
new phone unlock


why do they insist on 40 days before they unlock a new phone? i bought my phone out right from tmobile and they will not unlock it for 40 days, i got a sweet deal from Verizion that will save me over $100 a month so im moving from tmobile to Verizon and they refuse to unlock my phone for 40 days, hold a costumer hostage….bs


Best answer by gramps28 28 May 2023, 02:54

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5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

The SIM Unlock Policy requirements must be met by your account and your device to be eligible for a SIM unlock from T-Mobile.  

SIM Unlock Policy | Unlock Your Mobile Wireless Device | T-Mobile

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Every carrier has a usage requirements before the phone is unlocked.

If you wanted a truly unlocked phone you should of bought it from the manufacturer.

Userlevel 6
Badge +12

Verizon is 60 days.  It is what it is.  IF you don’t lock the unlock policies always buy unlocked.

Userlevel 6
Badge +12

One Question….

That $100 savings did they break it down with taxes and fees?  They promoing you a free device too?  I wouldn’t be surprised you actually paying the same you are right now with a free device, but after the device is paid off and you want to upgrade you are actually spending $50+ more a month than what you originally had.  Verizon forum has people who tool shiny deals but wasn’t actually broken down after their fees and taxes equated. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

cant wait until they get that new device from V and have to wait 60 days before V will unlock it lol.
