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New customer.  Been through absolute hell placing an order, and getting the device, then it doesn’t work.

Two hours and 15 minutes on tech support calls (not counting wait for call back) out of the first four hours of ownership.

Saving the further rant for direct main to main office…


Anything I can try, before the return ship?

Do a search on this forum.  It’s a common problem, and there are many posts.  Various solutions have been suggested; some claim they’ve worked. For me, nothing worked. They upgraded the towers near me and the problem went away. Good luck

Thanks for your time.  Have seen that.  Their tech support is mostly a waste.  Starting a letter to the main office (dreamer).

Been escalated to engineering, but nothing comes of it. Maybe when they get around to it…

Versus the return period runs out... 

Such a disappointment.  Potential... 

Is this for the new KVD21 modem ? Sorry for the silly question. I just got it (square version of the Nokia trashcan) and had that happen quite a few time upon first power up. Have you tried resetting it with the tiny button? Then power cycle it a couple of times. Mine is holding steady now for just over 24 hours…. :/


Im rocking this and the old Nokia. I'm on the 4th or 5th Nokia… That one had a lot of random reboots. The newest firmware seems to have fixed the reboots but I cant get consistent good speeds. The KVD looks to have added 30-50% to my connection speed and is more consistent but the jury is still out if its the fix.


Come on Starlink!!

Hi Despite

Yes, KVD on newest .16 firmware.  Been through all kinds of reboots and power cycles, and two gateways.  Their tech support is another dance - same song.  Done their complete routine at least four times.  Won't admit they don't get it until like two hours each time; but have to start at the first step every time.  Claim they have no means to see call logs.

Have to leave it at that.  I just start ranting.  So frustrating...





