
Bait and switch - misinformation from phone agent

Userlevel 1

When I signed up five new lines with T-Mobile, I was told by Deaven, the phone agent, that he could give me $400 off a new iphone “now” or if I go into a T-Mobile store that would give me $800 off. I went to the store and was told that the information was not correct and they could only give me $400. I then called costumer supports again, and was told that I misunderstood what Deaven told me. I then called back again and was told that not only was I not getting $800, or $400 of I was only going to get $175, I then asked to speak with a manager. She told me that I was eligible for “Keep and Switch” promotion, in which I would be able to get $800 for each phone line I have. She sent me the link to sign up, and said she’d call me back in an hour. I read the terms of “Keep and Switch” and she was incorrect it only pays for remaining balances from my previous carrier, so she lied as well, and never called back. I received a text asking how was my experience, and I gave 0 out of 10, so today I received a call from another manager and after explaining my turmoil with her staff, she said, “I know how you feel, but there is nothing I can do.” How do I go about reaching T-mobile cooperate to complain? 

11 replies

Userlevel 1

Good luck!  Bait and Switch…..I’m sure that’s not the first time T-Mobile has heard that, esp since I just told them the same thing this past week.  After 22 ½ years with Sprint/T-Mobile, I switched.  Never in my 22 ½ years did I feel like Sprint was actually trying to take advantage/rip off their customers like I have this first time with T-Mobile.  Shady business practices with bait and switch promotions.  Let’s not talk about the small print T-Mobile, if there’s many people saying the same thing, it’s a pattern of deceit.  Shame on you T-Mobile.  Over 21 and a half years with Sprint and I stuck with them.  You can’t even keep a long-term customer for a year.  Shady, shady.  I cut my mom’s phone off (who passed away in October) and you had the audacity to want to charge me more for cutting it off.  That was the final decision maker…...and your CLERK acted as if she was doing me a favor with a $10 credit.  Laughable.  Good luck going out of business with those kinds of dealings!

Userlevel 1

This must be a practice being done by T-Mobile. It happened to me too.  The agent gave me a price and after I accepted the price, it was more than doubled. I have been trying to get in touch with T-Mobile Corporate Headquarters, however, no one answers me. I am planning on taking this to the next level. Anyone that is experiencing this Bait & Switch tactic by T-Mobile should contact their state’s attorney general and file a grievance with the FTC. If you are interested in joining me, I live in VA and will be doing just that.. Feel free to contact me.  Here is my email


Again this is familiar happening. I was signed up for this plan and after a lot of calls I  received the cost of getting out of my verson contract. Plus I  was suppose to get a third line free. Despite numous assurances still not resolved. Their customer care are very nice, but problems are never solved.

Userlevel 2

Same has happened to me and now collections calls are starting to come in because they don't want to work with me. They lied and said two phones and a computer free. Nothing is free with this company. They expect me to stay with them when they have zero service in my area. I will not pay to not have service that's dumb. You can never return anything and then get stuck with a huge bill at the end. Buyer beware. Customers stay away. 

2nd time running that I didn’t get what was being offered by the rep in store. Fool me once… But this time I took notes. Didn’t help. T-Mobile is deceptive at the store level. Only make your promotion purchases for equipment and service online. Or better yet, fire them if you aren’t enslaved to them for equipment payoff.

I am also the victim of T-Mobile’s bait and switch scam. I was promised certain promotions when I signed up, then when I tried to get my promotions, they told me that I needed to upgrade to a more expensive plan. I would recommend that everyone report T-Mobile to the FTC.

TMOBILE’s bait and switch practice should STOPPED. 
This company should be reported to the business bureau. 

I’m one of the recent victims along with my sister and few of my friends when we all decided to switch to T-Mobile. I was offered  a bogo deal on the phone, with a hotspot device ,  and a privacy temper glass for the screen for free. We were quoted the price that we will be paying every month. When the 1st bill came, they charge us for all the device including the privacy phone screen. On top of it, there’s a monthly added fee for the hotspot device. If I’m not wrong, an additional $40/ month! When my sister went back to the store, the other Cust Svc rep said that if we want to change the promo that was offered to us, we need to physically hand back the phone to the store!!!

The customer Svc rep though tried his best to adjust the price and was very helpful. The store manager in the Queens Blvd store did a follow up call and was very apologetic. However, what T-Mobile is doing to the consumers is very unfair. And on top of it, they keep getting away with it.

On the hope of saving some bucks by switching to T-Mobile, I now realized that it was a big mistake. I should have stayed with AT&T :-(






Bait and switch for sure. When signing up for the service as ask if she would email the pricing for my records and she said she is unable to. I was hesitant to switch without the pricing in an email but she was convincing that this was what I would be paying. I tried several times contacting customer service after my first billing cycle as my bill was $100 more than quoted. They apologized but said they can't give me that pricing after I ported over phone numbers.  Live and learn. I will always have a negative opinion of T-Mobile from this experience. 

The government gives these company the right to treat us poorly. I am with Sprint for 20 plus years and never had a problem until TMOBILE take over. I Spoke with multiple representatives before making my trade and then after then trade was completed someone else told me the plan has changed, even though it was in black and white. They are a bait and switch company and need to be held responsible for their lack of credibility.

Same has happened to me and now collections calls are starting to come in because they don't want to work with me. They lied and said two phones and a computer free. Nothing is free with this company. They expect me to stay with them when they have zero service in my area. I will not pay to not have service that's dumb. You can never return anything and then get stuck with a huge bill at the end. Buyer beware. Customers stay away. 

Same here in Mt pleasant texas

Bait & Switch indeed! I am so disgusted with T-Mobile. They use to be a great company, but now they are crooks! I was told We could upgrade our phones on a special promotion. After I received the phones, and made about a dozen calls to see why I was being charged, they told me the agent made a mistake when offering the promotion and that I had to pay for the phones. They also told me that my phone that I turned in was broken, which was not true. They sent me a pic of a phone with a broken screen protector on it. They are pathetic liars! I will be contacting my attorney to deal with them. 
