
Anyone else having problems since switching to T-Mobile?

  • 11 November 2021
  • 29 replies

Userlevel 2

I was a Sprint customer and switched to T-Mobile since the merger.  I have been having problems ever since I switched.  With Sprint, I had great reception.  Now, with T-mobile, calls drop all the time, texts don’t always send right away, and data is very slow, if it even connects.  I don’t even get call in my house.  This is ridiculous.  Why aren’t they using the same Sprint towers?  I have to leave my house to get text messages. Help!!!!!


29 replies

The service is fine.

Whats upsetting is the tremendous amount of spam.

Also, I've had the same service since it was Nextel. 25 years of dedication.  When it was Sprint, when I called I got picked up on right away because Ive been a loyal customer. Today I got stuck in an hour wait. 

Probably time to switch. So much for loyalty. 

Userlevel 7
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Yes!! I've been having the same problems! The map shows I have coverage but I never do!

Welcome to T-Mobile’s coverage map and disclaimer:  of ‘T-Mobile does not guarantee service anywhere’.  Ironically, T-Mobile can promote service at a specific address, and claim that their maps are accurate, but will fall back on that statement EVERY TIME.  I do have FCC/CPUC tickets open to T-Mobile for this issue.  Of course, the response doesn’t change.  CPUC has advised me to use a ‘formal’ CPUC complaint.  This may work in Cali, as T-Mobile has a timeline to meed 94% of rural California with +50Mbps.

I was a Sprint customer and switched to T-Mobile since the merger.  I have been having problems ever since I switched.  With Sprint, I had great reception.  Now, with T-mobile, calls drop all the time, texts don’t always send right away, and data is very slow, if it even connects.  I don’t even get call in my house.  This is ridiculous.  Why aren’t they using the same Sprint towers?  I have to leave my house to get text messages. Help!!!!!


Yes!! I've been having the same problems! The map shows I have coverage but I never do!

Userlevel 7
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Battery life will also be much shorter.   I’ve typically had similar issue when I go out of state/country and end up roaming.  Much of it comes with either having to push more power to have usable signal (weak signal), or in my case when out of country or roaming - attempting to search for home / default service.

These times, my phones battery ran out in hours vs days when NOT being actively used.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

what phone do you have? and lack of signal will heat up your device since its trying to regain a better signal over and over again.


depending on how old your device is it might be lacking something that tower no longer has band wise perhaps.


Edited: if for example your phone might be a bit older and needing a certain band but said band is on the next next out tower meaning further away.


or whatever tower you normally connect to is just to far away to be fully functional..has your signal always been this way at that location or is that signal what you get no matter where you go?

My phone  gets extremely hot when I am on the internet, it now doesn’t type correctly.  All since T mobil.  I thought that I would update my phone and found out they wanted me to pay 95.00 for a “free “ upgrade.  My signal is only one to two bars now.  

Userlevel 7
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You shouldn’t need to hard reset/factory reset your device.  I’d recommend visiting a T-Mobile store.  You’re hitting the same offshore support that goes through the standard drill:

  • Software updates
  • Reboot your phone
  • Reset ‘your’ network settings (lose Wifi + Bluetooth settings)
  • T-Mobile remote ‘network refresh’
  • Replace SIM
  • Factory Reset
  • Blame ‘tower upgrades’
  • Blame ‘tower outage’
  • Blame user (port to other carrier)
Userlevel 1
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Same issue, when we moved from Sprint to T-Mobile my signal at home dropped two one bar and my text messages get stuck More than 70% of the time. When I spent an hour with support they told me to hard reset my phone back to factory defaults and reinstall everything using T-Mobile apps. This is unacceptable why do I need to delete all of my history text and voicemails for an issue that is clearly on their end. 

I have had Sprint and the service and apps are different from T-Mobile. Sprint is not the same as T-Mobile. The services should not have merged for many obvious reasons. One being two contrasting providers using different apps, plans and services. My connectivity has gotten worse they merged. I know can only use VPN. I have to go to T-Mobile and figure out a solution with them. I don't want to have change plans that cost between $108 to $180. 

Same issue, when we moved from Sprint to T-Mobile my signal at home dropped two one bar and my text messages get stuck More than 70% of the time. When I spent an hour with support they told me to hard reset my phone back to factory defaults and reinstall everything using T-Mobile apps. This is unacceptable why do I need to delete all of my history text and voicemails for an issue that is clearly on their end. 


Simple solution for Scam Shield: allow a login to the server so we can edit the scam-likely phone numbers for the entire family!  Right now have to do it for every phone number individually.

Same issue here.  What's  even more crazy in my case is when I called about it the first time the agent tells me that my plan was grandfathered in with sprint because I was a customer for over 20 years but that grandfathered plan, which I was extremely happy with, transferred over to Tmobile as an "inferior" plan.  To get to an equal experience I have to pay more money to bump to a higher service plan.  This was the main stipulation from the government to allow this merger to happen.  Tmobile is not allowed to jack up service prices for a set time frame.  This must be how a class action lawsuit gets started.


I was a Sprint customer 


My problem is that all the texting and data permission and limits have gone away since T-Mobile took over. In the last week I have lost $1000 to a Nigerian romance scammer that has been preying on my elderly mother for the last 3 years.  Forst lost $500 via an Apple gift card she gave away, then I had to suspend her number. It then resumed and then lost another $500 and yesterday suspended the number again. With Sprint, I could remotely turn off texting and data so the scammers couldn't get through. Scam Shield blocker app is a joke and having to pay for something to stop criminal activity seems ridiculous to me.

Sprint switching to T-Mobile was the worse thing they ever could have did. I HATE t-mobile. Looking at other providers now!


I recently switched from Verizon to T-Mobile with the Magenta Max 55+ Plan. I ported my Verizon number and kept my Apple iPhone 14 Pro.  So far, I am very pleased with the service.  I live in the outskirts of Tampa, FL where many Verizon towers were overloaded and I had trouble getting a usable signal for data,  No so with T-Mobile and I am saving $30/month!  I believe that many of the problems people are experiencing with the T-Mobile service are related to equipment.  I would recommend purchasing a new unlocked phone, as I did when I was with Verizon, from Apple. I can take my phone to any carrier because the iPhone 14 Pro supports all the latest and legacy frequencies out there. Apple has very good trade in plans and zero cost financing. Other manufacturers may have similar plans and when you purchase from the manufacturer you are not locked into a specific carrier.

Userlevel 7
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In my area T-Mobile and Sprint are (were?) using the same tower.

Performance was good whether I Sprint (b41 + b25 + b26) or T-Mobile (B2 + B66 + B12).

Through most of the city, T-Mobile actually has (had?) better service.  A few spots where Sprint had their own sites, they’ve been migrated to T-Mobile (one as recent as this week).

In areas that Sprint had service and powered their servers down … where T-Mobile was not close by, it would not be good.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

I was a Sprint customer and switched to T-Mobile since the merger.  I have been having problems ever since I switched.  With Sprint, I had great reception.  Now, with T-mobile, calls drop all the time, texts don’t always send right away, and data is very slow, if it even connects.  I don’t even get call in my house.  This is ridiculous.  Why aren’t they using the same Sprint towers?  I have to leave my house to get text messages. Help!!!!!


Same here. Can't use my phone at all while at work. No network coverage and no wifi available. Tmaybe are liars! Coverage sucks!   They should be OUT OF BUSINESS FOR SUCH HORRIFIC SERVICE

are you saying you have signal everywhere else but not at work?

Userlevel 1

I will be leaving crappy TMOBILE (I have much harsher words I would like to use, but keeping it PG rated)!!!!  I’ve had the same exact issues since they took over Sprint.  I pray that they go bankrupt and out of business.  Half of the time I show “No Service”.  The other half I only get 1-2 bars.  I live in New Orleans, (lots of crime lately) if something happens to me and I cannot make a call for emergency service, I swear these MF”s will have a lawsuit over their heads.  And I’m sure I can get many of you to do a class action lawsuit with me seeing that you are all having the same issues with this pathetic company.  I say we BOYCOTT these losers so they do go out of business.  

I am with it!!!!

Userlevel 1

I was a Sprint customer and switched to T-Mobile since the merger.  I have been having problems ever since I switched.  With Sprint, I had great reception.  Now, with T-mobile, calls drop all the time, texts don’t always send right away, and data is very slow, if it even connects.  I don’t even get call in my house.  This is ridiculous.  Why aren’t they using the same Sprint towers?  I have to leave my house to get text messages. Help!!!!!


Same here. Can't use my phone at all while at work. No network coverage and no wifi available. Tmaybe are liars! Coverage sucks!   They should be OUT OF BUSINESS FOR SUCH HORRIFIC SERVICE

I will be leaving crappy TMOBILE (I have much harsher words I would like to use, but keeping it PG rated)!!!!  I’ve had the same exact issues since they took over Sprint.  I pray that they go bankrupt and out of business.  Half of the time I show “No Service”.  The other half I only get 1-2 bars.  I live in New Orleans, (lots of crime lately) if something happens to me and I cannot make a call for emergency service, I swear these MF”s will have a lawsuit over their heads.  And I’m sure I can get many of you to do a class action lawsuit with me seeing that you are all having the same issues with this pathetic company.  I say we BOYCOTT these losers so they do go out of business.  

My calls have been cutting out and dropping the minute TMobile took over. After numerous tries with customer service I will be switching to Verizon to see if it’s better.


I think I will join you. I have had nothing but problems since switching to the T-Mobile SIM. Is this some kind of a joke?

Dropped calls, unable to make or receive calls, delay in messages, messages not sending at all.

I NEVER had issues while with Sprint, so the obvious problem here is T-Mobile and they are not doing a darn thing about it.

I was “forced” to switch to the T-Mobile network about 8 months or so ago. I had been with Sprint for YEARS! I’ve always had good service in my area and my phone(s) have always worked. Since switching, I have had nothing but PROBLEMS! Every day I have to deal with dropped calls, unable to make calls, messages not sending or receiving.

I have spent HOURS if not DAYS troubleshooting a problem I did not create. I’ve even gone as far as resetting my Galaxy S20 back to Factory defaults. I was hopeful that would do the trick. NOPE!!!!

I still have the same ongoing issues. I use my phone for personal and work related tasks and this T-Mobile service is a joke. What am I paying for? A headache? Stress? Terrible Service? All of the above.

At this point, I’m done. My phone is paid off and I’ll be moving from T-Mobile’s network to a more reliable Cell phone provider.

Thanks for NOTHING T-Mobile.


EDIT: Why am I even posting this? T-Mobile doesn’t even read their own forums. 

My calls have been cutting out and dropping the minute TMobile took over. After numerous tries with customer service I will be switching to Verizon to see if it’s better.


Userlevel 7
Badge +16

i have had to do two sim card changes since the merger..the first one was to the R15 sim card...then about a month ago switched to a different sim chance do you happen to know which sim card you have in your phone?

Same problem. I called the Sprint/Tmobile technical support last week, and spent an hour on the phone with them trying different things to fix my suddenly poor service. What really sucks to me is that we have historically had incredible service at my house and the surrounding areas. Now, if I’m driving between my house and literally anywhere, odds are that my calls will be dropped at least once. It’s a HUGE issue.

And I’ll add that their coverage map shows my house as a 5G zone, LMAO

I’m in the same boat. Had sprint it was awesome. Then after Tmobile took over I had to get rid of my Samsung S7(which i used for 6 years,awesome phone), then the account fiasco of getting new phone & switching sprint account to a Tmobile account. Then my coverage gets worse & worse as time goes on. I live in the middle of downtown Portland OR & I get 0-1 bars at my apartment, on the top floor of my building. Then at cascade station, a big shopping near PDX airport, I have 0 coverage, no signal or anything on the 2 phones i use a Iphone se & Cat s61(android). Tmobile cell coverage is absolute garbage & gets worse everyday. With sprint I had coverage in the middle of nowhere when camping & fishing while everyone else had no signal. I miss Sprint...the good old days.
