
KDV21 signal loss

  • 1 October 2022
  • 7 replies



New at this community.

My KDV21 seems to have a signal loss every 8-12 days. I unplug, wait 20 seconds and re-plug and then it comes back up with usually 4 or 5 (mostly) bars.

Any ideas why this is happening?

7 replies

Downtown and VERY CLOSE to 5G tower, we are experiencing dropped signals every hour, sometimes minutes apart. A week of calls, exchanged Gateway device, resetting, repositioning, hours and hours of frustration has been finally escalated to an engineers’ work order (with no confirmation and no reference number).  Our home business has been disrupted for the entire time. Lost signal TWICE since beginning to type this! Anyone else having dropped signals after a full year of no issues?

Userlevel 7
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There were some posts about the SIM tray and issues with some of the KVD21 gateways. One user removed his SIM card, cleaned the contacts and the disconnects he had been experiencing appear to have been resolved. Powering down the gateway and reinserting the SIM is simple and should not cause undue problems. If the contacts on the SIM are not clean then cleaning them might help. It is worth a shot. 

Some users have also related disconnections to gateways running hotter and have used fans which in some cases seems to help. Those are the two common issues I have seen reported that seem to be disconnect related. Outside some drop of the source signal or an external influence those are two that are simple to try.

Downtown and VERY CLOSE to 5G tower, we are experiencing dropped signals every hour, sometimes minutes apart. A week of calls, exchanged Gateway device, resetting, repositioning, hours and hours of frustration has been finally escalated to an engineers’ work order (with no confirmation and no reference number).  Our home business has been disrupted for the entire time. Lost signal TWICE since beginning to type this! Anyone else having dropped signals after a full year of no issues?


Sorry for your issues degoliaj :(

I am having same/similar issues starting about two weeks ago -- frequent drops complete with a loss of IPv4 Address, modem just shows lost connection (very briefly) and then reconnects and reacquires an IPv4 Address. The disconnect can last 30 seconds to a couple of minutes. My “troubleshoot”ing off the shelf router then has to be completely reset. When using my normal PfSense router no reboot is necessary (it being more robust :) ) mass broadcast packets prior to loss and MULTIPLE bad packets received from the TMobile unit (REplacement modem is also doing it -- the newer modem less frequently) Full four bars when it occurs (i tend to be 4 bars most of the time sometimes dropping to 3 but not when the disconnects occur) troubleshooting is a nightmare -- ruled out ALL my personal network. Happens when I have one connection to the TMobile modem (wireless or wired) and nothing else connected. It seems to  happens more when wired. Wired also shows more bad packets registered as well. Had zero issues with the connection up until about two weeks ago… Am about to switch to another provider even though I loved the service until about two weeks ago… the new router has less to tinker with than the old so i guess that rules out me messing with settings ;) would really like some information about what is going on …

My disconnects started about 1 every 4-6hours roughly 2 weeks ago and was about 3 per hour prior to my modem turn in/swap out.. now is happening about 1 every two hours for about 30 seconds …

and I am phone supported out for the day…. will try again tomorrow...


New at this community.

My KDV21 seems to have a signal loss every 8-12 days. I unplug, wait 20 seconds and re-plug and then it comes back up with usually 4 or 5 (mostly) bars.

Any ideas why this is happening?

Mine is pretty much a 2-3 times a day thing. It's super frustrating having to constantly reset it 

Userlevel 7
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Some people have associated heat related behavior with that signature. If you have a fan you can put on it to draw the heat out you could test that out. It may or may not help. Some users have had issues with the SIM cards and the SIM card tray not holding the SIM well. Usually there is a notification reported in the LED when there are SIM related issues. Still even if you don’t see any SIM notifications you can power off the unit, remove and reinsert the SIM card. If the contacts on the SIM card do not appear to be clean you can clean them before re-insertion. 

It will be difficult to tell if the behavior is due to the gateway or the signal source. I would try reseating the SIM card and see if that helps. 

The tech support has recently latched on to the SIM card solution didn't mention why but they asked me to locate and remove the SIM and then reinsert it and power the unit back on.. I guess hoping it was not quite seated or that you would accidentally clean the contacts during the process?? .. No heat issues here nor any visible issues with the SIM and this would be the second SIM with the same problem in my case .. Today went a lot longer without issues but every 3-4 hours with a disconnect is still well beyond acceptable. Did notice that the SIM part came up on my last two support calls .. and had not heard that before.. TMobile seems to be fumbling for the cause as well or at least the support have started throwing the proverbial spaghetti at the wall….

Userlevel 7
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I know you can get more information from the Arcadyan with the mobile application but it is a bit awkward to me. The link below can get info out of the GW with a browser. It comes from one of Nater Tater’s YouTube videos. Fast and easy to get info from the gateway with it.

It might be useful when the gateway drops the cellular to run the command, assuming the GW still responds to local LAN clients and compare the information before and just after a disruption.

Between the Nokia, Arcadyan, & Sagemcon gateways the Nokia wins hands down for me. My Nokia has been solid all along. Disruptions I have seen were tower related. Then they were frustrating.
