
tmobile home internet keeps disconnecting

  • 28 October 2021
  • 24 replies

Userlevel 2

I’ve hade the T-Mobile home internet since may of this year and has been working good until this week where there internet keeps disconnecting and saying no signal then it pops up again and last a couple mins up and disconnects again, I have restarted the router and also reset the router and still the same thing happens. Is anyone else having this problem as well? 

24 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

I did in fact have a problem like you described.  We would lose our internet connection on and off.  I disconnected my Netgear-Orbi 6 wifi mesh system and put it back in the box.  I’m just using the T-Mobile Tower and it is working very good.  Are you sure you are on Software Version: 1.2101.00.1609.  If you are not I was told to push the off button in the back of the tower, then unplug the unit.  Wait 30 minutes and restart.  This will make your tower run a check for any software that needs updating.

Userlevel 5
Badge +5

I’ve hade the T-Mobile home internet since may of this year and has been working good until this week where there internet keeps disconnecting and saying no signal then it pops up again and last a couple mins up and disconnects again, I have restarted the router and also reset the router and still the same thing happens. Is anyone else having this problem as well? 

Many ppl here have similar issue it turns out to be heat and they put a fan under it solves the issue. Give it a try you have nothing to lose all to gain.

This may help or clear up the why it doesn't work and then work. My theory read on.... . So I do not have tmobile phone service. But signed up for the home internet.  I have a t t and what I noticed with att is when 5g acts up it plays all hell with my phones data. I'm connected but it's like it's in limbo mode. So I decided to just leave it on lte±. Now you saying what the heck does this have to do with home internet..... Well tmhi worked great for the first few days then all of the sudden it would do the random disconnect.  OK Google it and figured it's getting over worked and was getting too hot. So I buy do the fan trick that fixed the problem of the heat and the connection so I thought.  Then a few days later it started acting up again. And then my att phone started acting up. I fire off message via Twitter (I find I get better responses-slow but they respond) to both tmobile and att. And I'll be a.... Tmobile says tower is undergoing maintence in your aera and att tells me the same thing. Hummmm..... Well I ride it out and well both are working fine now.  So my theory is this, if what ever band you are on with the tmobile I think if it's in limbo trying to bounce from 5g to lte or vise versa it causes a handshake issue with you other devices and well basically if you look at the tmobile device I will show Signal but the wifi part is basically dead.  So when you power cycle just like anything else it pulls a new ip, and then relocks on what it thinks is the best band for service. I'm convince of it beucsse att fake 5g does the exact same thing on my phone to fix it I have cell service just no internet. I toggle airplane mode and walla it works fine. But I leave it on kte+ and have zerilo issues. Turn 5g on and when it works it great when it goes into wack a mole mode holy!!!!!. So I just leave the phone as lte+ no 5g.So I think the tmobile device is doing the exact same thing.   So depending on where yiur at and what that tower is or isn't doing signal wise when the device trades of which should bee seemless it screws something up and we'll it says it has signal but your devices can not connect. Quick power cycle and it back to normal.…

I have a buddy who has the same thing and he is in the middle of bfe and has not has one issue.  But his speed is not 5g he's always on 4g lte which he fine with he still gets around 70 down.    So in his cases he's not bouncing back and forth.      It's a theory but to me it make the most sense.   It basically a software problem with the can.   Twitter has been my best avenue with tmobile and they have been pretty forthcoming an very helpful with solutions and offered a replacement device, which for me I really don't think is going to fix it design flaw problem.   If I were techie enough maybe you could get into it and only make it work on say 4glte and disable the 5g, then if the problem didn't come back it's a device issue with the switching.      

We have the same issue. It cuts out several times a day. We are using a Netgear router, but if I’m understanding other commentors, we might not need the router.  Before switching to T-Mobile internet, we had to use an extender to be able to have wi-fi for our bedroom tvs. With T-Mobile, we do not need the extender, so I’m wondering if we need the Netgear router at all. We are getting tired of all the disconnecting.

I have the same problem. I was on the phone (for two hours!) with a Customer Service person and we tried everything possible and I got internet service so we got off the phone. Half an hour later, it started again. I don’t know what kind of maintenance they are doing (that was the explanation) but it shouldn’t last for weeks! This has been an ongoing problem for several weeks now. I don’t know what else to do… Very disappointed.

Userlevel 1

I have the same issue. When my connection works it works great but it goes out at random times and comes back on just as random. I don’t use a router as I don’t need too and I have a small house. the unit is next to a window and is not getting hot. I usually notice because my Alexa wont work when it’s out. I’m here looking for answers.

Ive been having the same issues. I will show full service at 5g but will get a no internet or no connection in the upper left on the display.  This does seem to happen when i am using the internet for streaming or uploading more than anything.  The overheating seems like it might be the issue but without being able to check the temperatures inside the unit i cant be sure.  I’ve also noticed a big difference in speeds from one day to the next. I will get 200down/60up one day and then 70dwn/20up the next.  If anyone has figured the connection issue out please let me know.

Starting Friday my router began disconnecting.  It would show a very good signal, but not transmit any data.  It would show the number devices connected, even though all the devices would say the internet could not be found.  Unplugging the unit for 10 seconds would correct the issue, but at best it would last a few hours before I had to unplug it again.  Sometimes it would only stay connected for a few minutes.  The router does not get hot.  The SIM card has been replaced and the router has been replaced, without any improvement.  

Userlevel 1

I have the same issue. When my connection works it works great but it goes out at random times and comes back on just as random. I don’t use a router as I don’t need too and I have a small house. the unit is next to a window and is not getting hot. I usually notice because my Alexa wont work when it’s out. I’m here looking for answers.

I ultimately had to fix my issue by relocating the T-mobile box to a better location. At one point I put it in my basement and even though it said I had very good reception with the outside it was not in good  communication to my TV. So I moved it upstairs and got less bars but it could communicate with my TV better. I have not had an issue since.

Starting Friday my router began disconnecting.  It would show a very good signal, but not transmit any data.  It would show the number devices connected, even though all the devices would say the internet could not be found.  Unplugging the unit for 10 seconds would correct the issue, but at best it would last a few hours before I had to unplug it again.  Sometimes it would only stay connected for a few minutes.  The router does not get hot.  The SIM card has been replaced and the router has been replaced, without any improvement.  

I’ve had this same issue and I have no clue what is going on but it’s starting to really irritate me and I don’t know what to do


I’ve hade the T-Mobile home internet since may of this year and has been working good until this week where there internet keeps disconnecting and saying no signal then it pops up again and last a couple mins up and disconnects again, I have restarted the router and also reset the router and still the same thing happens. Is anyone else having this problem as well? 

I had the same issue as … but when I moved my T-Mob trash can to best place and got very good signal and it rarely disconnected  ( 4 bars )… You should try to find a place got a good signal ...

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

I’ve hade the T-Mobile home internet since may of this year and has been working good until this week where there internet keeps disconnecting and saying no signal then it pops up again and last a couple mins up and disconnects again, I have restarted the router and also reset the router and still the same thing happens. Is anyone else having this problem as well? 

I had the same issue as … but when I moved my T-Mob trash can to best place and got very good signal and it rarely disconnected … You should try to find a place got a good signal ...


lack of signal will force the unit (same goes with phones) to work harder to try and pull in a signal..working harder=it gets hotter.. which for some in here if their signal at best isnt the best they ended up pointing a fan at it to help keep the unit cooler.


Yes… I forgot to tell…. I have a small fan sit under T-Mob trash can …  Thanks

Same issue here.  Was working  fine up until about 2 weeks ago.  Now the signal is down to 2 bars and weak and keeps disconnecting from the server constantly.  Can be working on something and then no internet connection.  T-Mobile Tech said it shows they are working on upgrades in the area and to give it a couple of weeks… T-Mobile phone is not having any issues….just the internet.  I have checked the signal outside all around my home and the signal shows to be -114 dBm  and down to no signal at all and constantly going up & down in strength.  One would think they would be able to tell you if they were having issues due to the Tornado which damaged an area in Sherwood, AR off Kiehl Ave as that seems to be the closest cell tower from what I can find out.

Today I used the T-Mobile Internet APP and set the frequency to 2.4 Ghz to try and see if that would fix the constant disconnection issues, as the coverage map shows me to be on the very edge of the 5G service coverage.  All of my devices still show as connected so they are all on the 2.4 Ghz band anyway.  Will just have to wait and see if this solves the problem.  Speed test shows

 12.17 download and 5.86 upload with tower still showing 2 bars for signal strength.  When I contacted T-Mobile support at my first posting 20 days ago, I was told they were working on upgrades to the system in my area and to give it 2 weeks which I have done but no change in signal strength.  Also, I have tried putting a fan under the tower and have also checked outside for signal strength and signal is still in the -114 db range to no signal all over at locations all around my home although the map shows good 4g LTE coverage and on the very edge of coverage for 5G..

Decided the continual disconnecting of Internet has something to do with the dual band tower so, since all of my connected devices show to be 2.4 Ghz except my Samsung Phone, I set the Modem to 2.4 Ghz   That was about 6 hours ago and so far no loss of internet signal thus far. I suspect that there is a software problem which causes a disconnect when using the dual band and a stronger signal comes in on one band or the other causing it to lose connection when switching to the band with the stronger signal?.

Well, changing the device to 2.4 Ghz helped some but still getting disconnected from internet...still seeing the signal drop to nothing from time to time and only 2 bars most of the time.  Even though the device shows 2 bars, and connected it still has to be rebooted to get internet service back.

Still losing internet randomly and having to reboot the gateway several times in several hours.  Get the same response from T-Mobile….working on updates to the system serving me and give it a week or two.  This has gone on far too long but the problem is there are no other providers apparently without going using a satellite dish for Internet. 


I have read too many reviews concerning satellite internet that I don’t want to get involved in an even more expensive service with just as many issues.  I have tried everything T-Mobile has suggested including setting the gateway to 2.4 Ghz to keep it from trying to switch from 4G LTE to 5G and that doesn’t solve the issue either.  Support can’t seem to understand that the issue is not my Gateway location as the signal is the same db all around the outside of my home.  It worked great for about 6 months but is terrible now due to the number of times a day I have to reboot the gateway and also am disconnected in the middle of doing something and lose all the information I had input and having to start over hoping it will stay connected long enough to finish.  I have an ATT landline phone that is on a Cell Phone box and I am noticing that the signal on it is dropping form 3 bars to 2 bars off and on also, so suspect that all of the issues are due to the changes with the 5 G rollout by all the Tech companies and they don’t have a solution for the issues yet.

Would appreciate any information from anyone that may have a solution even if it means changing provider.

The problem is that this is a wireless connection and not a normal land connection like fiber optics. It all lies in the security protocol where they are using a dynamic IP address which assigned to you by your internet service provider (T-Mobile) and is subject to change. This means that your IP address can and will change each time you connect to the internet, or while you are connected which causes the issue.  This makes it a bit harder for criminal hackers to monitor your online habits.  Until they switch over to a static IP this issue will continue to happen.  Nothing you do on your end will solve the problem as you will see by reading the other posts.  

Starting Friday my router began disconnecting.  It would show a very good signal, but not transmit any data.  It would show the number devices connected, even though all the devices would say the internet could not be found.  Unplugging the unit for 10 seconds would correct the issue, but at best it would last a few hours before I had to unplug it again.  Sometimes it would only stay connected for a few minutes.  The router does not get hot.  The SIM card has been replaced and the router has been replaced, without any improvement.  

We are having the exact same issue. It started about three weeks ago. Very frustrating. Usually unplugging the device works for about 24 hours but all of our devices buffer a lot now. Thinking about getting rid of it.

This disconnecting issue is killing me. It happens at any moment whenever it pleases, including during my online exams. It is very frustrating, and T-Mobile never has the answer.


This disconnecting issue is killing me. It happens at any moment whenever it pleases, including during my online exams. It is very frustrating, and T-Mobile never has the answer.

I really wish T-mobile has the answer. 

Been using tm home internet 3 years on 5G.  Works most all time until recently last few weeks, it will disconnect from internet few minutes then and come back on.  The round-can TM router is not resetting itself and I do not need to reset it, the internet just starts working again after a few minutes of outage.  My next-door neighbor using same setup, and they have same issue.  To me, as a technical expert, this means likely the issue is at the TM tower and/or network to internet backbone.

I tried calling TM support, after hour listen to wait music etc for an hour I gave up trying contact tm.  Then I found this tread and noticed lots of others have the same issue… so likely a tm network issue is going on. 

Even if you got a tm tech rep on the phone, likely they will not know what the core issue is going on the TM network and they’ll waste your time having to reset your router or move it around.

Maybe an tm engineer will read this tread and know pain the issue is causing,  and the fact we have other internet options to change to if issue not resolved very soon!


Mine happens several times a day. Mostly, it does not bother me; it is kind of a reminder to get up and walk around. However, it becomes an issue when I am in an important meeting or watching a live stream, especially when it's getting exciting.
