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Fraudulent Sale of My SIM card

  • 11 January 2019
  • 25 replies

Yesterday, someone went into a T-Mobile retail store used a fake California Drivers License to buy a copy of my SIM card.  Fortunately, I received a text message stating that a SIM card had been issued to my account.  I called T-Mobile Customer Service and the Rep told me how I was compromised, helped me change my SIM card and reported the fraud. I was concerned regarding how related accounts on my phone might be compromised. She suggested that i change all passwords used on my phone and tried to connect me to t-mobile fraud prevention.  She was unable to connect me before my call was terminated (dropped).

I called customer service again and a new rep was very helpful and informed me he would try to get someone from fraud to talk to me, then told me that they had gone home but would call me today.  I did not get this call so this morning I called again and was told that I could not talk to the fraud group, they had no contact information to give me and that they would complete a form reporting my problem but could not give me any indication that my case would be escalated to security or fraud prevention.

Here are my questions:

  • Will T-Mobile file a police report regarding the fraud?
  • Will T-Mobile investigate any further?
  • How was this person able to get into my account with a fake ID and what other personal information did this person use to get into my account
  • Will T-Mobile security/fraud ever contact me to tell me the implications of someone gaining access to my SIM card
  • What does T-Mobile do to prevent this type of fraud

If you were victimized in a similar way what did you learn?


If you are able to use your phone call 611 (Customer Service), or if you can't call 1-800-TMOBILE! If you want to wait around for awhile a moderator might drop by and could offer better advice. I really wouldn't wait too long, AND since someone has a fake ID I would call the police and tell them what's going on. I don't think it'll hurt.

That shouldn't have happened to you and I'm sorry you've had to contact us more than once to report this. I want to make sure an incident report was filed as well as answer your questions.

  • We have a dedicated team that cooperates with law enforcement involving identity theft.
  • Our internal team will investigate what happened with any fraudulent activity on your account.
  • We only give account access to customers that are able to fully verify the account. It's hard for me to say exactly how without looking into how the store experience went.
  • We can have folks follow up with you after filing that incident report to give you peace of mind.
  • We do have more identity theft and fraud information on our Identity Theft | Protecting Yourself Against Identity Theft page. This page includes what T-Mobile does to prevent this from happening.

To file this incident report, we need one of our TEX or T-Force folks help to properly verify and access your account. Afterwards, they'll collect information about what happened and send this report to our internal fraud team to investigate.

I suggest that someone from the fraud division contacts me before I continue my escalation.  Your customer response thus far has been pathetic.

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I removed your information from your post because this is a public forum and we don't want folks to have that info. An incident report needs to be filed and we don't have the account access needed to do that here. Our TEX and T-Force folks do and will send and incident report to our Fraud team if you contact them.

Thanks! Now, what the heck is TEX? While you are here I don't do social media. I'm just wondering if I should ever need T-Force what do I need to do?

Our Team of Experts (TEX) are customer services folks you speak with over the phone. They're a good resource if you're not using social media.

So, are these the reps that are assigned to TROUBLESHOOTING?

Yes. Troubleshooting, and changes that need account verification.

You had your Wheaties this morning, didn't you? I had oatmeal and 2 cinnamon english muffins with 4 cups of coffee.

I like your breakfast better than Wheaties. 😊

thank you

I had someone hack into my Walmart online account and order several unlocked phones using my credit card that was stored in my account. I noticed that these savvy crooks changed my email address to an address that looks similar to mine... and they had the merchandise shipped to a different address that was listed on my account... the funny thing was, that this person hacked my account, used my credit card and Walmart was actually protecting the identity of the They would not provide any information about the person, or the address and phone number they used. A company should protect the interest of the customers not hide the information of the criminal. Luckily i was able to go into my account and look at my profile and screenshot the address the theif used. Im sure it was one of those mailing portal po boxes.... but at least i felt like i had some information to ease my nerves.

I really wouldn't expect T-Mobile to keep you in the loop regarding someone hacking into your account. They may handle this matter internally or maybe not... you will probably never know. Companies don’t share information to the consumer or public inorder to minimize how large this problem may actually be.

I received a document in the mail involving a class action lawsuit against T-Mobile for a data breach that occured some time ago... I ripped it up and tossed it in the trash..... i don’t like getting involved in those things.... and what If that class action lawsuit paper was a scam also... and stupid me...fill this information out and the scammers get more personal info from me.... GoTcHa 😠

i hope your dilemma gets rectified in the end...

At least you are not liable for those fraudulent charges. I believe I only have one account that has my CC. It is PayPal. I remember several years ago I received a call from one of my CC's. Did I buy a pair of shoes in Italy? I quickly said no. The reply was great, you are not responsible for that purchase. I came close to letting T-Mobile have my CC number for when I needed to add funds. When you wrote about that breach it ain't gonna happen. I hope they catch those SO#s. Thanks for sharing your experience!

Yeah, I wonder if the same hacker initiated a sim swap attack on me. The dates that the hacker was able to infiltrate my accounts were on the 7th and 8th of January before they attempting to hack me again roughly 6 weeks later.

I am not at liberty to go into great detail but its apparent that the person is not using a fake California ID and is no stranger to Tmobile.

I found multiple numbers the person used, one of them had at least 50 devastating comments ranging from individuals financial accounts being drained, to marriages being destroyed or children being taken from their parents because they no longer had money to support them, to individuals conveying they were going to commit suicide. One of the numbers the hacker bounced off of had no comments at all, and I know its the golden ticket.

Tmobile has been well aware of sim swap attacks for years and never did anything to protect their clientele.

The Experian hack a few years ago acquired 21 million names and everything about those individuals; phone numbers, addresses, social security numbers, etc... and guess what, all 21 million names that were stolen, all Tmobile account holders.

Tmobiles response; free credit checks for a year.

How about improving your security measures? Requiring just a persons last 4 digits of their social security number to obtain a new sim card is reckless, especially after the Experian hack and when the company knows these other hacks are occurring and their customers lives are being destroyed because of it.

How about security questions just like your competitors or similar to the ones you use for when we sign on to these online accounts?

I havent even begun to scratch the surface of what transpired in regards to my situation.

The only remaining details I can inform you of right now is that 10s of thousands of dollars in crypto (worth hundreds of thousands just a few months ago and will be worth at least that amount a few months from now) was stolen from me and Tmobile was complacent.

The only reason I am still with Tmobile is because after hours of conversations with representatives and repeatedly conveying to them what had happened to me I was finally able to speak to a higher up and have unprecedented security measures applied to my account that has eliminated the possibility of this travesty ever happening again to me.

Its unlikely that other carriers which dont have a relationship with me would integrate the protocol I demanded from Tmobile so Im stuck underneath two enormous boulders.

The third time the hacker attempted a sim swap attack they were unsuccessful because of the safeguards now in place but 99.9999% of Tmobiles customers do not have the security that I do which is incredibly unfortunate and will be damning to many of them.

Hopefully with enough lawsuits Tmobile and all other providers will begin properly integrating the necessary security measures to safeguard individuals from being robbed of their finances in addition to being robbed of their dignity and livelihood.

People are suffering in inconceivable ways and in most situations Tmobile has done absolutely nothing to assist them or even taken the necessary steps to stop these absurdities from happening to others and causing more hardships.

I wish you all success and happiness.

Hello Mike I saw your name on a thread about someone who had a SIM card for his phone taken fraudulently by someone who faked his ID. I want to make sure that if a new/replacement SIM card is ever made/taken on any of the phones on my family account that I get alerted immediately on phone as well as by email (since someone may have stolen my phone). There seems to be no place on my Account portion of the TMobile website that I can setup such text and email alerts? The webpage you linked you in this earlier thread is pretty generic and basic and is clearly not the place to set up such alerts. Thanks.

Hello, why don't you tell us all what security precautions you have negotiated with T Mobile so we can all try to get them too?

They most likely will not appropriately secure your account until you incur irreparable financial damage like myself but attempt to require a sim card lock which can only be unlocked from within their "Fraud Department". Short of having that specific safeguard, you will be susceptible to being hacked by an insider. Because the individual had the ability to bypass my 12 digit passcode and 2 security questions no one on earth knows besidemyself, it is evident an employee of Tmobile was either the hacker or at the very least an accomplice. The level of authority this person had was not high enough to manipulate the "Fraud Departments" system which would have enabled them to acquire a new sim under the guise of being me. Once that lock was established, the insider could only shut my sim card off by claiming it was lost, but was not able to convince the Fraud Department that they were me and be issued a new sim. I hope I have been of some assistance. Please inform other's who are vunerable as well.


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On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 7:39 PM, magenta2938651<> wrote:

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T-Mobile Support


Fraudulent Sale of My SIM card

reply from magenta2938651 in Account & services - View the full discussion

Hello, why don't you tell us all what security precautions you have negotiated with T Mobile so we can all try to get them too?

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very helpful, thank you!

On Friday, October 4, 2019, 10:52:53 PM EDT, appalledandhorrified <> wrote:


T-Mobile Support


Fraudulent Sale of My SIM card

reply from appalledandhorrified in Account & services - View the full discussion

They most likely will not appropriately secure your account until you incur irreparable financial damage like myself but attempt to require a sim card lock which can only be unlocked from within their "Fraud Department". Short of having that specific safeguard, you will be susceptible to being hacked by an insider. Because the individual had the ability to bypass my 12 digit passcode and 2 security questions no one on earth knows besidemyself, it is evident an employee of Tmobile was either the hacker or at the very least an accomplice. The level of authority this person had was not high enough to manipulate the "Fraud Departments" system which would have enabled them to acquire a new sim under the guise of being me. Once that lock was established, the insider could only shut my sim card off by claiming it was lost, but was not able to convince the Fraud Department that they were me and be issued a new sim. I hope I have been of some assistance. Please inform other's who are vunerable as well.



Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android


  On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 7:39 PM, magenta2938651<> wrote:   

#yiv3824488983 * #yiv3824488983 a #yiv3824488983 body {font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}#yiv3824488983 #yiv3824488983 h1, #yiv3824488983 h2, #yiv3824488983 h3, #yiv3824488983 h4, #yiv3824488983 h5, #yiv3824488983 h6, #yiv3824488983 p, #yiv3824488983 hr {}#yiv3824488983 .yiv3824488983button td {}



T-Mobile Support





Fraudulent Sale of My SIM card


reply from magenta2938651 in Account & services - View the full discussion


Hello, why don't you tell us all what security precautions you have negotiated with T Mobile so we can all try to get them too?


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You're quite welcome 


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 8:01 PM, magenta2938651<> wrote:

#yiv3315479900 * #yiv3315479900 a #yiv3315479900 body {font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}#yiv3315479900 #yiv3315479900 h1, #yiv3315479900 h2, #yiv3315479900 h3, #yiv3315479900 h4, #yiv3315479900 h5, #yiv3315479900 h6, #yiv3315479900 p, #yiv3315479900 hr {}#yiv3315479900 .yiv3315479900button td {}


T-Mobile Support



Fraudulent Sale of My SIM card

reply from magenta2938651 in Account & services - View the full discussion

very helpful, thank you!




    On Friday, October 4, 2019, 10:52:53 PM EDT, appalledandhorrified <> wrote: 





T-Mobile Support





Fraudulent Sale of My SIM card


reply from appalledandhorrified in Account & services - View the full discussion


They most likely will not appropriately secure your account until you incur irreparable financial damage like myself but attempt to require a sim card lock which can only be unlocked from within their "Fraud Department". Short of having that specific safeguard, you will be susceptible to being hacked by an insider. Because the individual had the ability to bypass my 12 digit passcode and 2 security questions no one on earth knows besidemyself, it is evident an employee of Tmobile was either the hacker or at the very least an accomplice. The level of authority this person had was not high enough to manipulate the "Fraud Departments" system which would have enabled them to acquire a new sim under the guise of being me. Once that lock was established, the insider could only shut my sim card off by claiming it was lost, but was not able to convince the Fraud Department that they were me and be issued a new sim. I hope I have been of some assistance. Please inform other's who are vunerable as well.






Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android




  On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 7:39 PM, magenta2938651<> wrote:   


#yiv3824488983 * #yiv3824488983 a #yiv3824488983 body {font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}#yiv3824488983 #yiv3824488983 h1, #yiv3824488983 h2, #yiv3824488983 h3, #yiv3824488983 h4, #yiv3824488983 h5, #yiv3824488983 h6, #yiv3824488983 p, #yiv3824488983 hr {}#yiv3824488983 .yiv3824488983button td {}







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Fraudulent Sale of My SIM card




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Hello, why don't you tell us all what security precautions you have negotiated with T Mobile so we can all try to get them too?





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fantastic, thanks very much for this tip

On Friday, October 4, 2019, 10:45:52 PM EDT, gramps28 <> wrote:


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Fraudulent Sale of My SIM card

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I’ve been a loyal customer of T-Mobile for over 15 years, however, just this past Wednesday (8/12/2020) my identity was stolen.  Someone purchased a SIM card at the Cerritos, CA store and were somehow able to switch out my SIM number with the new SIM purchased.  I’m just shocked that they were able to do this.  From there they were able to change the email, password, security questions and user name.  My phone was literally disabled so easily.  To add to my frustration the thief ended up trying to purchase nearly $5000 worth of security itmes at a Best Buy.  They might have opened up another account, but I need to await my credit alerts to see anymore damage was done.  I guess they’re trying to disable your phone so that when you do a get a call from Citibank or whatever bank you have they can’t call you to confirm the purchase amount. Thankfully after spending time with T-Mobile customer service I was able to enable the use of my cellphone again just as Citibank called to verify my identity before the purchase could be processed.  The thief was in the store while I was online with Citibank verifying the purchase!!!  It’s been a nightmare having to add fraud alerts to all three credit bureaus and having to change my account information back on T-Mobile. Just wanted to add a backstory  to this type of fraud that’s going on in the store.  

My question is doesn’t the store check the customer ID or driver’s license before processing such a request.  It seems like it was so easily done.  I’m not sure what the exact identity procedures the store goes through, but this was indeed a headache.  Not sure what else can be done on my end to protect myself in the future.  

What career apart from your personal could you like to try? Car repair - it might allow me to reflect onconsideration reviews on problems and fasten things and now not surely have it engage with many humans. Or in reality any kind if repair. Possibly a database or community administrator too.

I’ve been a loyal customer of T-Mobile for over 15 years, however, just this past Wednesday (8/12/2020) my identity was stolen.  Someone purchased a SIM card at the Cerritos, CA store and were somehow able to switch out my SIM number with the new SIM purchased.  I’m just shocked that they were able to do this.  From there they were able to change the email, password, security questions and user name.  My phone was literally disabled so easily.  To add to my frustration the thief ended up trying to purchase nearly $5000 worth of security itmes at a Best Buy.  They might have opened up another account, but I need to await my credit alerts to see anymore damage was done.  I guess they’re trying to disable your phone so that when you do a get a call from Citibank or whatever bank you have they can’t call you to confirm the purchase amount. Thankfully after spending time with T-Mobile customer service I was able to enable the use of my cellphone again just as Citibank called to verify my identity before the purchase could be processed.  The thief was in the store while I was online with Citibank verifying the purchase!!!  It’s been a nightmare having to add fraud alerts to all three credit bureaus and having to change my account information back on T-Mobile. Just wanted to add a backstory  to this type of fraud that’s going on in the store.  

My question is doesn’t the store check the customer ID or driver’s license before processing such a request.  It seems like it was so easily done.  I’m not sure what the exact identity procedures the store goes through, but this was indeed a headache.  Not sure what else can be done on my end to protect myself in the future.  

This just happened to me twice in the same week.  I’ve been a customer for 17 years.  T-mobile fixed the issue by reverting the code back to my phone.  It just happened again yesterday after a few days.  They are investigating again!

This just happened to me last week! I’ve a phone notifications that I’ve purchased two sims cards and I quickly called T mobile and was told that someone used a fake driver’s license to purchase two SIM cards under my name at a t mobile store!!! How could this happened??? My questions to T-Mobile is why can’t you tell me which store the thieves went to get the SIM card from? I was told by T-Mobile CSR that this won’t be reported but if I want to I’m welcome to?! Why is this not reported to the police by T-Mobile? Does T mobile just feel identity thief is not their concern if their customers account being compromised? 
I have never been had any identity theft and I didn’t do any unusual purchase or gone to any site except I went to t- mobile store once to make an enquiry about my phone line and months later, I had this identity theft issue! Coincidentally the store I went into, was no longer there in the same location! This to me is highly suspicious! Although t mobile rep said they won’t charge me that two SIM cards and had terminated the lines…  it is still a major concern that “someone” did walk in to their store to present a fake ID OF ME! That’s very concerning! It is not enough just to say T-Mobile cares about their customers but yet don’t report this or share which store the fraud being committed. Please do more than just words. 
