
Can't connect to work VPN using Sagemcom Fast 5688W Gateway

  • 4 January 2023
  • 9 replies

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We got the Sagemcom Fast 5688W Gateway model for Home Internet, however, we can’t connect to the work VPN. We called customer support twice and their responses were that “we don’t provide any support to VPN”. The IT support of my company asked us to inquire about some settings and configurations to T mobile support and the response was that “this is a plug and use device. All you can see is the information on Home Internet App. We don’t know more than you do.”

After some research on the community, it looks that some Firmware versions were released to specifically address the VPN issues, but it was for the Nokia gateway not the Sagemcom gateway, We wonder if T mobile can release similar Firmware updates to the Sagemcom gateway to address the VPN issue ASAP, such as,

  • Resolves VPN tunnel protocols IKEv2/L2TP/IPSec
  • Improves known issues: Cisco AnyConnect VPN; GlobalProtect VPN connection issues; Degraded experience

9 replies

I have the exact same issue with the Sagecom. I use IKEv2. I posted about it here

and here


T mobile support was abysmal, so I took the liberty of researching it myself, and what I found is that the T Mobile router is blocking inbound ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload) packets, which means that even though I’m “connected” to the VPN, and am requesting webpages and such, no information ever makes it back to my computer.


Dear T Mobile, PLEASE fix this, or at least look into it, instead of dismissing it as a “third party” issue. It is not.

Userlevel 1

I have the exact same issue with the Sagecom. I use IKEv2. I posted about it here

and here


T mobile support was abysmal, so I took the liberty of researching it myself, and what I found is that the T Mobile router is blocking inbound ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload) packets, which means that even though I’m “connected” to the VPN, and am requesting webpages and such, no information ever makes it back to my computer.


Dear T Mobile, PLEASE fix this, or at least look into it, instead of dismissing it as a “third party” issue. It is not.

Thanks, hooperdev! After I posted the issue, I went to a store to ask if they have the Nokia model, the store associate was not supportive to my idea of changing model, but they made a call anyway and found that the Nokia model is out statewide (I am in CO). I guess we need to voice up for this issue and the releases to fix the VPN issue on the Nokia model was because a lot of complaints were pouring to t mobile and they have to fix it to get new customers. But this Sagemcom model is newer model, not sure how soon t mobile is willing and will add similar release to fix the VPN issue.. Just based on the customer support response, not very promising..

I also am having this issue.  I just received the Sagemcom Fast 5688W Gateway yesterday and cannot connect to my VPN via work.  Has there been any updates to this from seven months ago?

I just signed up for home internet and have the same issue - ironically, it works if I use my phone as the hotspot, but the Sagemcom router won’t let me connect to my company VPN.  This is disturbing.

I thought I was having an isolated incident but seems everyone is having the same problem.

I'm still in my 15 day trial so looks like canceling is my only option.

We had the Kvd 21 for a year with no issues. Then the internet connection woul drop and the tvs would buffer and the work computer would lose connection. After the third call to TMobile tech support the recommended replacing the gateway. Got a new Fast 5688w from the corporate store and thought my issues would resolve…wrong. Everything connected fine except the work laptop. Shows connected to the internet but will not pass info through… assuming due to use of vpn. If I can’t find a new Kvd21 I guess I’ll have to find another provider. What a shame that TMobile would lose customers rather than fix this issue.


I have opened a thread 8 month ago about this issue. It’s here:


I found out that the problem could be solved with another router. I have bought it, but didn’t find the time to install it until now. This is the router: 5G Cheetah - Wi-Fi 6 Router.

Thank you for this thread. We switched to T-Mobile home internet several months ago. The speed and reliability has been a significant improvement for us. UNFORTUNATELY the office VPN plaque began. I provide application support remotely so losing access to the office VPN has been brutal. 

After about 6 calls to tech support we finally found a tech that knew exactly what the vpn issue was. He wrote a ticket for engineering to send out the fix for our Fast gateway. 3 days later the same tech called as promised. Seems that engineering is working on sending out a nationwide fix but no date is known. This issue is at least a year old and still ongoing. Great customer service TMobile…
