
how to improve signal and speed on home internet¿

  • 3 December 2021
  • 34 replies


I'm only getting about 25 to 45 Mbps down and similar up. I keep seeing people get in the 200s down! How can I get those kind of speeds? I'm not very far from a tower and I've tried the Nokia Gateway all over the house!

34 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +5

Remember, when dealing with signal values they are typically negative numbers. So -89db can be an order of magnitude better than -92db.


Connection info


Primary Signal B2

RSRP -108dBm


RSRQ -13dB

RSSI -77dBm


Secondary Connection n71

RSRP -92dBm

SNR 12dB

RSRQ -12dB

Userlevel 5
Badge +5

Yeah... need to dial in better numbers for the 4g side.  That is going to dramatically limit the symbol rate it allows.  Those 5g numbers on a straight 4g line would easily get you symbol rates that could break 100 by 30 provided there wasn't a lot of congestion.


You may want to try some tests to some other destinations too to get a better idea of how things look.  The screwy CGNAT/XLAT464 tunneling they do (sort of like a VPN) can really screw up geolocstion and routing stuff.  The "closest" location that those tests tend to select can be pretty bad... Laden with congestion.


Mine will pick spots in NC/GA (I am in SC), and often may come in around 60/15... but I can test 80/20 or better to Seattle (CenturyLink) or somewhere off the wall like Montréal or Toronto.


In other words, sometimes it isn't the wireless bogging you down, but the congestion, be that localized traffic or the routing/peering further upstream

Userlevel 5
Badge +5

May want to focus more on the "quality" indexes.  Can have a "good" quality connection at 105 RSRP, provided the other indexes are strong.

The more usable headroom within the wave form, the better the CQI value can calculate, which impacts the symbol rate it will try to run.


I can get the same throughput at 90 as I can at 96, provided the noise and other metrics stay strong.

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

You have nothing to lose but to try.  I sent my “can” back, a few days later  my brother got one around the corner and he got great numbers.  I re-ordered it.  Meanwhile I watched every video on the net and I called T-Mobile and was transferred to a T-Mobile engineer,  he told me the “can” doesn’t like being in a window or direct sunlight, keep it away.  My kitchen has 2 windows and putting it higher was the game changer.  If you have a tall piece of furniture in your living room or dining room give it a try.  It just may be perfect or close.

Hi All,


You’ll have to forgive me, I’m reading this forum and not understanding a ton, but hoping someone’s still watching it. We’ve been having horrific service for the last few days, 3.65mbps down and 0.73 up, and i’m currently sitting next to the gateway. The signal on the can has never been higher than 2 bars, no matter where i go in the house. It resides on in in the SW corner of the house. These are the stats I currently have, no secondary connection whatsoever. Can anyone offer assistance? The LAST thing i want is to return to comcast, but I work from home and we stream everything; can’t have speeds like this. 


Depends on if you are happy with what you have. I installed an external antenna made a world of difference very happy.

Which external antenna did you go with and where did you place it?


You have nothing to lose but to try.  I sent my “can” back, a few days later  my brother got one around the corner and he got great numbers.  I re-ordered it.  Meanwhile I watched every video on the net and I called T-Mobile and was transferred to a T-Mobile engineer,  he told me the “can” doesn’t like being in a window or direct sunlight, keep it away.  My kitchen has 2 windows and putting it higher was the game changer.  If you have a tall piece of furniture in your living room or dining room give it a try.  It just may be perfect or close.

Yea it sitting on a shelf about 6ft high! I'm going to have to try something! It's frustrating and I know I'm just jealous but seeing those with 200 down man it gets to me!




I get over 500, all the time… Tower is 2 blocks from my house with a clear shot out the window

I would like to know how to boost the speed and signal as well.  we had storms in March and we are being told that they have no intention of bringing the service back to its previous functionality.  we have service (crappy and unreliable, but we can use it) so they quote that we used the service so it is the expectation that our quality remains crappy but this should be what we expect.   I don’t currently have another provider in my area-- although the moment we do we’ll be switching our entire account (because if you know there is an issue and choose not to fix it…. well. )  but until then I need to have a more reliable signal and preferable better speeds. 

I have no issue purchasing an antennea or whatever I have to do-- If that is the only option-- what kind of antennea?  Brand? Recommendations?  

Just got my home 5g 2 days ago and have poor speeds. I am trying to follow the advice in this thread, but when I go to, I do not find any options (or mention) of the primary or secondary signal. I have “home”, “networks”, and “support” buttons on the side. Any ideas?

Userlevel 3
Badge +2


You need to move your gateway,  you are on band n71,  you need to be on band n41.

Userlevel 6
Badge +9

Just got my home 5g 2 days ago and have poor speeds. I am trying to follow the advice in this thread, but when I go to, I do not find any options (or mention) of the primary or secondary signal. I have “home”, “networks”, and “support” buttons on the side. Any ideas?


The Arcadyan web GUI is very limited.  You probably need to use the T-Mobile Home Internet app to see the info.


Sorry, I am not finding any of these screenshots on either that app or the webpage ( I have searched both places and do not find any mention of primary networks or any signal readings like what is being shown in many of the previous responses. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +9

Sorry, I am not finding any of these screenshots on either that app or the webpage ( I have searched both places and do not find any mention of primary networks or any signal readings like what is being shown in many of the previous responses. 


On the T-Mobile Home Internet app, go to “More”, “Advanced cellular metrics”.


Userlevel 5
Badge +5

I'm only getting about 25 to 45 Mbps down and similar up. I keep seeing people get in the 200s down! How can I get those kind of speeds? I'm not very far from a tower and I've tried the Nokia Gateway all over the house!


It does not matter how far you are from the tower what matters is signal quality.


Phone app is a bit limited go to on your computer web browser.

First page expand Primary and secondary internet connection signal all that info is needed screen shot ok too.

Then on the left click Status and again expand Primary and secondary cellular network again all that data or screenshot.

Again need 





For both primary and secondary.

And Band for both.

With this info we can help you.


RSRP the lower the number the better.

SNR higher is better on this one.

RSRQ lower is better.

RSSI lower is better.






Speed Tests

Userlevel 5
Badge +5

Primary Signal B2

RSRP -108dBm This is bad you want to get this in the low -90’s

SNR 2dB This is also not good aim to get this at the least 7+

RSRQ -13dB This is ok

RSSI -77dBm Not good needs to be lower


Secondary Connection n71

RSRP -92dBm OK would be nice if it was lower but ok

SNR 12dB decent

RSRQ -12dB ok



So the thing is this crazy gateway needs the 4G LTE to kinda also be solid to hold on to the 5G.

So don't worry about the bars try to figure out where the 4G tower is and the 5G tower is and then get a spot where you improve those Primary reading without making the secoday any worse.


Example my home the 5G tower is 3 miles SW where the 4G tower is .5 miles W. To make matters worse there is a slower 5G tower only 2 miles NW. So my goal was to lock onto the faster 5G to the SW get on the 4G to the W good and totally avoid the 5G to the NW. Not an easy task but I did find a spot that did the trick. You can also call TMHI tech and just ask where the towers are what bands they have they will give you the addresses. Then use Google maps to plot the best angles to your home so you get an ideal of the best spots to test.

BTW with that n71 depending on how far it is the most you can hope for is 200+ down as that is where those towers max out normally. But still that’s better than what you are getting you just need to work on those reading and get some improvement.





Primary Signal B2

RSRP -108dBm This is bad you want to get this in the low -90’s

SNR 2dB This is also not good aim to get this at the least 7+

RSRQ -13dB This is ok

RSSI -77dBm Not good needs to be lower


Secondary Connection n71

RSRP -92dBm OK would be nice if it was lower but ok

SNR 12dB decent

RSRQ -12dB ok



So the thing is this crazy gateway needs the 4G LTE to kinda also be solid to hold on to the 5G.

So don't worry about the bars try to figure out where the 4G tower is and the 5G tower is and then get a spot where you improve those Primary reading without making the secoday any worse.


Example my home the 5G tower is 3 miles SW where the 4G tower is .5 miles W. To make matters worse there is a slower 5G tower only 2 miles NW. So my goal was to lock onto the faster 5G to the SW get on the 4G to the W good and totally avoid the 5G to the NW. Not an easy task but I did find a spot that did the trick. You can also call TMHI tech and just ask where the towers are what bands they have they will give you the addresses. Then use Google maps to plot the best angles to your home so you get an ideal of the best spots to test.

BTW with that n71 depending on how far it is the most you can hope for is 200+ down as that is where those towers max out normally. But still that’s better than what you are getting you just need to work on those reading and get some improvement.




the LTE and 5G tower are the same. its roughly 3 to 5 miles away


I'm only getting about 25 to 45 Mbps down and similar up. I keep seeing people get in the 200s down! How can I get those kind of speeds? I'm not very far from a tower and I've tried the Nokia Gateway all over the house!


It does not matter how far you are from the tower what matters is signal quality.


Phone app is a bit limited go to on your computer web browser.

First page expand Primary and secondary internet connection signal all that info is needed screen shot ok too.

Then on the left click Status and again expand Primary and secondary cellular network again all that data or screenshot.

Again need 





For both primary and secondary.

And Band for both.

With this info we can help you.


RSRP the lower the number the better.

SNR higher is better on this one.

RSRQ lower is better.

RSSI lower is better.

Hi! I am having the same issue, poor speeds and a tower is in sight. 

I read what you wrote, go to modems page IP address but I have no left click ability and cannot expand anything on the root page of

when I go to that IP it gets redirected to: // and all I see is Home, Connection status section where it shows Devices --- Wifi gateway ----- Internet

then below that two boxes, left box shows Connection Quality which says Very good, and right box that says, Gateway and then below it firmware, UI version, serial number, etc.

How do I open the page where it shows RSRP, SNR, RSRQ and so forth?


Userlevel 1

I think I am experiencing tower congestion. Works great during the night but terrible during the day.  
if you know what a Raspberry Pi is there is software on GitHub called internet-pi.  It acquires statistics on any internet connection.  Mine is plugged into a Ethernet jack on the gateway. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +8

If you have the Arcadyan Gateway and the more recent firmware update you will not have any advanced metric information via the web browser interface. You will have to use the mobile application to have more information and be able to manage the Arcadyan gateway. 

The Nokia gateway web UI is much better and allows cellular metric information and admin capability. 

So, getting the cellular metrics depends upon the gateway you have. 


Yea those are about the best numbers as far as cellular strength I can get in my house. I've tried just about every nook and cranny
