsung and the Galaxy lineup.  They will work without issue and have all the bands built in for all carriers.  This has been the case for a long time.  Example is apple sells various devices for various carriers but they are all the same phone.  The only difference is that the ones for carriers are locked to that carrier for the purposes of carrier financing.  But once the phone has been unlocked (i.e. you pay cash for phone or you payoff the lein) the phone is functionally  the same to any carrier's network.  The exception to this is when you see a device say... The LG V60 ThinQ which was made exclusively and marketed as such for att and I think maybe a Verizon model?  Those were unlockable and able to be brought to tmobile but lacked certain bans (also some bands were introduced after the phone was made).  So in the event Tmo doesn't do the pixel at launch if Google sells an unlocked one (you can check the bands they will publish upon release) it 99.99% will be good as if Tmo sold it direct.  (Promise I'm not making this up used to work in telecom on network and device side) 

To be honest with you that's not the case. The reason I say that is because 1st off before the iPhone was officially a part of T-Mobile. I had an unlocked iPhone and it was giving me all sorts network issues and I used to have a circle where the data was supposed to be. Which all these issues back then were known issues with the iPhone on the T-Mobile's network. Which obviously now since the iPhone has officially been apart of T-Mobile, iPhones work correctly on T-Mobile.


Then one of the main reasons why I even made this post was because earlier in the day I did some research and I saw multiple people on Reddit and other places complaining about any Pixel phone including the 5 not working properly on T-Mobile's network. I saw one person say that he went to T-Mobile and they told him that even unlocked it's not compatible with the network, so he walked right across the street to Verizon got an official branded Pixel and switched networks. Then I saw a common issue of people complaining that they were getting kbps data speed and the data was never working properly for them (probably because like the other guy said it wasn't compatible with their network even if it was unlocked). I even saw someone make another post about how the Pixel is not on the official approved network list of compatible unlocked phones. 


So with all that being said, I don't want to purchase the phone from Google and then take a chance that these issues occur for me. Then I would need to switch the phone to something that's officially carrier branded. Which I'll probably lose a lot of money because I'll not be able to return the Pixel phone for a full refund if it doesn't work on T-Mobile's network after I purchased it, used it, and tested it out to see this.


Also thanks for telling me this and I don't want to come off mean and or egotistical, but I know every last thing of what you told me already. I also know that Google had an exclusive carrier agreement with Verizon for a long time as well. So the thing is I'm also talking about the Pixel 5 which has nothing to do with way back and with Wimax. So I can understand if it was a Nexus device or an earlier Pixel device, but not with a Pixel 5 which is also one of the main Pixel models with complaints.

If you would like to find this information, then all you have to do Google it and you're going to find a bunch of Reddit pages and other random forums etc that are talking about these issues that I mentioned throughout this post.

TMobile selling the pixel 6 and 6 pro screen protectors have already leaked. So they are definitely coming to TMobile. Hopefully shortly after the 19th... With good trade in deals without having to switch to magenta max .. hopefully. 

This tech website doesn’t think T-Mobile will get it immediately on their leak article from yesterday.

Userlevel 2

TMobile selling the pixel 6 and 6 pro screen protectors have already leaked. So they are definitely coming to TMobile. Hopefully shortly after the 19th... With good trade in deals without having to switch to magenta max .. hopefully. 

I did see the pictures of the T-Mobile's accessories brand GoTo screen protectors, but honestly I was taking it with a grain of salt because nowadays many things can be photoshopped.

Hey all, I am not sure if this was mentioned, but I spoke to a few of my local stores and they did confirm that they will be carrying the 6. The Google rep was actually in one of the stores to check for space for a display. Apparently not all of the stores will physically have it if they don't have space for a display. I was told to stop back in a week before release to try and get one.


So Anyone getting the Pixel 6 since it doesn’t look like Tmobile is carrying it through the site?

T-mobile has the pixel phones on their site for pre order, but the deals seems to be for Magenta Max customers only!!!

Userlevel 7
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T-mobile has the pixel phones on their site for pre order, but the deals seems to be for Magenta Max customers only!!!

was just about to say im staring right at the 6 and 6 Pro through their site here lol.


So the rest of us are screwed?

I just called in and was told the phone is not available on Jump on Demand.

Userlevel 7
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looks to be the same deals as they did with the Iphone 13 kick off.
