
What is my Cost of usage - before the end of the billing month

  • 19 April 2023
  • 2 replies


I received a text message alert from T-Mobile indicating that my mobile phone line incurred significant costs (stating the total cost but without any details).  I immediately sought to check the reason for the usage costs.

When I logged into my T-Mobile account, I can see the international calls that incurred the cost, including the minutes, BUT NOT THE COST.

T-Mobile customer service was not helpful.  They could view the cost per call in their system, but simply advised that I would need to wait until the end of the billing cycle to obtain visibility of the cost per call in my T-Mobile account.

In short, the cost data is available to T-Mobile.  They texted us a message regarding the total cost.  Their customer service representative could view the cost per call but refused to furnish it to me, and simply told me to wait until I received a billing statement.

Any recommendations?

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

From what I've read international billing takes longer to generate and international taxes may need to be added depending on the country.

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

It would be pretty cool to be able to see the cost per call on the usage details screen in real time. I can totally send that recommendation along. 

You can use our Calling Abroad | Stateside International Services page to see the price per minute for phone calls from the US to other countries. You just type in the country name and then check rates. We have a Stateside International feature that can be added to the account that discounts or covers the cost for calls to other countries for only $15/month. In most cases, that means that it pays for itself if you make one 5 minute phone call per month. 

Hope this helps. 
