
Facing several issues with T-mobile?

  • 10 March 2022
  • 0 replies

I am fairly new to T-Mobile so I am not sure if this is normal, but here's a list of issues I have had since joining:

  1. Massive customer breach... but ya'll knew that.

  2. 5G coverage isn't really covering where they say it covers. I was in Reno this weekend... 5G signal with no internet connection. 5G coverage is spotty at best and in those areas the signal goes in an out.

  3. Sprint keeps trying to charge me even though I switched and paid off my Sprint bill when I switched.

  4. Constant network dropping where I live. I am in a large city.

  5. Text messages go through... occasionally.

  6. Spotty.... very spotty internet connectivity.

  7. Dropped calls

  8. Website doesn't work... especially the coverage map. Guess if you don't show a coverage map... you can claim you are covered everywhere.

the question is... is this pretty accurate for issues that are normal for T-Mobile? My friend had no issues with 5G signal while in Reno. Just seems pretty sketchy for a company claiming nationwide 5G and I don't consider Reno to be a small city.

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