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Mobile@Work blocking T-Mobile trying to install an app

  • 20 January 2021
  • 27 replies

I am getting a push notification every 15 mins or so that reads:

com.tmobile.echolocate “Blocked by your IT Admin” Our company only allows app installs through Google.

How do I disable this notification as it is a nuisance and interrupts my active calls.

what phone? phone dependent you might be able to slide the notification to the side and it should have a gear to go into settings to mute it etc.

hi I also have mobile iron/mobile@work and today was when I started getting that annoying popup.I surprisingly DIDN;T look around on the web much (like I usually do) but instead just hopped on tmobile app and started chatting with them… could have saved myself some time, although she did confirm things-- I found on  along the left side was com.tmobile.echolocate - so the culprit is the tmobile app itself. the tech support person said this could make sense as apparently the app did just have an update. I can’t say I’m crazy about the name of this feature (echoLOCATE? some background location tracking? <tin foil hat off>  but my suspicion is that its so new that mobileiron hasn’t whitelisted it yet. presumably an app from someone like tmobile would probably pass muster w/ mobileiron but it’s just too new at the moment. the fact you posted this 20 some hours ago, and the paucity of results on the web makes me think its a new phenomenon.

luckily, i rarely use the app so, as the support person seconded the idea; I just uninstalled it from my phone, and thus far I’ve not had the popup show again.. good luck

What app did you remove? I am not able to locate echolocate app.

An update/clarification: I removed the "main" tmobile app (not tmobile tuesday). Follow the appbrain link above for a description of the app.

HOWEVER. After my above post, after uninstalling and rebooting... Last night I started getting same popup again!:(

So unfortunately back to square 1. I might also uninstall tmobile tuesday, as that the only other tmobile branded app on my phone. again w/o trying to sound too paranoid; "echolocate" makes me think it is some kind of location related part of an app; and I know tmobile tuesdays asks you to turn on location for additional local deals I haven't done so].. nonetheless, the fact that there is location-specific data within that app makes me think it could be the culprit. I dont know.. but i do know that I only had 2 tmobile apps on my phone - the "main" one to see billing, chat with agent, etc; and tmobile tuesdays. if they're both off and I STILL get popup, I'll be confused and concerned.. are there some background apps/processess running??

forced stopped the t-mobile app, and did not restart the phone. So far no more pop ups…. :-( 

I have been having the same issue for a couple of weeks. But it’s a popup not a notification that can be snoozed or disabled. Also, my wifi calling gets set to Cellular Preferred whenever it happens. This is an issue since cell coverage is horrible in my home so I have to be on wifi. It’s becoming a big issue as I have missed important phone calls. 

I’m having the same issue.  But can’t uninstall or disable the T-mobile app. Has anyone been able to get this fixed?

I have also been having this problem. I wonder if it’s because the app is “com.tmobile” so ironport is not recognizing it as an installation we can’t control.

I have to dismiss dozens of the pop over dialog box every. single. morning. I can’t even get through a normal action without a pop up dozens of times a day. SO ANNOYING!!!

Has anyone figured it out?  Very frustrating.

I thought I had it fixed. 

I had my work unenroll me from mobile iron, then did a software (android) update on my phone. Then had work re-enroll me in the mobile iron program. That seemed to have fixed it for about 2 or 3 weeks.

It started back last night without warning or indication. This is getting old fast. Ironically, it just popped up on me as I type.

I spent 30 minutes online with tmobile tech support.  They had me do a "cache reset".  That worked about 10 minutes.  67 Pop ups already today again.  Then T-Mobile told me to contact Samsung.  Samsung said it is not their problem as it is a Tmobile program.  Pretty frustrated.

I posted this original issue and I am happy to report that the issue has been fixed on my phone. I talked with a tech support rep and I don’t know what they had to do, but whatever it was, it is fixed. I hope that encourages the rest of you to give them a call. You can direct them to this community page for details.

Tmobile customer support, please fix this issue!

This issue was resolved (not by T-mobile).  My IT administration unregistered and removed mobile iron.  We waited about 3 hours and I'm that time frame com.tmobile.echolocate was able to install.  After that time period we reinstalled and registered mobile iron back on my phone and everything worked perfectly.

Seems like at least a few folks have seen this resolved by contacting their IT admins and having them remove and readd/reconfigure the email setup on the backend. I suggest folks try that first. You may want to remove the email from the phone and try the Email troubleshooting steps on our Messaging and Email troubleshooting page.

I posted this original issue and I am happy to report that the issue has been fixed on my phone. I talked with a tech support rep and I don’t know what they had to do, but whatever it was, it is fixed. I hope that encourages the rest of you to give them a call. You can direct them to this community page for details.

Is there any further detail you can provide? I was on the phone with support for almost an hour yesterday and they don’t accept emails so I couldn’t provide the link to this thread.


For the everyone else’s information, they had me clear my cache and saved data in Chrome (which I knew wouldn’t work), had me try to uninstall the T-Mobile apps (I had two T-Mobile apps for some reason) - but they wouldn’t uninstall. I could uninstall the updates to the apps, so she had me do that. Afterward, she had me clear the data associated with those apps, but those options were grayed out and I couldn’t do so. She then had me restart the phone. Since I was using the phone (it’s my only one), she is going to call me back today to see if it fixed the problem.


Spoiler alert - it didn’t.

Seems like at least a few folks have seen this resolved by contacting their IT admins and having them remove and readd/reconfigure the email setup on the backend. I suggest folks try that first. You may want to remove the email from the phone and try the Email troubleshooting steps on our Messaging and Email troubleshooting page.

This is what I did, but the problem was resolved for only about two weeks before it came back.

I contacted my work help desk, had them un-enroll me from mobileiron, then I did an android software update, waited a few days, then had work re-enroll me back into mobileiron. After about two to three weeks, the problem came back.



@Boldin thanks for updating me. After the issue came back, have you had your IT team un-enroll you and try again? You may be at a point where you’ll need to have our Tech Care team file a Trouble Ticket for you if you haven’t done that already.

@Boldin thanks for updating me. After the issue came back, have you had your IT team un-enroll you and try again? You may be at a point where you’ll need to have our Tech Care team file a Trouble Ticket for you if you haven’t done that already.

Thanks for the quick reply. I do have a ticket open and am expecting a call back later today.


I have not yet had my work’s IT team un-enroll/re-enroll me a second time. My thought process is that it takes about an hour or so to go through the entire process, and I don’t expect to have to do this with them once every few weeks. I’m planning on waiting until a T-Mobile tech care person calls me back later today, to see where it leads us. If I have to do this again, I want to know that it’s truly the fix (and final fix) - I can’t keep taking time off of work to fix a recurring issue. That said, it is arguably an issue caused, at least in part, by my work’s required app, so maybe if I hit their wallet with the issue, they’ll add focus to it on their side.

This has been happening to me for the last 2 weeks.    Unfortunately when the notification pops up I am getting disconnected from calls and have to restart phone to receive calls.   Due to COVID I work from home and have resorted to using my Spectrum internet phone line to handle business calls as I can not rely on my cell phone.    

This is extremely frustrating and disappointed the response is for me to call my IT administration.    Isn’t their a solution that T-Mobile has that does not involve me having to call my corporate IT administration?



@Boldin thanks for updating me. After the issue came back, have you had your IT team un-enroll you and try again? You may be at a point where you’ll need to have our Tech Care team file a Trouble Ticket for you if you haven’t done that already.

Thanks for the quick reply. I do have a ticket open and am expecting a call back later today.


I have not yet had my work’s IT team un-enroll/re-enroll me a second time. My thought process is that it takes about an hour or so to go through the entire process, and I don’t expect to have to do this with them once every few weeks. I’m planning on waiting until a T-Mobile tech care person calls me back later today, to see where it leads us. If I have to do this again, I want to know that it’s truly the fix (and final fix) - I can’t keep taking time off of work to fix a recurring issue. That said, it is arguably an issue caused, at least in part, by my work’s required app, so maybe if I hit their wallet with the issue, they’ll add focus to it on their side.


I never got a call back. I called back today. Based on some googling, it appears that the echolocate app is a portion of the larger T-Mobile app. I am unable to uninstall the T-Mobile app (although I can uninstall updates to it). I tried that and the problem persists. There needs to be a way of removing echolocate from the larger T-Mobile app, or whitelisting the echolocate app with MobileIron’s mobile @ work app.

Well it's back.  I had posted earlier that I uninstalled mobileiron weighted and then reinstalled mobile iron. This fixed the problem for about 3 weeks. But now it is back with a vengeance. T-Mobile says they have no idea how to fix it, but this is a T-Mobile app. This is completely unexcusable. My latest T-Mobile service rep said "well I guess you'll have to change services because we can't do anything with it." I can't believe this is how T-Mobile treats their customers.

try this.  go into the tmobile app and under permission disable location access.

nevermind, doesn’t work.

@Boldin thanks for updating me. After the issue came back, have you had your IT team un-enroll you and try again? You may be at a point where you’ll need to have our Tech Care team file a Trouble Ticket for you if you haven’t done that already.

Thanks for the quick reply. I do have a ticket open and am expecting a call back later today.


I have not yet had my work’s IT team un-enroll/re-enroll me a second time. My thought process is that it takes about an hour or so to go through the entire process, and I don’t expect to have to do this with them once every few weeks. I’m planning on waiting until a T-Mobile tech care person calls me back later today, to see where it leads us. If I have to do this again, I want to know that it’s truly the fix (and final fix) - I can’t keep taking time off of work to fix a recurring issue. That said, it is arguably an issue caused, at least in part, by my work’s required app, so maybe if I hit their wallet with the issue, they’ll add focus to it on their side.


I never got a call back. I called back today. Based on some googling, it appears that the echolocate app is a portion of the larger T-Mobile app. I am unable to uninstall the T-Mobile app (although I can uninstall updates to it). I tried that and the problem persists. There needs to be a way of removing echolocate from the larger T-Mobile app, or whitelisting the echolocate app with MobileIron’s mobile @ work app.

wouldnt this be something that your IT department would need to do on their side?
