
5g gateway constant reboot issues and T-mobile STILL hasn't sent me another one!


It’s been well over 2 weeks since I requested another gateway to replace the one I have that is constantly rebooting. My local store told me to kick rocks and the online/phone support team assured me they’d get another one sent out and allegedlly confirmed my shipping address over the phone… but nothing.. meanwhile the thing hasn’t magically fixed itself. I’ve got it sitting on top of a fan which helps some, but it’s still rebooting at least 5 times and hour.. please someone at T-mobile look into this.. this is maddening! (just in the time to type this is restarted) 

10 replies

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@NorthMissUser your situation sounds frustrating. Have you tried to do the self-problem solving approach? If not, try to reset the gateway to factory specs and use the T-Mobile Internet app to re-setup the gateway. You can use the link below and scroll to page 18. Then, use the Placement Assistant to place your gateway in the most ideal location between your gateway and your cell tower.

I hope this helps.


@NorthMissUser your situation sounds frustrating. Have you tried to do the self-problem solving approach? If not, try to reset the gateway to factory specs and use the T-Mobile Internet app to re-setup the gateway. You can use the link below and scroll to page 18. Then, use the Placement Assistant to place your gateway in the most ideal location between your gateway and your cell tower.

I hope this helps.

Yes to all of this.. and then some. (I had thought it could be some sort of signal issue making it restart to acquire a better signal, but even with “excellent” it still restarts. Second thought was overheating, thus it’s sitting on top of a filter fan at the moment) I strongly think it’s just junk hardware. My local store QUICKLY shut down my attempt to swap with them or have them do anything with it, so I get the impression they’ve had enough complaints about them so they’re now hostile when an existing customer has issues. Chatted and called support and after reading online, apparently they get good points if the customers don’t call back for so many days, so they (looks like) lied to me to get me to not call back in, even going so far as to “take my address”. So at the moment I’m a little upset with the service I’m getting. 


Thanks for your suggestion though. 

THIS IS HAPPENING TO US AS WELL!!!! This is our fourth tower! We LOVE the home internet because it is VERY cost-effective and we live down a dirt road where neither Comcast nor Verizon will tread! We’ve had a home internet tower since August 2021. ABSOLUTELY ZERO ISSUES for the first year! WONDERFUL!! We couldn’t have been happier to finally have an actual whole-house network! But then in the Fall of 2022, the tower starting restarting itself on its own, at random times. It went from a couple of times each week, to several times per hour. Fast forward two years and four towers later, we are still having the issue, but I have some suspicions about a few contributing factors. Take a look at them and see if anything looks hinky for you as well.

  • The problem seems to get worse while (and for hours after it’s off) my VPN for work is open. In the morning it might restart once or twice, but after I open my VPN it goes up to 6-7 times per hour! Disclaimer … My husband says it is sometimes really bad when I am working on site as well, so my work computer is not online and my VPN is not open.
  • I have scheduled devices to be off the network during the day (Tesla Wall charger, Tesla, some Alexa devices, etc.) using the app. This has helped a little.
  • Periodically factory resetting and setting up the 2.4 and 5.0 networks again helps for a couple of weeks. It never lasts, but it’s bearable for a little while.
  • I did some research and looked at which network frequencies are better for certain devices (e.g. Echo Show 15 performs better on 2.4 Ghz, while my Dell laptop connects to the 5.0 Ghz better, etc.) Setting up the two distinct networks and then connecting specific devices to each network has helped A LITTLE. 

NONE of these tricks have completely gotten rid of the issue, and I REALLY wish T-Mobile would figure out what is causing this phenomenon. After HOURS (15+ total) on the phone with them about THIS specific issue, I am no closer to understanding what the issue is and whether or not it is within my means to address.

Our neighbors further down the dirt road from us don’t have this same issue. After four towers and countless hours, I am burned out! I’ll stick with this until something better comes up I guess. I really like T-Mobile, but the same as I switched TO them because the price and service were great, I’ll switch FROM them if this issue is not addressed and another carrier can offer me affordable and reliable internet access. It has become ESSENTIAL for our daily lives (TV, work, training, home-based business, etc.)

Hope some of this info help you in some small way! :o)

Please post any discoveries you make on this phenomenon as well. Would LOVE to get other perspectives (successes and failures) :o)



I've been having tower issues. Bet you can't guess last reply I received. Tower internet issues in my area. I find that hard to believe since I sit when hurricane Ian came through and Power Substations that gives out power to the lines to your house were completely destroyed and had to be rebuilt, some including concrete pads, this all done in under a week. My gateway issues have been going on before that hurricane hit in 10 of 2022.

I've had this problem since day one and the store says they can't do a replacement and I have to go through support. Call support and run through a bunch of bs things to try and then they say they'll see if I can get approved for a replacement. It's been 3 years, I'm about to drop the service and go back to Xfinity.

They can't troubleshoot anymore because since they pulled that, everyone has their own team, there no longer is tech support. They teach each employee something different. The internet person tried to tell me they don't and never have had a hotspot device, they have 2.

After hours of research since they was of no help, I figured out I need the wi fi device that has a separate antenna to purchase. They almost, I stopped it, had me purchase an antenna I would never, so far never,  have a device to plug it in. 

Then this last go around they was to send me a certain wifi device, not the Antena one or the silver trash can that I have now. So i will be if they didn't send the trash can one and it didn't even work. When you start it up and the dot lights run across the bottom, that never happen, it was stuck.

Trying to return the thing again, another nitemare.  

I was told several years back when my first trash can started acting up that they are only good for a year or so and when the new 1 they was sending begins acting up, just tell them what I was told. 3 hours on the fone. 

I've been with them 20 years and I've got 4 devices but nothing more than calling t mobile because the one and only thing you can count on is a long time on the fone wasting your time. I've had fone calls that would start in the evening and go the entire nite. 

I read they will tell people the tower is being worked on. My tower is almost brand new. Went down in a hurricane. But every few months my starts up and I have to call in and have a hissy fit and a miracle happens, immediately it stops acting up. 

I'm pretty close to taking all of it else where. Why should I be loyal when they won't send me a decent wifi device, the trash can is getting weeded out I read, but will send a new customer or new wifi order a new one but to with a 20 year customer. I'd like to know the percentage of new customers stay 20 plus years.




Finally got this taken care of. Called 611 instead of dealing with support via chat. Found out that support via chat has no clue what to do. Also.found out that if you want reliable service go to a corporate owned shop. Found out that when I had my account set up the franchise store used a bogus address for area of coverage check ans kept that as my home address. Chat support never confirmed my address and shipped a replacement to the bogus address.

 Tech on 611 had me take my wifi gateway to a corporate store and had it swapped out in 10 minutes.

I think its T-mobile doing this  I’ve noticed a pattern after 24 hours of connection I have to reboot the router/Internet box.  I have spoke with them extensively about the 1.2 Terrabyte reduction of speed policy call the fair use policy.  Thats what they call it on thier end.. I call it a speed cap…. I haven’t used more than 1.2 T for months now  and the speed has not returned until I call them. and then in 2 hours drops back down….  So I think its them struggling to find bandwith on leased lines.   

The problem was my router not anything T-Mobile was doing doing. I've had no restarts or slow downs since getting a new router, I services running 24/7 through the router.


Well I guess I’ll have to take mine in  I was getting 300 down and 60 up.. the tech at T-mobile told me it was their fair use policy and anytime one goes above 1.2 Terrabytes.  they’ll slow you down.. then I got 100/30.  Even though I’ve cut back usage.. they won’t up the speed back..  but maybe I need a new router too.   because when I reboot the router I get back speed.. then in about 30 minutes its gone back to a crawl


