
Anyone fed-up with horrible coverage from TMobile

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I’m unhappy that sprint converts with T-Mobile and all the sprint stores close and T-Mobile can’t access my bills and my bill is constantly changing I’m unable to view all charges it’s exhausting I just want a bill that’s going to be around the same amount every month not 300 one month and 500 the next I always pay my bills on time and only have 2 iPhones 

Oh and they won't fix it either, don't expect them to. T-Mobile is the worst! Those of us who had Sprint.... We got screwed over the worst out of EVERYONE! We didn't choose this trainwreck. We're just a casualty of Corporate Collusion. 

Location is VERY much an issue.  I.e. Sprint (when I did have it) was a lot of roaming.  Certain areas like Cambria CA, San Simeon CA had no native Sprint service period.  Same with much of Sierra Highway (parallel to CA-14)… connecting the High Desert cities ( pop +300k) to Los Angeles area (pop +5M).  T-Mobile in these areas exist … but aren’t AT&T or Verizon coverage.

Similarly, in my area, the handful of Sprint towers that existed were converted to T-Mobile, which helped add service in some areas (filler sites).  For my local residence .. Sprint/T-Mobile were on the same tower.  Sprint was B41+B25+B26 ~=150Mbps.  T-Mobile was ~150-200Mbps (B2/B4/B12) now B2/B4/B12/B71 + n25+n41+n71 5G.

location makes a big difference.  Sadly, some areas T-Mobile has removed (not updated) Sprint sites.  I’d recommend calling BBB/FCC on your issue.

Userlevel 7
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What's ironic is the in Tmobile's terms and conditions, that no one reads before signing , TMobile doesn't guarantee service.

I Believe you're forgetting that a lot of us did not sign up with T-Mobile! I'm a 22-year Sprint customer! I had amazing service. There's a reason I stayed with Sprint for as long as I did! And yes for us, T-Mobile did make some grandiose promises that they did not keep up with including that. We were supposed to have the same exact coverage. Actually more "expanded". Nope. Honestly even when I'm on a Wi-Fi... SOMEHOW the coverage is still sickening!?!? I even went out of my way to buy a better phone because I did read everything and read about how they prioritize people with certain phones and certain plans before others and that did not even help! So before you speak in such a flippantly facetious way, remember AGAIN, most of us did not choose T-Mobile. 

so have you converted to an actual TMO plan now or are you still tied into TMO with a Sprint plan? if you are still on a Sprint plan technically you are free to move onto another carrier (unless  you have something youre still trying to pay off).

The poor sevice at my home has been an issue for many years now.  I really have to change carriers.  What is upsetting is that T-mobile customer service promises changes, talks about improvements being made to towers, etc., but nothing changes.  I was on the phone with a customer service rep from HP trying to correct a printer issue and my call was dropped twice in a half hour.  He called back once, but not a second time, leaving us without a solution.  Also, what's upsetting is that T-Mobile was excellent when we first switched from Verizon and went bad.  My theory is that T-Mobile began using AT&T infrastructure at some point.  Years ago when I had AT&T for work it never worked in my home T-Mobile has that dubious distinction.

Userlevel 7
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in many cases TMO is on a tower with another either theyre both on the same tower or near to each other tower wise or you live in an area that has something blocking the signal. could be buildings or trees in the way..or youre down in a bowl and the signal is going over the top of you. missed an important point.  T-Mobile was excellent when we first signed up, much better than Verizon, better reception, better clarity.  At some point that changed and ever since then we only get one bar on our mobile phones and often get dropped calls, sometimes at the most inopportune moments.  If TMO changed towers and their new infrastructure is blocked from my area that would explain why nothing they say or promise improves the reception.  Seems they need to find additional towers or find a technological improvement to actually respond to the many complaints about bad reception on this post. 

Userlevel 7
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they might have also adjusted the direction of the antenna. if they made some adjustment to cover more of a certain area that might also explain what youre seeing on your side. all you can really do is have them put in a network ticket for you. i recommend the Facebook/Twitter route over calling in or trying to use chat.

Userlevel 1 missed an important point.  T-Mobile was excellent when we first signed up, much better than Verizon, better reception, better clarity.  At some point that changed and ever since then we only get one bar on our mobile phones and often get dropped calls, sometimes at the most inopportune moments.  If TMO changed towers and their new infrastructure is blocked from my area that would explain why nothing they say or promise improves the reception.  Seems they need to find additional towers or find a technological improvement to actually respond to the many complaints about bad reception on this post. 

They guarantee coverage but they don't guarantee connectivity is their fcc response.  They have too many customers. The FCC and FTC don't care. 

I had Great Service before they took over Sprint, once they merged/bought out the service went to crap. 80% of the time I have no service, can’t make calls and the calls are constantly dropping. I looked for other companies but most of them use T-Mobile Towers which means the service is still going to be crapy.  Probably better off going to Verizon or AT&T  I’m highly considering it. 

I would never recommend T-Mobile to anyone.

T-Mobile Sucks is what I tell anyone that asks about this service!!!

for the past 4 months in Carteret NJ service went after having service for yrs of no problems I.T Can't figure it out I.T don't call back customer service is not the same sadly we are going have to cancel our Plans SMH 

Userlevel 1

Sadly,  that is a metric companies care about. They believe loyalty will save them from poor product service.  My wife has been a customer for 15 years but she too tires from the poor network performance. 

T-mobile will only care about their business when they start losing ours.

Userlevel 1

Don't believe the map or the lies! After many months a knowledgeable T-Mobile technician stated" you will never get reliable service in your location". T-MOBILE has lied at all times since we signed up! Use the FCC speed test app..If you factually comment on their service, they will just remove and block you from their sites!

T-Mobile keeps telling me that they are working on the terrible service (but yet they want you to pay for the service that is expected) for like 2+ years. Dropped calls (constantly), texts not going through, turtle speed network and hotspot ( like having aol right now), constantly trying to pull something over on you that cost you extra, but the kicker was telling me if I upgrade from an iPhone 11 to a iPhone 13 it would fix all my problems, which I did right then, I was so desperate. T-Mobile service continues to be worth maybe half of the money I pay them every month, and that’s giving them way too much credit. T-Mobile hasn’t done anything to help me, I came over from sprint. I’m taking the time to get my experience with them out to as many people as I can to help them so they don’t experience what T-Mobile put me through. There’s no excuse for it.                D. Berg 

Userlevel 1

All t-mobile does is lie!

Userlevel 2

Going to make no difference, no one is going to push against TMobile or any TELECOM at this point. They recently got into 'trouble' for their misleading ads and that is why they had to change their slogan. They will receive nothing more than a slap on the hand. The fine print clearly says that service is NOT guaranteed, this allows them to sell sell sell with no repercussions. They lobby politicians for a reason.

Userlevel 2

They have used the 'we are currently upgrading your towers' lie for 18 months now….18 months. They don't know what they are doing, I think this is obvious. When you no longer employ people that have knowledge on the job at hand, you have a show like we currently have. I have talked to easily 100 different people with them, MAYBE, and this is a big maybe, there were 2 people that actually knew what they were talking about that pertained to the telecom industry and networking. For instance, a few days ago I told them I will be leaving tmo for Verizon and she tried to over talk me with her script, saying that I would have the same experience with them because they use the same towers and equipment and they also use the same bands….are you kidding me? I had to hang up.

they told me that we're free to switch over but they're going to charge us retractively rebates and fees that they have waived because we're not meeting the term of our contract. And my question to them what kind of compensation do we get for the 3 years of failing to provide the most basic service that we have been faithfully paying in full for almost 3 years. We'll know that these are tactics that these types of companies use to hold people hostage regardless of whether they are the ones at fault in causing you to leave. This should be unacceptable!

I have had service say 5g and can't call out it will say call failed. It drops calls constantly  I can't send or receive texts or I have to download the texts.  I just restarted my phone and got 52 texts I missed from the last 2days.  This all started after the merge with sprint  it is a terrible company now

T mobile should be sued for faults advertisement. There 5 G sucks so bad your phone will show you have 5 G but will be as slow as lte. There's no way t mobile. Can stand up to there claims. Lier lier lier 

Userlevel 7
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Don't believe the map or the lies! After many months a knowledgeable T-Mobile technician stated" you will never get reliable service in your location". T-MOBILE has lied at all times since we signed up! Use the FCC speed test app..If you factually comment on their service, they will just remove and block you from their sites!

If you're in California, @califshadow , contact CPUC and file a complaint persuant to TMobile/Sprint agreement of +50Mbps at 94% of rural California and 99%,of California.   Dr. Douglas Sicker has been appointed for compliance in this regard

I have had T-Mobile for years now. Decided a year ago to go with their internet service. It was fantastic up until 3 months ago. We constantly have to restart the gateway, move the tower, etc. It’s also our cell phones that aren’t getting service/data. We have called, returned the tower and got a new one and STILL we have issues. It’s absolutely ridiculous, especially knowing we use to have great service! 


Userlevel 7
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Verizon’s service is a little different than what T-Mobile has deployed, but some of the logic is still the same.  Where T-Mobile had 2G/3G, they have 4GLTE / 5G.  T-Mobile’s 2G was 1900MHz only and primarily limited in range by timing.  4G LTE/5G limits are more on signal quality.   Signal quality on 4GLTE / 5G use higher order modulation (i.e. trying to squeeze more data out of a signal requires clean signal) I have had 4G LTE at +15 miles.  The one benefit that makes up for this is that T-Mobile 4G LTE/5G runs at 600MHz/700MHz in addition to 1900MHz and above.  Lower frequencies are beneficial for longer range.  Verizon ran 1X CDMA, at 850MHz (low band) which gave probably the best range you could get.  Like 2G GSM on T-Mobile, capacity was limited (CDMA was still better in this regard).

Call your state or federal rep / FCC to get service fixed/updated if T-Mobile won’t do what is required.


Userlevel 7
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You will have to file a ticket with TMobile to find out.

Greatride, BOY HOWDY AM I FED UP! T-Mobile has lied, stolen, and inconvenienced me (often because of THEIR FAULT) so many times I want to start screaming and never stop. I have ADHD and OCD. I am meticulous in telling people what I want or need. When I first joined T-Mobile many years ago I very clearly told the rep I could only tether by phone since I rent a converted garage. Even though separate from the main house the city still classifies it as the same location and you cannot have two utility bills in the same location. I was told that would be fine and pointed to an “Unlimited” package. I quickly found out the package was not really “Unlimited”. When I passed 50GB I got throttled. When I got throttled the internet got slower but at least it still worked. Lie #1. Lie #2 was not discovered until years later when I finally paid off my phone. I had hoped paying off the phone would mean a MUCH leaner bill. It was still high. I asked a rep why it was still so high. He checked and discovered an international calling package had been bundled in WITHOUT my knowledge. I had zero use for such a package. I had no reason to call internationally AT ALL. For years I was being charged for something I did not want or need. I immediately got it taken off but the damage had been done. Hundreds of dollars wasted. About this time T-Mobile was offering to 55 and older a free trial for a T-Mobile modem. Since it came directly from T-Mobile it would solve my problem. Also the package would lower my phone bill, I was told. I was jumping over the moon. This could solve all my issues. I took it home, giddy with excitement. It worked for 20 minutes and then shut down. I tried it in different locations in the room. 20 minutes then shut down. I took it back to the T-Mobile store. They said they had a newer model and I should try that. This one was sleek but wouldn’t even turn on. At all. I took it back. They told me that I had to ship it back to T-Mobile. They gave me a shipping label and a box. I still had to pay for packing materials and tape.I shipped it immediately. Then I got a bill for the modem that never worked! I went to a store and had them look it up. It HAD been delivered on time, I was told. I should not worry, T-Mobile will “catch up” and take it off the bill. So, I am pet sitting in Los Angeles a few days later. Pet sits are like my mini vacations. I have no access to cable or even TV at home. (but I do have a lot of DVDS) When I pet sit I bring my desktop and enjoy high speed internet, I watch their streaming channels and relax. T-Mobile shuts off my phone service without warning. I have to  contact them by internet to find out what happened. I can still call T-Mobile through the cell though.I have to endure their needlessly treacherous voicemail system. Screaming “HUMAN! HUMAN! HUMAN!” so loud the neighbors must have been concerned. Finally I get a human. She checks and reports that yes, T-Mobile shut off my phone because they are charging me for the modem despite returning it before the free trial expiration date. We have an issue with the pin. I did not remember it. (turns out I had it written down in my little password book but I was confusing it with my password) For some reason, she got cut off. She called me back but then got cut off again. By now I had already wasted hours. I guess she gave up because she did not call again. I resolved to call back the next day, maybe their issues would be resolved. I called the next day. Same issue with the voicemail system. Finally got a human. This guy, Kevin James (if that is really his name) finally solved all my issues, and when he explained about the pin, I realized I had it in my password book. He got the $69.00 reversed. What NOBODY ever could reimburse however was all those years of wasting hundreds of dollars on something I had not asked for, nor all the time wasted and the emotional toil. I get VERY angry. Like if there was a punching bag there I would have left it in shreds angry. I’ve taken Anger Management but AM does not address corporate f@#$ery. More recently, T-Mobile shut off my phone because I was 2 days late paying the bill because I had mixed up the date. (also, what ever happened to the five day grace period?-oh yeah, corporate f@#$ery) I got a supervisor and she was one smug ball of slime.When I mentioned all the things T-Mobile has put me through, she had the gall to say; “It’s the customer’s responsibility to know their billing.” then she added “We reversed that $69.00.” Yeah, moron, you did! BECAUSE IT WAS YOUR COMPANY’S FAULT!!! But of course, she doesn’t mention ANY compensation for countless lost time or the accumulation of stress. Because there was no compensation for that. Meanwhile with every merger my internet has gotten slower. I noticed immediately after the mergers of Sprint and Mint, my internet got vastly slower. Then the setting up of 5G towers. Now my internet is nearly a paperweight. To add insult to injury, if you read the Terms Of Service T-Mobile not only shields itself from a Jury Trial, but also shields any partners, third party vendors, and company employees. What this means is if you want to sue. You have to sue by arbitration. T-Mobile knows that arbitration is costly, that you are likely going to be saddled with a lawyer that actually works for T-Mobile, and that the reward, (IF you even had the slightest chances of winning) is much smaller than what one might get from a Jury Trial. That means that Samsung cannot be bothered when it’s updates ruin their phones. As they did mine. I cannot receive messages in a timely manner because Visual Voicemail always says it’s empty. The only time I see that I have a message is when it pops up in a notification, usually a half hour later. I go to V.V., it still says empty. But if I click directly on the notification it takes me to the message. I’ve lost jobs because of this since I could not answer in a timely manner. As a film maker, I use my phone’s camera a lot. Despite not having it on (in fact, making sure it has NO permissions) Bixby just decides to ruin shots for me by suddenly intruding. Also, again, despite looking it up and unclicking permissions, the phone will just suddenly decide to flip video upside down. Sometimes it completely shuts off while filming, I have missed so many things because of this. Yet, Samsung is shielded by T-mobile. Finally, one final lie from a T-Mobile rep that has caused me inconvenience and even emotional turmoil. I had to change my numbers years ago. I asked SPECIFICALLY for a “clean” number, an unused number. Rep said, “No problem”. There was a problem. They gave me Linda Pace’s number. I have no idea if Pace is dead or just didn’t do her due diligence in notifying all her friends, doctors, etc… that she had a new number. For years I constantly got calls from friends and corporations looking for Pace. The most heartbreaking one was a father who left a message saying.”Linda, I know how much you cared for my son so I had to call you to tell you he just passed away.” I had to call back and say, “I am so sorry about your son. But this is not Linda Pace’s number.” Nobody should have to be put through that emotional task because of a corporations lack of “Good Faith.”

Not only is T-mobiles coverage terrible (I never had any issues talking with Verizon) but when I was lured in because of promotional lies. I was told that if I switch to T-mobile I would get Netflix and MS365 for free. After the deal was done, I was told I could get one or the other not both. So, I opted for MS365. Two moths later I still have not received my MS365. I am trying to switch back to Verizon but I need to pay off my phones. There is no where on my dashboard to allow me to pay off my devices. I have called customer service several times and they are clueless as to how I can pay off my phones. 


Additionally, when I called customer service about a month ago to enquirer into my MS365, they told me that they would send the MS365 in my dashboard under promotional resumptions shortly. They said to wait a few hours and it should be there. I logged into my account later only to find it was not my account but another customers account. That is right, I use my user name and password but was it was another persons account. A total PII violation. I reported this to customer service the CEO, President, the Business Group and the President, Consumer Group. It took two day for them to correct the botched issue.

T-mobile is just a bad company, with bad coverage and bad customer service.

T-Mobile really likes to pile the icing on their . My T-Mobile bill just went from 118.00$ to 130.00 without any type of permission or information. Cannot tell if any type of improvement of crappy service or coverage. T-Mobile has gotten away dishonest representation. enough people need to complain to the PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. AND FILE LAWSUITS FOR INTENTIONAL MISREPRESENTATION.
