
Masking SSID on 5G Home internet gateway


Is it possible to set masking (hiding) of the SSID for the 2.4GHz and 5GHz signals on the home internet 5 G gateway?  This is more secure than just having your SSID blasted all over and hoping someone isn’t trying to get in your wi-fi system.

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Is it possible to set masking (hiding) of the SSID for the 2.4GHz and 5GHz signals on the home internet 5 G gateway?  This is more secure than just having your SSID blasted all over and hoping someone isn’t trying to get in your wi-fi system.


Which gateway do you have, the Nokia, or Arcadyan?


One is easy, the other much harder.



Arcadyan....doesn't seem to be much user control in the interface

Userlevel 6
Badge +9

Arcadyan....doesn't seem to be much user control in the interface


You have the hard one.  The settings you seek are currently only available through a backdoor method.


The following video explains the method to reach these hidden settings:


Hidden Settings - Arcadyan KVD21 T-Mobile 5G Home Internet


Change “isBroadcastEnabled” from true to false, for each band.


Courtesy iTinkeralot



Thanks....hopefully they make this easier in a future firmware update.   These have been standard wifi controls forever.
