
Price Lock

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If you happen to be one of the people to get a JD Power survey this year, be sure to fill it out. And accurately describe the customer service experience you’ve received this year.


I just filed with the FCC

so will follow up if I get a survey


Userlevel 2

Like so many others, I filed a complaint with the FCC but have not yet heard back from them (FCC).  Has anyone who also filed an FCC complaint been contacted, or received any kind of acknowledgment?  

Userlevel 2

I only recd that they have my complaint and they have 30’days to reply 


I just received a text message stating that under my current service plan, my connected devices will increase by $2 per line per month.  I have two phones and two smartwatches.  Is my bill going up $4 or $8 ? (Do smartwatches count as lines?)

I believe $5 for each phone, and $2 for each watch. If that is the case $14 increase monthly.

Userlevel 1

Hi MaPat,

I did filed my FCC complaint and received a very quick response with a Ticket Number.  It also states that T-mobile will have 30 days to respond to my complaint from May 24, 2024 date.  Will see what T-Mobile have for an answer.  

Also, today I spoke with a senior representative with T-Mobile from an email I sent to the current CEO, Mike Sievert.  She didn’t really help a whole lot.  She just pretty much gave me a scripted bullet points on why the increase, regardless of their obligation as a corporation to keep what was promised when we signed up for our plan.     

Today, I will also send a complaint to my State Consumer Affairs Agency.

Userlevel 3

I’ve been getting an absolute deluge of ads for Mint Mobile in the last few days that say something along the lines of “are you tired of the big carriers raising their prices?” Haha, yes. Yes I am. 

T-Mobile owns Mint Mobile now right? Maybe they’ve timed this promo to catch the “1 or 2 percent of churn” they expect to flee from the price hikes, expecting not everyone know mint mobile is really just T-Mobile again.

Userlevel 2

Thanks for the information. I did not receive any kind of response from the FCC, so it seems I’ll need to file another complaint. lately I’ve witness enough injustices so I will not let this matter go without a fight. Lets work together and not let T-Mobile get away with this. As suggested above, lets also file a complaint to my State Consumer Affairs Agency. This specifically and directly impacts senior citizens so perhaps a public news station will be willing to be a voice for us.

Userlevel 1

My husband said that T-Mobile had recently did some acquisitions on some smaller mobile companies.  That’s probably why they are increasing rates on some of the older plans to pay for it.  Corporate greed!!!

Userlevel 2

I’m sure T-Mobile’s reasons are all based on making more money, however the issue people in this community forum are upset with is T-Mobile breaking a promise they made to us, and that is simply wrong. Most companies that discontinue a product (for what ever reason) will grandfather customers, or offer them a comparable product at the same or reduced cost to reward their patronage.

With out overstating this situation, T-Mobile has clearly lost their integrity by violating their promise to us, and that’s just wrong at so many levels. They made a conscious decision to tell Senior Citizens (Magenta 55+ customers) tough luck, get lost, and don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Everyone impacted should fight back by Filing formal complaints (BBB, FCC FTC).

Userlevel 1

I had the Magenta 55+ with a supposed “price lock guarantee” as well. One line was unlimited talk text and data. One line was talking text only. I was very satisfied with my service until we got the messages that our bill would be going up. I have gotten FOUR different stories from Four different reps and all conflict.

1) first call -  I was told that one of the lines, the talk, text, data line was priced lock guaranteed, and the other was not. I know it was a price lock guarantee on both that I was initially led to believe. I had my notes from the call  2 1/2 years ago where I asked them three or four times to confirm, and they did. The representative during my first call a few days ago suggested to keep the bill down to change to the essentials plan, as my usage was not that high anyway. I stupidly changed. I then made a comment on T Mobile site on Facebook and they asked me to chat. So I did.

  1. Chat - in the chat, I was told that the first representative was wrong, and that the line that went up was the talk and text only line. He assured me that the magenta 55 line was price lock line. He changed me back to my prior plan.
  2. then I get a text message about when my bill would be drafted on auto pay and it was $25 or so more than it was supposed to be so I had to call and speak to a third person. The third person assured me that the second person was wrong and that the first person was correct in which line was supposed to have been price locked. Then they tell me that none of the lines were ever price locked. The bill did get adjusted back where they took the $25 off and the bill was only five dollars more  not $30 more. However, the fact remains that the bill went up. Again, where is their price lock guarantee? 
    4.  Just now, I saw a comment on their Facebook page about the same issue, so I made a comment. Of course they wanted to chat. I know it’s going to do no good, but I’m in the middle of one now. This person tells me that the magenta 55 with the data is on the price lock.  See update below.

so what is it? I have four different answers or opinions which all conflict. I don’t know what T Mobile is doing besides lying to customers. The initial representatives when I switch to T-Mobile confirm the price lock, which is now somehow gone. Are they lying Just to sign people up? is it because T Mobile is purchasing another company and they want more money? 

And now, the current chat - Rep tells me that her first info is incorrect in that only one Line is going up, now - so sorry,  BOTH lines are going up. The other three said only one was. So this is story number FOUR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They do not know their butt from a hole in the ground, or they are just instructed to say anything at all to get rid of dealing with the customer.

I don’t know where to turn because you get a different story each time. All I know is it’s a bunch of lies.

T MOBILE.     YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED !!!!!!!!!!!!  But I know you are not.

Userlevel 2

This is a disgusting situation ! 

Userlevel 1

I just edited a long post about being told 4 different stories.  When I went to republish, it’s now going to moderators to approve it.  LOL.  You’ve got to be kidding.

In response to the complaint I filed with the BBB, I received a call from T-Mobile “Corporate” on a recorded line.  The man started the conversation by repeating T-Mobile’s claim that the plan I enrolled under did not include a price lock guarantee.  I responded that was not what I was told when enrolled, because we chose T-Mobile’s Magenta 55+ specifically due to the guarantee.  The call was short since he was going to repeatedly read the T-Mobile script denying they ever promised not to increase prices.

Userlevel 3

From the comments I’m reading, we’re all being read to from the same script. And the T-Mobile reps, either they’re being grossly misinformed, or they’re outright lying to us. The agreements we have from T-Mobile are clear, and they’re trying to scam us into thinking that the new agreement with the “60-day guarantee of no price increase or we pay off your bill if you leave” predates our older no price increase guarantees. 

Likely, if they’re not forced by FCC/FTC/State Attorneys General/DOJ anti-trust, they’ll have to be forced to honor our agreements in the courts, if a law firm is willing to take up a class action lawsuit. In the words of John Legere, “This is bullshit!”

Userlevel 3

I just edited a long post about being told 4 different stories.  When I went to republish, it’s now going to moderators to approve it.  LOL.  You’ve got to be kidding.

I’m seeing that as well now. T-Mobile discovered they have a “few” unhappy subscribers.

Userlevel 2

It seems T-Mobile’s tactic is to take us all around and around in circles, hoping to frustrate us into either giving up or moving to another mobile service. If they have (at least) half a brain, management must surely know that people will walk, and they are perfectly willing to let that happen.

However ……………….

We are all dealing with a matter of principle, which simply put is ….. you made a bargain with us, your alleged “valued customers”, and from what I’m reading we all kept our part of the bargain, but T-Mobile feels they can just walk away from that bargain, even worse to deny to our faces that we ever had a bargain, assuming we their valued customers (Magenta = Senior Citizens) are senile, delusional, naive, gullible, and certainly stupid. I absolutely believe this because I personally have been involved in many banking mergers and sat around management’s planning table discussing customer impacts on merger related issues which certainly include pricing impacts/changes. Strategy always included rules that made sure customers should not feel the impact (pain) of merger or industry relate changes, because our original promise was our word and that word was sacred, superseding profit or share holder value. That my friends is the very principle T-Mobile has chosen to violate. This violation of principle should now be reflected in their brand, which ultimately impacts profit and share holder value. T-Mobile’s management must have forgotten (or ignored) what happened with the Budweiser beer debacle that so negatively impacted the Anheuser Bush brand (link to an interesting retrospect  article)

People – we have the purse so we have the power, and speaking proudly as a member of our Magenta 55+ family we need to fight for our principles, and simply put is “your word is your bond”, and that is not just a catch phrase or marketing ploy.

As a next step for me, I’m filing a complaint with the BBB, communicating with my personal family members about this issue asking them to also spread the word to friends, and I have a T-Mobile store front in my neighborhood (where I opened the mobile account) that I will be visiting to have face-to-face conversation with the staff. While I’m always civil, I’ll certainly be using a tone that other customers in the store will hear.

Keep fighting for the principle at hand.

Userlevel 2


Userlevel 4

In response to the complaint I filed with the BBB, I received a call from T-Mobile “Corporate” on a recorded line.  The man started the conversation by repeating T-Mobile’s claim that the plan I enrolled under did not include a price lock guarantee.  I responded that was not what I was told when enrolled, because we chose T-Mobile’s Magenta 55+ specifically due to the guarantee.  The call was short since he was going to repeatedly read the T-Mobile script denying they ever promised not to increase prices.

I got a similar call last week.  The caller was polite, but seemed oblivious to the fact that our Magenta 55+ plans were plans with a promise that the cost would NEVER go up!  They’re trying to hang us up on the term “Price Lock”.  I don’t care what the terminology is, or when the term “Price Lock Guarantee” came into being.  The bottom line is that I was told at sign up for the plan, that the price would NEVER go up as long as I maintained the plan.  I’m no expert in language, but that seems pretty plain to even me.

Userlevel 4

It seems T-Mobile’s tactic is to take us all around and around in circles, hoping to frustrate us into either giving up or moving to another mobile service. If they have (at least) half a brain, management must surely know that people will walk, and they are perfectly willing to let that happen.

However ……………….

We are all dealing with a matter of principle, which simply put is ….. you made a bargain with us, your alleged “valued customers”, and from what I’m reading we all kept our part of the bargain, but T-Mobile feels they can just walk away from that bargain, even worse to deny to our faces that we ever had a bargain, assuming we their valued customers (Magenta = Senior Citizens) are senile, delusional, naive, gullible, and certainly stupid. I absolutely believe this because I personally have been involved in many banking mergers and sat around management’s planning table discussing customer impacts on merger related issues which certainly include pricing impacts/changes. Strategy always included rules that made sure customers should not feel the impact (pain) of merger or industry relate changes, because our original promise was our word and that word was sacred, superseding profit or share holder value. That my friends is the very principle T-Mobile has chosen to violate. This violation of principle should now be reflected in their brand, which ultimately impacts profit and share holder value. T-Mobile’s management must have forgotten (or ignored) what happened with the Budweiser beer debacle that so negatively impacted the Anheuser Bush brand (link to an interesting retrospect  article)

People – we have the purse so we have the power, and speaking proudly as a member of our Magenta 55+ family we need to fight for our principles, and simply put is “your word is your bond”, and that is not just a catch phrase or marketing ploy.

As a next step for me, I’m filing a complaint with the BBB, communicating with my personal family members about this issue asking them to also spread the word to friends, and I have a T-Mobile store front in my neighborhood (where I opened the mobile account) that I will be visiting to have face-to-face conversation with the staff. While I’m always civil, I’ll certainly be using a tone that other customers in the store will hear.

Keep fighting for the principle at hand.

You’re right on every count!  Integrity is the key, and we MUST find a way to force them to honor their promise regardless of their tactics.

Userlevel 2

I almost laughed today as my local radio station played a commercial for T-Mobile advertising the 55+ plan for $30 per line… I am going to station to try and get copy of that 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

In response to the complaint I filed with the BBB, I received a call from T-Mobile “Corporate” on a recorded line.  The man started the conversation by repeating T-Mobile’s claim that the plan I enrolled under did not include a price lock guarantee.  I responded that was not what I was told when enrolled, because we chose T-Mobile’s Magenta 55+ specifically due to the guarantee.  The call was short since he was going to repeatedly read the T-Mobile script denying they ever promised not to increase prices.

I got a similar call last week.  The caller was polite, but seemed oblivious to the fact that our Magenta 55+ plans were plans with a promise that the cost would NEVER go up!  They’re trying to hang us up on the term “Price Lock”.  I don’t care what the terminology is, or when the term “Price Lock Guarantee” came into being.  The bottom line is that I was told at sign up for the plan, that the price would NEVER go up as long as I maintained the plan.  I’m no expert in language, but that seems pretty plain to even me.

TBH, The way that I see the ‘Price Lock Guarantee’ from a legit, almost legal standard:

  1. The price would never go up … for the end user/account as long as you maintained the account.  Simple.  T-Mobile can change the rate for ‘new users’ for those accounts or if there are changes (i.e. adding a new line, user changing from Max to 55, etc).
  2. We’ll pay your last month should be if you choose to leave because T-Mobile is not wanting to honor their plan change.  1 month isn’t much, many may have $1000 in device payments that are not considered ‘recurring service charges’
  3. T-Mobile can give ‘service credits’ to properly keep its plans legit as part of their ‘guarantee’.

The so-called guarantee is mostly worthless to customers, as it primarily pays for you to leave with 1 month payment, ‘if’ you contact them within 60 days.

Copied from T-Mobile’s written response to the compliant I filed with BBB.


We regret any concerns (name) has regarding their billing and we appreciate the opportunity to respond.  From April 28, 2022, to January 17, 2024, T-Mobile began offering Price Lock on new account activations on qualifying rate plans.  Price Lock guarantees that accounts activated with a qualifying rate plan, within the enrollment period, would not be subject to a price increase, so long as the account remained in good standing and the customer remained on the qualifying rate plan.  If a customer migrates to a new plan not covered by Price Lock, the Price Lock guarantee will fall off the account given the customer is no longer on a qualifying rate plan.  Our records indicate that (name) activated on December 1, 2021, therefore was not eligible for the price lock guarantee. 

Userlevel 2

What a crock… are you able to dispute that ?


So when a t mobile salesman sells seniors a price lock plan it’s a scam?

T mobile Corp lies to seniors?  That needs to be put out there. 

No, I will not pay more than you sold me. 

If I cannot lock you out of my credit card,  I will dispute you every month. 

Or change carriers.

Probably easier. 



Userlevel 7
Badge +14

So when a t mobile salesman sells seniors a price lock plan it’s a scam?

T mobile Corp lies to seniors?  That needs to be put out there. 

No, I will not pay more than you sold me. 

If I cannot lock you out of my credit card,  I will dispute you every month. 

Or change carriers.

Probably easier. 



Part of that offer is paying off your last bill and helping you port to another provider.
