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Trouble getting refund

  • 27 February 2022
  • 2 replies

I left T-Mobile almost 2 years ago. All phones were paid in full and all numbers ported to new carrier. 
Some of the phones were getting monthly bill credits due to promotion. I kept getting monthly statements showing credits applied and in December all credits are over. 
I now have a $382 credit on my SUSPENDED account. 

I have made 7 calls to customer service who have tried first PrePaid Visa, then several electronic check, then direct credit to credit card. All have failed. I even had one rep suggest I go to a T-Mobile store. I went to 2 different stores and both told me to call Customer Service. 

Anyone have any suggestions on what I should do next?

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Try contacting tmobile support using messenger on one of tmobile's social media platforms to see if they can help you they also are a higher tier of support.


Tried that and guess what? Call Customer Service!
