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My phone has a permanent notification re Verified Business Calls that cannot be removed.  How do I remove it?

Why would I want 100’s of random business calls offering me a discount on a washing machine or some else just because they have paid T-Mobile an advertising fee. Only mentally challenged people who watch the shopping channels all day long would be interested.  99%+ of the people despise random marketing calls. 

This Verified Business Call Notification

was very bothersome. 

I was on the phone with tmobile tech support for days

Nobody could help me

But I figured it out without any help from Google or  tech support 

I made a video to explain how I got rid of this irritation 

Check it out let me know this helped you

Galaxy s23 ultra here


OMG I'm soooo irritated they have FORCED this on us!! I have done EVERYTHING to get rid of that annoying RED TMOBILE notification and no matter what I force stop, no matter what apps I delete... IT WONT GO AWAY!


I've been through Scam Shield just like they advise... NOPE! STILL THERE!! 


If you click on system apps under settings .... there's a NEW GREEN PHONE APP that you CANNOT STOP!!



This Verified Business Call Notification

was very bothersome. 

I was on the phone with tmobile tech support for days

Nobody could help me

But I figured it out without any help from Google or  tech support 

I made a video to explain how I got rid of this irritation 

Check it out let me know this helped you

Galaxy s23 ultra here


If you have a secure folder you have to do it in there also.  From the main secure folder homescreen you hit the 3 dots on the top right, go to settings and then you go to settings and follow your directions from there.  Then restart your phone. That might be why it keeps showing up.

Yes, it only gives you the option to go to settings which reveals a new 'green phone' app. It's been added right above your actual phone app, however you can't change any of the settings. They are all greyed out. 

I've tried Uninstalling scam shield, I've unchecked and deleted visual voice mail. I've done everything possible to try and clear this annoying notification. 

When it updated the One UI and system restarted, bam. It appeared on boot-up. And will NOT clear, or go away.

Pressing down on the notification only produces a lengthily description of the Verified Business Calling program. Usually this will give you the option of deleting the notification, but not with this T-Mobile fee generating program.  There are no options except to turn off or on but does not give a way to delete the notification itself.  I contacted T-M support, and they could not help.

Left swipe the notification.

I don't know

My notification has not come back now 4 days

It works for me


But it's strange how it did come back a few times before stopping 

I'm just glad it's gone


I certainly hope not too it again 



T-Mobile tech support here and T-Mobile user. This is a known issue related to android device. On the actual notification if you expand it to where you can read it fully it gives you an option to go to settings and an option to click GOT IT . if you click the GOT IT button it will clear the notification. After you click it you will be taken to the settings to set it up but the actual notification should clear just acknowledge the notification but clicking got it. 

Yup, it's bad enough that their service area is not what's advertised, but this 'Verified Business" bs has got me back to hating T-mobile. Sadly, I just switched back to it after enjoying years of V--- with service everywhere. 

I probably haven't seen that then because I have seriously debloated my s23 Ultra.  No Chrome, no Gmail, and nothing else unnecessary.  I just have the regular Samsung phone app.  

It worked (finally) using your feedback in this order: 

Apps/Permission Manager/Phone

Then open the second Phone icon with the green receiver icon

Select Force Stop

Immediately swipe down on the verified business calls notification

You can now clear it

Also, clear the cache ( I did this before and after force stop so I'm not sure which sequence helped)

Are you using Secure Folder - was your notification carrying the little icon indicating that the notification comes from the Secure Folder version of this new/2nd phone app?

T-Mobile tech support here and T-Mobile user. This is a known issue related to android device. On the actual notification if you expand it to where you can read it fully it gives you an option to go to settings and an option to click GOT IT . if you click the GOT IT button it will clear the notification. After you click it you will be taken to the settings to set it up but the actual notification should clear just acknowledge the notification but clicking got it. 

This worked for me on Samsung s23 ultra. It showed up when I up when I upgraded to ver.14.

I pulled down from the top and selected the other option. I restarted the phone and clicked the GOT IT button. It went away. I also tried the user @dbdragon08 youtube fix as well. Problem solved for me.


Has anyone been able to get rid of the notification when you are using Secure Folder?

I'm worried the only solution is to disable secure folder, or factory reset to clear the verified business call notification before enabling secure folder. 

Here are screenshots showing the problem, how the notification is bugged and incorrect if you happen to use secure folder. The message "Content hidden" is shown when you expand the notification while already signed in to secure folder. 

If you don't sign in to secure folder, the expand toggle is suppressed so you can't see the drop down expand contents of the notification unless you log in to secure folder:

Here is the only thing you can see when interacting with the notification, for enriched calling and toggling the verified business call. But nothing stops the notification every time you reboot. 


Quick video of how to enable dismissal


I use secure folder and this worked for me.


My phone has a permanent notification re Verified Business Calls that cannot be removed.  How do I remove it?

Why would I want 100’s of random business calls offering me a discount on a washing machine or some else just because they have paid T-Mobile an advertising fee. Only mentally challenged people who watch the shopping channels all day long would be interested.  99%+ of the people despise random marketing calls. 

I just downloaded a notification blocker app and blocked that notification. It worked like a charm and I never saw the notification since!

Quick video of how to enable dismissal


I use secure folder and this worked for me.

Aha, thanks! Yes this allows you to see the contents of the notification while logged into Samsung’s Secure Folder system. I guess once you view the contents of the notification, that satisfies the T-mobile gods who will then allow you to dismiss the notification for good.

To clarify the solution shown in the video: you log into Secure Folder, select the three dots for the Secure Folder menu, then go into the settings for Secure Folder. Choose the settings option for “Notifications” and turn off the toggle switch for the notification option “Hide Content”. You can leave the other toggle switch turned on for “Hide Content when Secure Folder is locked.”

Once you do this, the problematic T-mobile notification inside Secure Folder will allow you to expand the notification once you are logged into Secure Folder. When you expand the notification, you will see the contents. Oddly, the contents of the T-mobile notification will *NOT* have a “Got it” confirmation option or the link to adust settings for enriched calling or the verified business call. Instead, the notification is informational only. But, as long as you expand the notification and see its information, that will enable the ability to dismiss the notification and not see it again.


In summary, if you don’t use Secure Folder:

The solution is easy: just make sure you press the little toggle arrow within the t-mobile enriched calling notification to expand the notification while still in the notification bar. The little arrow looks like this character: ^ and points up or down whether you are expanding the notification. This is counter-intuitive because the arrow is kind of hard to notice, and it’s more intuitive to just click on the notification itself, to open the notification. But opening the notification is wrong - that will just take you to the settings page for adjusting the verified business call option. You won’t want that. Instead, you just want to expand the notification by clicking the little ^ symbol, then see the expanded notification, then click the “Got It” button within the notification itself. Then you can swipe away the notification, and it won’t come back next reboot.

In summary, if you use Secure Folder:

You will get a special notification with the little blue secure folder icon. The contents will be hidden and you are unable to expand the notification, regardless of whether you are logged into Secure Folder or not. However, you must sign in to the Secure Folder app. Once signed in, you will need to go to the settings for Secure Folder. Go to the Notification settings and turn off the toggle switch for Hide Contents. Then, while logged into Secure Folder, you can expand the notification to see what it says, and swipe it away, and it won’t come back next reboot.

I tried everything and it was really simple just swipe left and it went away


Hey everyone:) Happy Holidays! I feel you alls pain as this irritated the HECK out of me after I just updated my Android phone. But I believe I fixed or found a simple way to finally get rid of the notification icon…


Pull down the notification screen from the top of the phone.

Then press it with your thumb/finger (not too long for the notification options to come up.)

Then SWIPE LEFT and the notification plus the annoying notification icon should disappear!


Let me know if it works for you! :)

Yeah, I'm running an s23 ultra too. 

I'm in the process of deleting EVERYTHING thats not necessary.

This is ridiculous how they just shove stuff into updates we don't want, or more apps that spy!

New to T-Mobile and thinking I made a bad error … I haven’t spent this much time on hold/customer support in decades!

This is not acceptable and after spending 4+ hours on 2 calls with Customer Service for other issues, I don’t have it in my tank to tackle this one!  I still have unresolved issues with promised ‘Rebates’.  This is ridiculous; I can’t believe I was so stupid to switch carriers. 

Don’t get me started on a lack of a ‘Chat’ function!!

T-Mobile tech support here and T-Mobile user. This is a known issue related to android device. On the actual notification if you expand it to where you can read it fully it gives you an option to go to settings and an option to click GOT IT . if you click the GOT IT button it will clear the notification. After you click it you will be taken to the settings to set it up but the actual notification should clear just acknowledge the notification but clicking got it. 

Please understand the problem is unsolvable if using Secure Folder. This problematic notification cannot be cleared when it comes from the Secure Folder.

You need to log in to secure folder before you can expand this notification. But after expanding, the notification merely says "Content Hidden" without any GOT IT button. Even if logged in to secure folder. This notification is simply bugged and misbehaving and needs to be bug fixed. 

This Verified Business Call Notification

was very bothersome. 

I was on the phone with tmobile tech support for days

Nobody could help me

But I figured it out without any help from Google or  tech support 

I made a video to explain how I got rid of this irritation 

Check it out let me know this helped you

Galaxy s23 ultra here


Watched the video & followed your instructions & did a reset...still there

It worked (finally) using your feedback in this order: 

Apps/Permission Manager/Phone

Then open the second Phone icon with the green receiver icon

Select Force Stop

Immediately swipe down on the verified business calls notification

You can now clear it

Also, clear the cache ( I did this before and after force stop so I'm not sure which sequence helped)

Hi, I tried that also but had no luck with it.  I have a Galaxy 22.

Just to clarify - if you use Secure Folder, it’s impossible to remove the notification because the notification is generated from the “secure” version of the new phone app inside the Secure Folder installation. It’s notification is bugged and does not expand or display any information.

Even if you try to clear the notification from within Secure Folder, it’s not possible because while in Secure Folder, the buggy notification behavior is unchanged. You can’t expand the notification to reveal the “Got It” or other option to see settings. Those are revealed in the normal version of this notification, that people get who haven’t enabled Secure Folder. But if you’ve enabled Secure Folder, the notification is inescapable and you see it each time you reboot.

