
TMO Home Internet with Asus router using much more data than Cox!

  • 25 December 2022
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Wondering if anyone can provide any insight

Was with Cox for 30+ years, Paid for Gigabit --highest speed ever about 160.

Set-up is an ASUS 68U which is plugged into TMO. Have another ASUS router 68P hardwired to the 68U which is located upstairs. AI Mesh. Merlin firmware and I adjusted the MTU to 1420 as many have recommended.

Highest speed I get is 35 upload perhaps 12 download and that speed is even if I try plugging in directly from computer to TMO.  That is just the top I get right now. I have a number of things connected including cameras, phones, computers and tablets and all works. It does seem to get stuck on commercials on YouTubeTV which did not happen with Cox.

I have QOS set up -- manual not adaptive and have left it on. The reason I left it on is with Cox my data would be 1500 GB an dup. Once I configured QOS my data never went over 500 GB per month.

Issue I have had TMP since 12-1. First tower was bad and i sent it back. 2nd tower was set up 12-8 and it is been running since then. From 12-8 to now, 12-25 it shows data of 785 gigs.  Why??? Is it not paying attention to QOS? I

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