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30 Fine?

My bank account was a victim of fraud in early May. T Mobile, been Sprint customer since 2004, was auto pay for the entire time. Well, the auto pay was not updated, my fault, but I was charged a 30 FINE for not paying it. One day afterwards.

No phone call, no email, nothing.. You are a comms company, is this FINE legit for a late fee? 30 Dollars?

4 replies

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Personally, the fee must be enough of a deterrent for customers to want to avoid.  $30 doesn’t sound like a lot, especially compared to the competition, but to each their own.  The late fee is $30, like it, indifferent, or don’t like it.  

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Noted. Screwed up part is I recieved a text stating they recieved payment.


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Userlevel 7
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Authorized versus received payment are two very different things.  Transactions can take two to five days to fully go through.  If you want to dispute it.  You can always reach out to Customer Care at 611 or by direct messaging T-Mobile on Facebook or Twitter.
