How Can T-mobile get away with Stealing & NEVER resolve issues, only promising to have a Supervisor Call back but Never Do?

  • 29 July 2022
  • 9 replies

Userlevel 2

Wow! T-mobile is a bunch of thieves! It seems they are known to make deals in store and sell promotional offers that never seem to translate to your bill. Then they claim those offers never existed & meanwhile you are out your equipment you previously traded & now have lost the unlimited phone plans you had been grandfathered in using for previous 7 years. Only to be unable to get any manager on the phone to return your call as promised by the reps you have repeatedly wasted HOURS with on the phone! Run don’t walk - RUN away from such unethical practices! I am no reading many similar stories here online exactly as it happened to me AFTER I’ve been with the T-mobile company for 7 years + already. My account was on a set-it and forget it but we went in to purchase new phones at Christmas. Instead of simply allowing us to buy 2 phones billed full price at $33 each per mo (to increase  our bill $66 each month total)  - we were up sold a whirlwind of complicated promo deals based on sales promotions pressured by the store sales reps. These new promos required adding a new line, trading in a iPhone XR, and upgrading to the Magenta MAX to receive a BOGO phone offer & receive a Samsung Galaxy phone discount (that we weren’t even really interested in along with promotional earbuds that we knew we would never use) but we were told that this was a no brainer, since tiding their special promos, our bill will increase only $53 instead of $66 as we intended but with the promos. Claiming now we would not only get the 2 phones, we’d get an extra phone and extra earbuds for even LESS than the $66 we were willing to pay full price for, after the credits were applied on the account monthly. At checkout in the store, not only were no earbuds inside our bag, we were charged for them on our first bill which had no promo credits and had increased $160 per month to $325. It doubled. This new bill drastically increased and was over $100 more than agreed, plus they turned off our Netflix & our HotSpot stopped working in this “plan upgrade!” 


Unfortunately I was hospitalized with Covid immediately after Christmas and the overage billing went on for months while I was unavailable to reach out and it continued to be auto-drafted from our bank just as it had on our account for 7 years, never once being late. After months of overcharges my husband tried to call on my behalf while I was still on a ventilator knowing the company was charging more than we were promised and we received far less than promised. They would not give him access to the account to discuss. After 5 months I was well enough to tend to this matter on my own & inquired why I was being over charged for both all new iPhones with no promotion credit being applied and why I was being charged for the two earbuds that were not received & my plan was increased for no benefit & I’ve now paid $500+ in overpayments!



it took repeated phone calls but in June a rep was kind enough to walk through the entire mess and was aware that errors were made & promised a called back from a supervisor. One did call me back and claimed they will take care of the errors and we itemized the over charges but promised another call back 24-48 hours to determine the exact amount of the credit. I never received that call back and instead of receiving the near $600 in overpay credits, I was yet again auto-deducted for the erroneous overcharges of $325 month charge AGAIN the next month, now a total of $700 of overpayments. Once again this 2 hour phone calls wastefully took all my energy for zero delivery on promises. It was ultimately a literal waste of my breath as I meanwhile still fight through physical therapy after months living on a ventilator machine. I simply want to stop wasting my time calling T-mobile for empty promises. 


I called the next month again & reached another rep in July 2022 who escalated to a supervisor who called back after 24-48 hours only to advise me 7 months later that I am not eligible for any of the promotions promised. That supervisor told me those promotions didn’t even exist! Which I know is untrue because I looked them up online inside the T-mobile store at Christmas time to ensure I was not being made empty promises. These were real promotions that really existed on the website and we really complied with all the details to be eligible. I asked why I would have given them an iPhone XR then, and changed my plan from an $160 phone plan (already an unlimited plan) up to a $230 per mo phone plan only to receive ZERO phone promotions? This holds no logic. 



Apparently they think I just gave them a iPhone device for no reason & willy-nilly increased my plan just to also pay full price for both iPhones and pay full price for ebuds I never even received. Then was told I would have really needed to add TWO lines to be eligible for the free BOGO iPhone. Why in the world would I do that? I already have one line sitting on our account that is complete unused with ZERO DATA or zero activity used each month. This is a completely unneeded line that is so unused I don’t even know it’s phone number &  have repeatedly desired to have it turned off. Yet these reps think I would agree to paying $50 per month per line x 2  to add 2 lines on our acct that we don’t use? Sure let’s add $100 wastefully onto the account per month when I could have simply bought both phones outright at full price for $33 each per month? This makes no sense. And apparently I threw in giving them an phone XR to boot, just for fun? C’mon. 



Finally understanding that nobody would agree to this and it’s very obvious that I was promised something different, I was adamant to speak to a supervisor that could review the previous calls to complete the promises  previously made or to find my check-out paperwork that would summarize the promotions and plans that I agreed to in the store. I was promised a call back in 24-48 hours from a supervisor and still have heard nothing back. They get away with empty promises & you can not even reach these representatives back after they fail to deliver their solutions as promised since all they do is message you their contact info name “EsmileDwayneE”  by text after each call, claiming you can reach them back but you absolutely can never reach them back & they also do not call you back as promised - so instead nothing gets resolved and you continue paying indefinitely a wrong overcharge amount on auto-pay. Until of course, you finally remove your account from auto-pay just as I finally had to do - in order to stop their license to steal. With T-mobile having access to draft my account on auto-pay and their ability to charge any amount they desire without upholding the promotions they promise and adding new lines that are unused, stealing old devices without any credits, and adjusting to more expensive plans - they have taken upwards of $700 too much from my account and will not follow through to rectify. My only recourse was to remove their access to auto-pay and now immediately a text comes through that my “bill has now increased an additional $25” since my $25 bill credit I’ve received for the for past 7 years, will no longer apply without auto-pay. 

9 replies

Userlevel 1

T-Mobile needs to do better!  I have had service for over 5 years and I am just realizing how bad their support is when you need help with an issue.  The rep’s will lie to you and tell you that they will call you back and never do.  They will tell you that they filed a fraud claim and actually give you a fake fraud claim number when you ask for one, they will also activate a sim card on your account without your knowledge.  Some of the employees are crooks and they lack integrity.  I can tell that this company does not hold their employees accountable for anything because if they did, there wouldn’t be so many employees dropping the ball and being dishonest.  No company can keep operating this way and keep thriving.  Eventually they will be known as the trash of the communications industry.  

Userlevel 1

I was just on hold for a supervisor for 1 hour and 48 mins.  The rep said she was connecting the call and hung up in my face.  This company is TRASH!


Wow! T-mobile is a bunch of thieves! It seems they are known to make deals in store and sell promotional offers that never seem to translate to your bill. Then they claim those offers never existed & meanwhile you are out your equipment you previously traded & now have lost the unlimited phone plans you had been grandfathered in using for previous 7 years. Only to be unable to get any manager on the phone to return your call as promised by the reps you have repeatedly wasted HOURS with on the phone! Run don’t walk - RUN away from such unethical practices! I am no reading many similar stories here online exactly as it happened to me AFTER I’ve been with the T-mobile company for 7 years + already. My account was on a set-it and forget it but we went in to purchase new phones at Christmas. Instead of simply allowing us to buy 2 phones billed full price at $33 each per mo (to increase  our bill $66 each month total)  - we were up sold a whirlwind of complicated promo deals based on sales promotions pressured by the store sales reps. These new promos required adding a new line, trading in a iPhone XR, and upgrading to the Magenta MAX to receive a BOGO phone offer & receive a Samsung Galaxy phone discount (that we weren’t even really interested in along with promotional earbuds that we knew we would never use) but we were told that this was a no brainer, since tiding their special promos, our bill will increase only $53 instead of $66 as we intended but with the promos. Claiming now we would not only get the 2 phones, we’d get an extra phone and extra earbuds for even LESS than the $66 we were willing to pay full price for, after the credits were applied on the account monthly. At checkout in the store, not only were no earbuds inside our bag, we were charged for them on our first bill which had no promo credits and had increased $160 per month to $325. It doubled. This new bill drastically increased and was over $100 more than agreed, plus they turned off our Netflix & our HotSpot stopped working in this “plan upgrade!” 


Unfortunately I was hospitalized with Covid immediately after Christmas and the overage billing went on for months while I was unavailable to reach out and it continued to be auto-drafted from our bank just as it had on our account for 7 years, never once being late. After months of overcharges my husband tried to call on my behalf while I was still on a ventilator knowing the company was charging more than we were promised and we received far less than promised. They would not give him access to the account to discuss. After 5 months I was well enough to tend to this matter on my own & inquired why I was being over charged for both all new iPhones with no promotion credit being applied and why I was being charged for the two earbuds that were not received & my plan was increased for no benefit & I’ve now paid $500+ in overpayments!



it took repeated phone calls but in June a rep was kind enough to walk through the entire mess and was aware that errors were made & promised a called back from a supervisor. One did call me back and claimed they will take care of the errors and we itemized the over charges but promised another call back 24-48 hours to determine the exact amount of the credit. I never received that call back and instead of receiving the near $600 in overpay credits, I was yet again auto-deducted for the erroneous overcharges of $325 month charge AGAIN the next month, now a total of $700 of overpayments. Once again this 2 hour phone calls wastefully took all my energy for zero delivery on promises. It was ultimately a literal waste of my breath as I meanwhile still fight through physical therapy after months living on a ventilator machine. I simply want to stop wasting my time calling T-mobile for empty promises. 


I called the next month again & reached another rep in July 2022 who escalated to a supervisor who called back after 24-48 hours only to advise me 7 months later that I am not eligible for any of the promotions promised. That supervisor told me those promotions didn’t even exist! Which I know is untrue because I looked them up online inside the T-mobile store at Christmas time to ensure I was not being made empty promises. These were real promotions that really existed on the website and we really complied with all the details to be eligible. I asked why I would have given them an iPhone XR then, and changed my plan from an $160 phone plan (already an unlimited plan) up to a $230 per mo phone plan only to receive ZERO phone promotions? This holds no logic. 



Apparently they think I just gave them a iPhone device for no reason & willy-nilly increased my plan just to also pay full price for both iPhones and pay full price for ebuds I never even received. Then was told I would have really needed to add TWO lines to be eligible for the free BOGO iPhone. Why in the world would I do that? I already have one line sitting on our account that is complete unused with ZERO DATA or zero activity used each month. This is a completely unneeded line that is so unused I don’t even know it’s phone number &  have repeatedly desired to have it turned off. Yet these reps think I would agree to paying $50 per month per line x 2  to add 2 lines on our acct that we don’t use? Sure let’s add $100 wastefully onto the account per month when I could have simply bought both phones outright at full price for $33 each per month? This makes no sense. And apparently I threw in giving them an phone XR to boot, just for fun? C’mon. 



Finally understanding that nobody would agree to this and it’s very obvious that I was promised something different, I was adamant to speak to a supervisor that could review the previous calls to complete the promises  previously made or to find my check-out paperwork that would summarize the promotions and plans that I agreed to in the store. I was promised a call back in 24-48 hours from a supervisor and still have heard nothing back. They get away with empty promises & you can not even reach these representatives back after they fail to deliver their solutions as promised since all they do is message you their contact info name “EsmileDwayneE”  by text after each call, claiming you can reach them back but you absolutely can never reach them back & they also do not call you back as promised - so instead nothing gets resolved and you continue paying indefinitely a wrong overcharge amount on auto-pay. Until of course, you finally remove your account from auto-pay just as I finally had to do - in order to stop their license to steal. With T-mobile having access to draft my account on auto-pay and their ability to charge any amount they desire without upholding the promotions they promise and adding new lines that are unused, stealing old devices without any credits, and adjusting to more expensive plans - they have taken upwards of $700 too much from my account and will not follow through to rectify. My only recourse was to remove their access to auto-pay and now immediately a text comes through that my “bill has now increased an additional $25” since my $25 bill credit I’ve received for the for past 7 years, will no longer apply without auto-pay. 

Okay you’ve tried every attempt to resolve this issue between you and t-mobile without a resolution resulting, which is required before seeking legal action per their terms and conditions. Next step is notifying them that you are taking said legal action which they’ll want to do using an arbitrator because this will save them money by reducing legal fees to a small claims court and increased lawyer fees to them and in many cases lower plaintiff claims awarded(at times, none at all!)as well the possibilities  of them having to incur your court fees as well awarded to you by a sympathetic judge who may of had prior proceedings dealing with their crap (which may be likely as T-mobile’s T/C’s clearly and blatantly try by all means keeping from going to court especially class action suits which really can crack their hides with what often shows numerous and frequent bad practices which tend to be incurred with increased penalties for unethical business practices and immoral behavior. However, with a decent lawyer you most likely can avoid the arbitrator due to one or both parties not happy with the 5 arbitrators you will get to choose from then with your attorneys help get set for small claims which T-mobile would have you think that you have to use an arbitrator as the only means to seek damages and reimbursements. Having read what has transpired to you and the obvious points that counter any sense of logic to why you would do as they would argue seems to me, you, your lawyer and even Ray Charles being able to see from his death bed to be an easily winnable case in your favor. Hell, I would venture to say that shortly after your legal action declaration, that someone at T-mobile would be smart enough to finally and swiftly rectifying this exhausting and aggravating( to say the least) problem fully. I would advise you to also read the terms and conditions you are bound to just by being a customer and paying bills to them. Always read or look into matters for yourself which others have given to you when it comes to life matters especially legal, because one misstep on your part can null and void any claim you may have, even with one so easily winnable such as you have. You can get the T/C’s right from their app or website. I hope this helps and good luck (although you won’t need any!)

Userlevel 2

I have had tremendous success with Small Claims Court,   Airlines and Lowes. All of these companies called me just before the court date and settled for my full asking price.  They don’t want to tie up personnel that know a lot less about the facts than you do.

Same here, signed up November 10th every billing since has been wrong and I have 13 pages of screen shots of every time I have contacted. Finally a supervisor contacted me and offered a one time credit for the year $810. Which is fine but what about the years after? I accepted the money and will leave after the year is up. They are losing 8 lines when I leave. The supervisor said there system will not allow them to override what I was supposed to have and promised at the store after 4 months of trying they gave up to offer me $810.00


If anyone from T-Mobile reads this do know I will never try or come back to your screwed up service/system. 

I believe I will have to now start the small claims in court. Could not transfer phones over called so many time and they told me they would cancel and refund my card. Never did and then sent me to a debt collector before they ever sent me a bill. They also sent a letter stating that they were going to send me to a debt collector but I received it after the debt collector called. We never were able to switch the phone lines over and never used data. still charging me. This company is horrible and would recommend not using them.

Userlevel 2

Did you have any luck with small claims?  We just left T-mobile after 2 decades because they raised rates on our grandfathered plan by 50% (end of a long list of scams and abuses by T-mobile).


this is my 9th attempt to resolve my billing issue. only false promises once this issue resolved I will never in my life get T mobile service even if that’s the only option exist 

How can they get away with this? 
vill collectors and un authorized charges!!!!

 The customer service is endless nonsense and hang ups. Its criminal!
