Just cancelled my internet account because of no work vpn functinality

  • 29 January 2024
  • 1 reply


My work vpn has been abysmally slow.  I called a few times and I was told that this would be resolved in 48 hours.  The person that I spoke to had no idea what was going on.  Given that I work from home, 48 hours is really unacceptable.  Don’t recommend this product for anyone that’s working from home.

1 reply

I will also be cancelling this service, it’s too unreliable for home internet if I can’t work from home with our VPN.

FWIW, I called tech support and the person who responded gave me a canned response he appeared to be reading about the gateways getting a firmware update to disable VPN use. Of course, there haven’t been any recent firmware updates for my router, so I don’t know if it was just BS to get me off the phone or not. Either way, can’t count on T-Mo and they don’t seem particularly interested in resolving these issues.
