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I am getting a push notification every 15 mins or so that reads:

com.tmobile.echolocate “Blocked by your IT Admin” Our company only allows app installs through Google.

How do I disable this notification as it is a nuisance and interrupts my active calls.

I believe the problem is the way t-mobile is sideloading the app as not trusted from play store which t-mobile needs to correct. 

Just got a new phone and set up mobile @work.  It seems the problem is the way tmobile has installed its bloatware, as I couldn't believe that my company was using Facebook and Amazon shopping. It took me a minute to realize that tmobile was inserting its own software into the RESTRICTED WORK PARTITION! I was able to delete everything except the tmobile app. I have a feeling that it is only a matter of time until all tmobile branded phones are banned from all corporate plans because of this behavior. 
