T-Mobile service


Does anyone else feel like the most important thing is your payment, not your service?

5 replies

Yesss, I just paid my phone bill 2days ago and now, no on can hear me when I call, most of my text messages are not delivered to whomever I text, I wasnt getting any of my notifications. I hate it here!

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

No complaints with my service.  T-Mobile is a business and that business requires money to provide the awesome services we pay for.  

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

no issues on my end..my data connection and speeds are on par with my home net and as of recently works better lol.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

That's all companies.

Userlevel 1

They give good lip service. Trying to get a real resolution out of them is impossible. You get someone that gives the same scripted troubleshooting steps but can provide no critical thinking. Basically, all I get from them is "looks good from my house" 
