
Can't receive text messages from most sources, including T-Mobile verification

  • 3 October 2021
  • 36 replies

Userlevel 1

Wondering if anyone else is newly having this issue. I found this thread that started two years ago but still had replies within the last four months and there doesn’t appear to be a solution. 

I spent nearly an hour on the phone with tech support earlier and though we tried a ton of resets on my phone, as well as her manually changing what tower my phone is connecting to, I still cannot receive text messages from most accounts, including T-Mobile verification codes. Tech support had to text the other phone on our account so I could verify it was me. 

Many things require two-factor authentication these days, so I can’t just go forward not receiving texts. Tech support said they would monitor my account for 48 hours, but wouldn’t be able to tell if I was being sent messages that ultimately weren’t getting delivered, so I’m not sure what the monitoring is going to do. I’m searching for any type of solution at this point. I feel like someone ought to be able to hit the master reset on my phone number and start from scratch. I can’t imagine how a phone number could essentially be corrupted into not being able to receive texts anymore.


I’m having issues with SMS, MMS, and Short Code. Only two people I know have gotten their texts through to me out of ten. Please help!

36 replies

I'm having the same issue, except my texts are going through, I'm just not getting any back. Although I seem to be able to get them from T-Mobile customers.  This has happened to me so much over the last few years, I don't really understand why it hasn't been resolved. 

I'm having the same issue, except my texts are going through, I'm just not getting any back. Although I seem to be able to get them from T-Mobile customers.  This has happened to me so much over the last few years, I don't really understand why it hasn't been resolved. 

I am having the same issue as you. I can send but can’t receive. I was able to receive from a fellow customer, but that’s it.

I'm having the same issue, except my texts are going through, I'm just not getting any back. Although I seem to be able to get them from T-Mobile customers.  This has happened to me so much over the last few years, I don't really understand why it hasn't been resolved. 

I am having the same issue as you. I can send but can’t receive. I was able to receive from a fellow customer, but that’s it.

Sorry, but you said it happened before? Did it fix itself or how did you fix it?

I guess after some time, it works again. But this happens sporadically, I would say at least twice a month. 

I've chatted with TMobile a little bit ago, but they can't give me a solution. A technician is supposed to call me shortly....

I'm  having same issue, I can text out but I am not receiving any incoming texts, including direct from T-Mobile Verification; I had to get code by email.

t-Mobile, you folks monitoring this thread?


Userlevel 1

My T-Mobile verification texts just arrived 5 hours late. And now a few minutes later, it seems the dam has broken and I’m getting bombarded by everything I missed over the past 30 hours or so. Not sure if I’m out of the woods, but it seems I’m sending and receiving instantly now. Crossing fingers, though I still wish there was an obvious solution. 

Hope you all get yours figured out soon. Again, it was about 30 hours since I first noticed the issue before everything came back. 

My T-Mobile verification texts just arrived 5 hours late. And now a few minutes later, it seems the dam has broken and I’m getting bombarded by everything I missed over the past 30 hours or so. Not sure if I’m out of the woods, but it seems I’m sending and receiving instantly now. Crossing fingers, though I still wish there was an obvious solution. 

Hope you all get yours figured out soon. Again, it was about 30 hours since I first noticed the issue before everything came back. 

Thanks for the update.

Userlevel 2

I have had problems since this morning. I send out texts, my client (Chomp) requests an ack and receives (confirming it is going out). Others are receiving my texts, even on TMO but I am not receiving any texts at all. Using DIGITS app shows missed messages. Agent earlier this afternoon said this problem has been observed across the country. Before this, I have tried rebooting phone, clearing cache, using default messaging app, even getting tech support to redirect me to a better tower (like a PRL update), btu nothing so far has worked. Interesting thing is I have 5 other lines on my account and none of them are having the problem. I have a Note20Ultra if that makes a difference.

Userlevel 2

UPDATE: I am now receiving messages from this morning. I am getting some duplicates, but better than losing the messages. I am texting myself about once every hour, and I still haven’t received these yet so the queue seems to be clearing.

Userlevel 2

UPDATE2: I called again yesterday and was told the problem would be fixed by 5AM EST 10/4/2021. I did seem to get all my missed messages between 5 and 6:20AM, so problem receiving messages seems resolved. I was told that it only affected newer Android phones (I have SGN20Ultra). It could have been some kind of weird 5G hiccup, but who knows. Just glad it seems to be resolved!

I'm unable to receive sms

I spoke to tech support and we still couldn't rectify 

Does anyone have solution?

Having same issue of not receiving texts. When I reboot the phone all of the texts come through at once. Been going on for several weeks now. Samsung A715G.

We are having the same issue -- intermittent issue with receiving calls and text messages (but not sending).  It appears to be an issue (at least for us) related to Carrier Hub Magenta software.  While T-Mobile tech support has been able to replicate the problem, they have had zero luck resolving it.  Countless reboots, two factory resets, manual tower reassignment -- we can fix it by manually deleting contacts and then importing them again, but as soon as the phone connects to a new tower, it goes back to the same intermittent issue.  Oddly, it does not seem to have any structure to which texts are dropped and from whom.

I was running the same issue and testing my phone I found this to solve it. You have to verify Settings - Network & Internet, then be sure your Private DNS is Off. Using private DNS provider hostname can block SMS in both directions, that is an option some people use to stop spam and incoming call machine. I hope it could be work for the community.

I'm having the same issue. I can send just fine but I'm not receiving texts. I checked my usage on TMobile and it says I'm receiving incoming messages but I don't actually receive it.


I've reset and tried everything (private DNS off also doesn't work). I escalated this to an engineer with TMobile but it's getting out of hand. 


Is this a recent issue with TMobile or what's happening? 

I've been having the same issue, I was trying to do two factor verification by getting text or phone call and the phone calls kept going to my voicemail. I would get notification of a new voicemail but never got the call. Finally got frustrated and turned off the Wi-Fi and had to go outside the building I was in and then it worked. Been having this problem for a while too

I was having the same issues upon migration from Sprint two weeks ago. No two factor authentication from google or investment firms, banks, etc. A few personal texts were days late.

A SIM card change fixed the issue.

The only issue remaining is a broken T-Mobile app. The app refuses to work for me. It doesn’t appear that tech support is working on the app since they always tell me it’s not something they’ve heard about. 

SOLVED: Verification codes come through as what’s called “short code”. This is an add on feature that must be manually added/turned on by each customer by calling customer service to turn this feature on for their line. Most cell phone providers already have this feature turned on but in an effort to reduce spam being sent to your phone number, T-Mobile has it turned off automatically. So the customer must call in and specifically ask for “short code” to be turned on. 

The last response is  correct. I was not getting many texts.  Reason, for some reason i had the Tmobile blacklist feature turned on, which was blocking texts from unknown sources.  Very strange feature, considering i was unable to get the verification codes from doctors, banks, businesses.  All about shortcodes.  Simple resolution is to call Tmobile and have them turn blacklisting off. 

I have the same problem. I have a Pixel 6 that does not receive sms messages but can send them. The issue is not handset specific because I swapped Sim cards with another pixel 6 and the issue transferred to the other phone.  It also only occurs with standard sms messages, not enhanced rich messages. 

I am able to resolve the issue temporarily by putting my Sim card into a different model phone. The texts come through, then I can transfer the Sim card back to the pixel 6 phone. 

Userlevel 1

I’m having the same issue with iPhone. Texts will send but stopped receiving suddenly mid-conversation and has been blackout since. It’s been nearly 36 hours since last message received. They get my messages but I get nothing. Tech support confirmed short codes on account were OK. I was able to receive texts from wife (android) until earlier today but even that doesn’t work. Have an engineering ticket in but ready to just cancel T-Mobile after 20 years at this point. 

I switched from Verizon to T-mobile and got a new Android (Samsung G A 53 G5) - had an Android before this as well.  Now I am receiving text messages except from users who have an iPhone and are with Verizon. 

So far the IT people have not been able to help me but I have another appointment with them tomorrow.

Any clue what I can from my end?

Userlevel 1

I’m having the same issue with iPhone. Texts will send but stopped receiving suddenly mid-conversation and has been blackout since. It’s been nearly 36 hours since last message received. They get my messages but I get nothing. Tech support confirmed short codes on account were OK. I was able to receive texts from wife (android) until earlier today but even that doesn’t work. Have an engineering ticket in but ready to just cancel T-Mobile after 20 years at this point. 


Update to my particular scenario. We went to a T-Mobile store to swap SIM cards and did the same type of troubleshooting as the helpdesk agents - and ultimately had no resolution on the current device. To try to fix, we finally traded in the iPhone for a new one - but even without restoring from back-up the same problem continued. We had stumped both the troubleshooting team members. We then tried switching our plan to Magenta to basically reset the entire phone number - no luck. After about 2.5 hours we left and the issue continued. I then filed an informal complaint with the FCC to start the 30 day clock for a written response (more on that later). I called in later that evening to try and get an update on the engineering ticket, but didn’t get anywhere. All the agents kept mentioning was that there was some type of outage in the tower near my home location - which… being a mobile device and the issue travelling everywhere with me (even through multiple states) didn’t make a lick of sense to me and seemed like a convenient way to get me to hang up. 

I finally resorted to sending a message (i could send, not receive) letting them know I was unable to get texts of any kind and will let them know once resolved. (embarassing). 

Fast forward to 2 more textless days (was actually getting kind of used to not having texts) and suddenly I got a shortcode asking to confirm my account. I tested texting back and forth with other people and the issue magically resolved itself! However, I did not get any of the texts from the previous 5 days. 😑 However, I have continued to receive text messages. 

Later that day, I called the support line again just to see if there was any actual activity or if it was happenstance. I FINALLY was transferred to the actual engineering guys in Atlanta and talked to the nicest guy ever. He looked everything up and confirmed my physical home address. I asked why everyone keeps asking that and how a tower being updated/out of service has anything to do with a mobile phone line. He explained that depending on when the actual tower was taken offline and the status of what my phone was connected to, the networking components can get stuck thinking it only wants to connect to that particular tower. Resetting the location on the network *should* clear it out which he did. Did the agents prior to him do this? Possible… but they didn’t really give any details on what all they tinkered with on their end. After a full reset again we were hoping to get a barrage of the old texts - but when that didn’t happen, he said there was nothing really more he could do as SMS is not accessible even to engineers. Possibly doing all of the resets, swapping SIMS, phones, and even the phone plan probably didn’t help the situation. He also said that if you are a long-time customer (20+ years) to immediately just ask for a manager if you don’t get your issue resolved right away. Overall, while being a frustrating situation - this particular employee (and the store staff) were superb customer service and made a frustrating situation more tolerable and I was satisfied the issue was fixed and how to make noise in the future if it happened again. 

Now for the FCC informal complaint resolution. Similar to a previous post that gave me the idea of even submitting, once you submit - the complaint is forwarded to an executive team for resolution. I didn’t hear anything back for nearly 25 days (the deadline is 30 days) but finally did get a call from that team. I gave him a recap of everything that happened and that the issue was fixed and hasn’t been an issue since - but was extremely irritating as nearly everything now relies on SMS multi-factor authentication (by default). I didn’t ask for anything, but they did comp our bill which was appreciated. The FCC complaint process does give you a step by step update each time any activity happens, so I would recommend filing this if you do encounter a significant problem that appears to be service provider related (after ruling out your device/settings/home network is not the root cause). 

Long story short - if this happens again, or has happened to you my key learnings were: 

  • follow the support process and jump through each of the little tech hoops - if only to rule out a specific issue. I factory reset my phone about 10x trying to make sure it wasn’t some app or setting on my iPhone. This was aggravating, but I am also in IT and know this is important to rule every checkbox off the list. 
  • Go to a physical store and explain what you’ve done and if they have any other tricks - namely swapping out the SIM card or resetting your plan. 
  • If you don’t get anywhere and they do have an engineering ticket placed- ask to be transferred directly to the engineering team. Not sure if they are only in Atlanta - but it was obvious that i had reached a different team when he answered with something like “hi - this is Bob from T-Mobile Atlanta team… what can i help you with?” 
  • If you do have a problem that isn’t being addressed and corporate should know about it - file an informal FCC Complaint. 
  • As a last resort, and no resolution - i would most likely have tried getting a brand new phone number with T-Mobile before switching. We have been long-time customers and have had zero issues outside of minor annoyances (usually sales people related). 

Apologies for the long update, but wanted to give resolution to my personal story as many times you hear others complain with the same issue, but never how it actually was fixed. It wasn’t easy - and still not 100% clear what fixed it - but crazy things happen sometimes. On to the next problem in my life! 


@Madrone77  Did you ever get your issue resolved?   I have having the same issue.  Thanks!

@Madrone77  Did you ever get your issue resolved?   I have having the same issue.  Thanks!

Yes, I think it resolved itself.  I was on the phone for about 1 hour with Verizon people who couldn’t help me any further but they were very, very helpful.  And then I was on the phone again with someone at T-Mobile who didn’t know what it was.  However, by the next day I started to receive some text messages and, as far as I know, I am receiving all messages now.
