
T-Mobil sent me to collections by mistake, can I sue for my wasted time?

  • 9 March 2022
  • 7 replies


I switched from T-Mobile months ago with 0 balance on the account however I received $140 bill via mail. I called the number on the letter and the representative told me I used the line for like 7 days, she can reduce it to $80 since I didnt use the whole month, I accepted and paid it. 


2 months passed now I received collection letter from T-mobile for the remaining $60 balance, I called T mobile , 3 hours on the phone, representatives told me account is already sent to collection, previous representative did not waive the $60 on the system. I am being told that I should wait for collection agency to contact me. 

Now I have to spend more hours on the phone for a $60 bill, and if they already sent collections report to the credit bureaus, I have to deal with dispute process. I was also planning to apply for auto loan this month, too much headache and wasted time.

Why I am the one being punished with my time and money for T-Mobile system or representative mistakes? Can I sue T-Mobile after all these collections process for wasting my time and get some compensation?

Appreciate any suggestion.

7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

When in comes to money, you should always work on paper and use the Fair Credit Billing Act.

sept 30

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

sept 30

thunder moose

i am on ssi dont come in on 1 of the month and if there a holiday come on it comes in the 30

govrment benaferant come in the first or the 30

i dont get paid till the 1

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

what does any of this have to do with the thread you decided to post in? a bit of context tends to help..if you are trying to get an extension for your bill or something there isnt anyone in here that can handle that. you’ll need to call in or contact T-Mobile through one of their social media platforms.
