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It appears that T-Mobile has an issue with Android13 devices when using a active VPN connection. You cant call out or receive phone calls (auto voicemail). Some believe that the APN Ipv6 is the issue and have asked to attempt with Ipv4, I was able to get it working some how but now it inst working. I wanted to bring this to T-Mobile’s attention in case they are not aware of the issue. I am not the only one noticing this. Also, from my understanding. This works for other carriers. Its possibly a Google problem, but possibly a Tmo problem as well.


I am on Pixel 6a, my buddy has this issue on Pixel 6 Pro and Ive seen this be a common issue in matrix chats. If there is anything I can do to help, or do to solve this issue. Please let me know.

@syaoran  you come across anything about this by chance?

IPv6 seems to be an issue with a number of things, including roaming.  What the issue is, I have no idea because using IPv4 is a simple enough solution until whatever the issues are, get resolved.

Hey @syaoran Do you have any recommended changes to see if it will work through IPv4? Here is what I have:


I have rebooted and tried Protocol: NordLynx, OpenVPN(TCP), and OpenVPN(UDP) with NordVPN app with the IPv4 APN as pictures have shown. I have not been able to make any phone calls out (as my test).


The thing is with VPN's, is they redirect traffic.  Certain things are not reliably redirect able, like a phone call.  Especially if the VPN is doing it's job at hiding your original location.  You might have better luck troubleshooting it with NordVPN.  There are different types of VPN types.  The higher the security, the less likely it will transfer your calls though because VoLTE uses data, which your VPN is altering the traffic on, to connect your calls.

Sounds good, I will test this with other VPNs to see if anything changes.

Ok, so I was wrong on a earlier post. IPv6 does work but is finicky. When using just IPv4 in the APN settings. NordVPN does work. The Protocol NordLynx doesn't work. So preferences must be set to UDP or TCP.

Thanks for your help!
