
Error "Uh-oh, it looks like we have our wires crossed. Please try again later."

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try to open the email you received from T-mobile and click the link in the email. This will lead to T-mobile site where you should be able to log in. 

This seemed to have worked for me...

I tried logging in normally (many multiple times) by going to and got the ‘uh oh’ message.

Found this discussion to look for answers. Found no answers, so tried to add to the discussion by clicking in the reply text box.

That opened up a new page where I was asked my security questions.

Once answered I was able to get into my account.

Hope that helps somebody.

This seemed to have worked for me...

I tried logging in normally (many multiple times) by going to and got the ‘uh oh’ message.

Found this discussion to look for answers. Found no answers, so tried to add to the discussion by clicking in the reply text box.

That opened up a new page where I was asked my security questions.

Once answered I was able to get into my account.

Hope that helps somebody.

LOL this actually works.

Same problem here.

ETA on the fix?

Yup. Not a very good service. Test.


Edit: you can sign into your acc by trying to comment on your mobile here. But you’ll get stuck at checkout Cart when trying to pay. :(


This suddenly starting happening to me too.

Hi there,

I found a solution with this very frustrating “ Uh-oh, it looks like we have our wires crossed. Please try again later. “

Please try to log in on a different internet browsers.  I experienced the same error using Firefox browser. So, I have decided to use the Google Chrome and had no problem in logging in to my account.  Hope this works for everybody as well.



nothing working so far. tried different devices to sign in, different browsers, tried replying to comments, tried signing in with email and phone number.  Any other suggestions?

Happening again. 

Can’t get in either :(

Getting this error too.

I clicked the “forget password” button, reset the password, and get logged in.

Still happening over a year later!

Same issue.

Doesn’t matter how I try, I can’t get logged in

Having the same issue for weeks now.

Same issue here, need to check my usage on my camera and add but cannot


Solution!! I finally got in.  This url works “” .  The old one i was trying does not  “”

Having this issue now. 


Userlevel 2

well, folks, I am very sorry to report as of Jan. 21st, 2021, the first full day of the Biden Presidency, this issue remains unsolved.  T-Moo is now my new name for this company and I suggest everyone use this name across the entire internet, (which may appear infinite, but in reality is not, ) until this problem is fixed.

Shame on you, T-Moo, for failing to address what would not be tolerated in the America I grew up in. Please make America great again and make yourselves the number 1 Telco by listening to your customers…..businesses used to say the customer was the reason for the existence of the company, but T-Moo must have lost that memo…..

just my two cents- not worth much

Wow, it cant be that bad. Its more than 2 years and folks like me are still having the same issue. C’mon maan you guys at Tmobile are better than that.


Update, this worked:

Solution!! I finally got in.  This url works “” .  The old one i was trying does not  “”


“Looks like we got our wires crossed. We weren’t able to process your request at this time. Please try again later.”

This “try again later” has been for more than a month already, even after I opened a ticket with customer support. Useless online account if I need to call customer support to manage my account/pay bills.