
unable to see all text on secondary line


Unable to see or get all texts messages from secondary line some are showing. The deleted messages are not showing up as well. 

8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Hey there @Virgo . Where you able to find the messages you were looking for? By “secondary line” do you mean a second number on your phone or the other line on your plan? 


Unable to see or get all texts messages from secondary line some are showing. The deleted messages are not showing up as well.

Userlevel 7
Badge +13


Unable to see or get all texts messages from secondary line some are showing. The deleted messages are not showing up as well.

Hello @kurt784 Are you also having this problem?


No? I am still not able to see them


I don't see the answer 


Has anyone in the community figured out why I still can't see any messages or deletes from the secondary line 


Userlevel 7
Badge +14

You can only see the numbers texted not the content.

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Thank you for letting us know that you still cannot see these messages. In order to help you find what you are looking for, we do need a little more information. 

  • By “secondary line” do you mean a second number on your phone or the other line on your plan? 
  • Have you been able to see these messages before? 
  • Where are you looking? On, on the phone itself, in Digits?

This information will give us a start to figuring out how to help you. 
