
Time to leave Tmobile.

  • 25 December 2023
  • 44 replies

Userlevel 3

Is this true? 




has quietly updated their TOS to include fines for content they don’t agree with. Beginning on January 1, 2024, they will be fining users who commit perceived violations on their bandwidth. Who knew in America that the phone providers would now be policing the content of your text messages to fine you. S.H.A.F.T. is an acronym that stands for Sex, Hate, Alcohol, Firearms, and Tobacco. It outlines the categories of text messages specifically regulated due to moral and legal issues and is monitored and enforced by the Cellular Telephone Industries Association (CTIA) and the mobile carriers. Who gets to determine what is and isn’t “hateful”? Will political text messages be censored now as well going into 2024?


Best answer by HeavenM 29 December 2023, 00:33

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44 replies

Well, this Sux. 

Pretty sure my good natured Spicey Blasts to friends and relatives could be construed as ‘hate speech’ to our “Big Brother” here.

Are the other big carriers going to have a similar policy?

Great to know they are monitoring our texts...what else are they monitoring?

...Also as my husband (military vet) has pointed out- this would be a direct violation of our 1st amendment rights in which he would be talking to a civil rights attorney...


The first amendment protects us against infringement by the government, not private companies.  A civil rights attorney wouldn’t really help you with this.  But if it turns out to be true, then I will be leaving them as well.

I seriously doubt this is true. They're suppose to legally inform users of something like this. Also as my husband (military vet) has pointed out- this would be a direct violation of our 1st amendment rights in which he would be talking to a civil rights attorney. 

So I'm sure this story is nothing but false (again, they have to legally inform their users of this). If it were true, T-Mobile wouldn't be the only cell provider doing this since all carriers fall under the FTC, FCC and various other communication agencies that fall within the federal government.

Check your terms of service. It's under the S.H.A.F.T acronym. So if you don't believe it, it takes effect January 1st and is in their own writing. One of them covers sexual and drug speech so don't ask your friend if they want to go buy some weed. Don't tell your lover you want to their brains out. And watch with the swear s. 

I can’t find any information that verifies this. 


Check your terms of service. It takes effect January 1st


Userlevel 7
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I can’t find any information that verifies this. 


Check your terms of service. It takes effect January 1st


The Tmobile community manager pinned this on another thread.

I am seeking to verify and cancel service immediately if true.  Thats $500 a month gone. Bud Light Special.... with a side of plumeting Disney Shares.

This is definitely true. Tmobile has already banned people's ability to text including me. The 1st time it's like 24hrs then 48 the a week then a month then it's permanently banned. This is some real dystopian 1984 NWO type of stuff. Get ready people. They're coming. 

Seems unusual if the implimentation doesnt start until jan 1 2024

The fines aren't for customer I think it's for companies, that's what start on Jan 1st but this so called "spam" blocking is already here Google T-Mobile blocked my ability to text several regular everyday people have been severely affected by this. I'm one of them. Crazy thing is I was with Verizon for 7 years no problems at all. I ported over to T-Mobile and not even 5 days after I was "flagged" lol. This is wild 

CousinMint, Android to Android RCS works. Android to iOS it doesn't. 

Userlevel 7
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Here's another article explaining the new implementation.

lets do go throw some fack it not possable t-moble read tex messages they encripted end to end it cant be broken ,

two  i was on phone t- moble law department said in short this is a lie, these policy came up with paypal in short they lost there bank for doing this,  t-moble can recored our phone calls its called wire taping no user agreement can get around this, reading websights there not place has not been doing it, throw,

to inforce this will cause them lose 50% of all clients they not willing risk this, 

now i am in server securty i can tell u one texe messages can not be read off a iphone, they encripted,  two  taping phone calls is crimal offece not civel one i dont think ceo want go jail,   as to last unless some one can show me something on t-moble sight proves this this should end here,  this no more miss infromation however,  i have help apple to inshure t-moble or no one else can read files on phone,  but be aware some apps install may alow them do so ,   this saying may do so there no proof t-moble apps doing this,, i state one last thing this taken down paypal bank what u think will do to t-moble as we all leave , they not risk it,   also do note one fack throw never done in usa stock holders canbe held lieable for actions of the busness in short u sue stockholders,  this never been done but law states if they part of by busness who makeing a proffit that they to can be sue for damages ,  so unless some one can provide proof lets do end it here,  we all want proof not 3ed party crap ,  to say t-moble can read our sms text message is down right lie,  this gone to far must end show us where on t-moble states this or end it

It's ironic that this was posted twice within minutes of each other from different posters.

Has anyone else noticed the typo in the link above? "Pilicy"? T-Mobile wouldn't post that link with a mispelling. I don't trust it. And a policy change like that needs to be shared with all customers. If they don't,  it's illegal to fine

Userlevel 7
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It's ironic that this was posted twice within minutes of each other from different posters.

Has anyone else noticed the typo in the link above? "Pilicy"? T-Mobile wouldn't post that link with a mispelling. I don't trust it. And a policy change like that needs to be shared with all customers. If they don't,  it's illegal to fine

If you click on the link, it's not a post by a Tmobile employee but a different thread by a different poster with poor grammar with a Tmobile employee response pinned.

Userlevel 1
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If the source of this misinformation is Laura Loomer, you should seriously consider the quality of the information in the first place.

Laura Loomer is despicable excuse for a human being who engages in vile hate of people based on their skin color, national origin and faith practices.

We know that these tech giants spy on us and read our messages, which is a violation of the law. But to brazenly use it to make rule changes is bizarre to me. I hope this is not true; otherwise, sign me up for the class-action lawsuit coming to T-Mobile. 

As soon as I can I’m leaving all large carriers and going to try patriot mobile. I don’t know what else to do. 


My guess is that users who would go to “Patriot Mobile” are the ones this was written for. In addition, this is to ensure their partners (MVNOs) that use their network (like Freedom Mobile, Patriot Mobile, etc.) also have the same standards of service. 

Userlevel 1
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We know that these tech giants spy on us and read our messages, which is a violation of the law. But to brazenly use it to make rule changes is bizarre to me. I hope this is not true; otherwise, sign me up for the class-action lawsuit coming to T-Mobile. 

There will be no class action.  You seem to be under the impression that there is some guarantee of privacy while using PRIVATE infrastructure.  There is not.

You are granted a right to use the infrastructure by the operator in return for money.  That’s it.  End of discussion.  The operator gives you NO RIGHTS and bears NO RESPONSIBILITIES for anything they do.

The T-Mobile network is T-Mobile’s sandbox.  They get to make the rules.

There has been some talk of “Patriot Mobile” here…  Read their TOS.  It will say the same thing…no matter what junior wants you to believe.

PS.  The First Amendment doesn’t apply to contractual relationships between PRIVATE parties.

PPS.  Read the service agreement that you SIGNED when signing up for T-Mobile services.  I can guarantee that you signed away your right to sue T-Mobile for anything in any forum or jurisdiction...agreeting to “arbitration” instead.  The arbitration process is completely controlled by T-Mobile so it’s pretty much a foregone conclusion who would come out on top.

Userlevel 7
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Hello all. These changes only apply to third-party messaging vendors that send commercial mass messaging campaigns for other businesses. The vendors will be fined if the content they are sending does not meet the standards in our code of conduct, which is in place to protect consumers from illegal or illicit content and aligns to federal and state laws.