
5G network keep dropping

  • 24 April 2023
  • 7 replies


Starting few weeks ago, my 5G network disconnects me out of nowhere.  People can’t call me while I’m not aware of it since most of time I’m on wifi network.  I had to change to plane mode and switch back in order to register my phone with 5G network.  This happens in every few days.  I’ve never had this issue before.  I found out it also happened to my wife’s phone. But, I believe it is worse with my phone.  Both mine and my wife’s phones are Samsung.  It seems like it is not happening my daughter’s iPhone.  Is there anyone having the same issue like mine?

7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Have you tried calling Support and having them do a network reset on their end while you do a network reset on your device?

T-Mobile 5G network is causing me stress , I have never experienced a network that is not meeting customers needs. My internet service will be lost once I leave my home until I return home , so dangerous.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

so is there anyone else with a TMO phone around you when this is happening? is it happening to them as well or just you? and once you leave home how far out must you go before you regain signal? state and zip?

I have a pixel 6, same issue here. Whenever I leave my home wifi, my phone shows no 5G service nor any service all together. I have to reset my home, then it reconnects to the cellular service.

Userlevel 1

Same here. I looked up the issue and the recommended action is a network reset, which I'm having to do constantly now. 

Just bought a new Samsung A25 phone. 5G worked good the first week then started dropping whenever I leave home went to TMobile got a new SIMS and still does same thing 5G goes out and text messages are hard to send through unless I network reset it or go off and on airplane mode.


  Finally found the thread that matches my exact problems!  Samsung A25 owner here.  Last month I started losing network connectivity for no reason.  1st 3 months with the phone were great and now this.  Seems to be worse when on the move between towers...cycles from 5gUC to 5G to LTE and will not pass data.  Have to cycle airplane mode, reset network connections, or restart phone. 

  T-mobile said there was a ticket opened up on a local tower near me and could be causing my issues.  Not sure I buy that because it happens all over the Colorado City I drive in.  They reset my network setting from there end and it worked great that night, until I drove to work the next day. Had A new SIM card installed and it changed nothing. 

  Took my phone to a approved Samsung store and they ran an in depth scan of the hardware and said everything was perfect.  Only thing they seen was the consistent network resets. So what gives T-Mobile?  How about some answers, fixes, or refunds!!!  Not gonna lie, never had connectivity the entire 10 years I was with Verizon.’s always something.  Your coverage maps are not as accurate as you say they are.
