
why TMobile home internet so bad

Userlevel 3

When I first got my gateway it worked ok 6 months now and it sucks so bad I can't play games and half the time my wife can't even watch her shows without it buffing I think TMobile needs to stop making new stuff and fix theyre crappy service when I get another service in dropping this crap

43 replies

Perform a few checks:

  1.  Use the TMHI ‘app’ to check your general performance - ‘Connection Quality’ on the home tab
  2. On the ‘More’ tab, check the ‘Advanced Cellular Metrics’ - take a look on the 5G tab to see the the RSRQ, RSRP, SINR and Band are.  Band should be N41.  Each entry has a status description as well as status.
  3. File (call) T-Mobile for support  (summer leaves in some places will cause issues with n41 - 
  4. Better location (use the Home page - Placement tool).

Nope. Nothing works. It's garbage.

Save your money. Tmobile home internet is the worst crap ever offered. My wifes work phones hotspot (Verizon) handles our our needs better than this garbage. 

Absolute worst wifi plan ever. Have used this wifi plan for almost 3 months now and for one week it was decently good. But then It went to being worst than my old wifi plan. I have been using tmobile for a phone plan for 10+ years. I later called and they said I reached a limit of wifi usage. I later than got a new gateway and it is still very very bad. I try connecting with ethernet right to my pc from the gateway and it is still worst than my old wifi plan. Overall this is the worst wifi you can possibly get.

T-Mobile SUCKS 


This is possibly the worst internet service ever. We are on our 3rd modem in less than a year and it still keeps going out for no reason. I am sick and tired of their BS excuses and I'm getting ready to drive by their phone place and just chuck it out the window at them! 

Sorry excuse for an internet provider!

Bradford Massachusetts May 2024 internet rocks very good connection 

today 6/21/24 poor signal

support says they working fixing a tower been four weeks going back to Comcast 

also what happened to SONIM xp10 to be offered by T Mobile Auguest 2023 

still not available 

I have spent hours upon hours on the phone with tech support. To no avail. I have gotten 100 different reasons why my service is bad. After the third call I started recording them. I have dozens upon dozens of screen shots of speed tests. I have filed a complaint with the FCC am preparing one for the FTC and our state attorney general as well. I get the limitations of the service but .01mb down and 0 up most of the time is unacceptable. The complaints will probably go no where but perhaps if enough people complain we will be heard. 

The download is slower than a snail and the upload is like finding a fire breathing dragon (non exciting)

When I first got my gateway it worked ok 6 months now and it sucks so bad I can't play games and half the time my wife can't even watch her shows without it buffing I think TMobile needs to stop making new stuff and fix theyre crappy service when I get another service in dropping this crap

This internet sucks so bad dude! I'm originally from South Africa which is a 3rd world country and our internet over there is miles ahead of this. This is like having DOS with dialup. It worked okay for 2 months then they upped the price and now it's crap. 

I have spent hours upon hours on the phone with tech support. To no avail. I have gotten 100 different reasons why my service is bad. After the third call I started recording them. I have dozens upon dozens of screen shots of speed tests. I have filed a complaint with the FCC am preparing one for the FTC and our state attorney general as well. I get the limitations of the service but .01mb down and 0 up most of the time is unacceptable. The complaints will probably go no where but perhaps if enough people complain we will be heard. 

I got the Home Internet at the beginning of the year and it was working just fine up until about a month ago. I've had it less than 6 months and regret the decision now. I feel like I have been scammed.

I could understand it being slow for a day, even a week, but over a month and steadily getting worse?

Just today, It took an hour to download just 2GB of a game. I started the download at 1AM and only had that device connected to the internet. At 2AM I looked and only 2GB had been loaded. I wanted to throw the internet device into the street.

Why was it running fine for just a few months and then service just drops dramatically for everyone who gets it? It seems like they are just milking us for a bit of money and then toning down the internet for users that have had the service longer than 4 months. It's a disgrace. 

Edit: 3:30 in the morning, 2.5 hours since I started my download and I am at 2.5GBs downloaded. Absolute garbage service. 

Yup same here.  I switched from xfinity as it’s so expensive.  was fine at first.  now i have to use a LAN cord to play playstation or the lag is unbearable.  sadly i will be switching back to xfinity.  the lady who helped me was very nice but all she said was yeah….somethings wrong they are working on it who knows when it will be fixed.  bye.    No offer or credit or suggestion of how to proceed.  T-Mobile sucks.   


How is T-Mobile not being sued over this? Using my phone internet to write this because my T-Mobile home internet is useless to the point that you cant load pages. I get if they slow speeds due to high traffic but to the point that you cant even load pages?! And this happens every weekend and every single night! I cant wait until we get fiber here so i can send this trash can back to this fraudulent company who makes some Indians answer the phone and tell you these fake fixes that never work and they know it. 

T-Mobile WiFi home internet is trash. Your hotspot from your phone is better. It’s just complete trash don’t waste your money it’s a scam. I canceled mine. There should be laws against companies scamming people like this.

Worst internet ever. Makes me want to go back to Verizon or sparklight for internet. I can't turn my phone wifi on while my home computer is on. The lag is outrageous and the download and upload is garbage. Sales did a great job upsetting but after use it is horrible. Why do I pay for something that 1) doesn't ever work, 2) can't hook up multiple devices from, 3) makes my entire family frustrated with making a horrible decision based off what a sales rep at the store says. Get you together or customers are gonna leave. I'm not going to continue paying for something that doesn't work. 

Let me see if I have this straight: give up my connected cable with fast downloads and switch to what is essentially the same speed as my phone when it isn’t on WiFi?

There is differently a con job going on with T-mobile. Home Internet was great for 6 months then was useless. 

Ive never seen the same comment from one person after another. This is intentional by Tmobile. We are going to switch back to Verizon. 

I hate to say it but I'm in the same situation. They convinced me to leave spectrum and use them and they said it would be cheaper and much better, it's absolutely garbage. Everything we use has to buffer. I can't believe the company would put their reputation on the line by doing this. They are clearly chopping the internet or doing something.


How can one of the phone companies that has the best Nationwide coverage have the world's worst internet. How can I have amazing phone service and connection but have terrible internet? This is not right and a lot of people are going to leave this company if this doesn't stop.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

doubtful...then again not overly sure what a headshed is..the site is primarily peer to peer assistance with a handful of moderators/admins to keep the site in order only..

I wonder if the headshed at t mobile evem reads these community forums.....


I think i'm starting to experience the same issues that everyone else is.  Supposedly if we're not on a contract we can leave. I'll go back to pay more comcast if I need to.  At least their connections were reliable.

I been having the same issues and can’t seem to get any internet that can make my fire stick and/or other internet devices function properly! This is definitely a regretful decision I made leaving old provider and getting this slow and no service home internet!! I am gonna post bad reviews on any websites and Google for sure about this home internet issue! 

I thought it was bad at 7-9 Mbps.  Had been over 400 for a couple months, regularly.  Evern got to 1.3Gbps one time.  Now? A joke.

 Pages load slowly, and the browser complains about OVERFLOW.

The signal numbers are close, and the box has been in the same spot.  But consistently, even at 7AM, the speed is in the dumper.

Who knew that the honeymoon was over so soon?

WIsh I knew a way to reshuffle the deck a bit.

Userlevel 1

I’m so happy, after waiting an hour at the store, dropped off the gateway after changing over to a crappy spectrum internet package.  While we don’t have great speed 65/15 everything has been up and running for the last few days.  Spectrum is coming out on Wednesday to check the connections but life is good after a year and a half of that terrible Tmobile gateway.

Absolutely useless, the past 3 months I have had no Internet more than I have had Internet. TMO even sent me a new "router". No fixes, it goes offline probably over 40 times a day. But! The router says service is good. 


I'm over wasting money and trying to deal with their technical support.
