
5G home internet keeps dropping

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Userlevel 2

Best advice is to get rid of your T mobile! I have to turn my internet box off and on every day, plus the app won't connect to it ever.   They lied about trades and free phones etc… now I'm stuck till I pay off everything. Then Ill have to try Mint.

Userlevel 1

Have the newer 5G home gateway. It was fine for a few months, the last few months it has been un-reliable. internet connectivity just drops (not slow, drops 100%).  This is not just the gateway by cell data on my phones also dies at the same time!   Multiple calls into T-mobile, technical tickets and promises of call backs, nothing.  Everyone should file an FCC complaint:


Have had the device two days and it works great! :) To the point that I have cancelled xfinity internet. Not a great test period, agreed, but ….

Seem to have the latest black box, looks new, 4 bars signal strength. Good cell phone signal strength out and about in the neighborhood. We also recently switched cell service from Verizon to T-Mobile.

Speed test varies a bit with the box but generally can get up to 200-300 plus, download.

However, with a boatload of computer hardware/software diagnosing experience in hand, I will not spend a lot of time working with support if I start developing drops, I will just dump the service and go crawling back to Comcast. 

Update:  I’m actually getting up into the 400-500 range at times. Even when it was showing 40-50 mbps the other night during prime time streaming, everything was running great. It’s just me and my wife here in a one story house, with not much concurrent device use. All of our devices, Roku box, iPhones, laptops, iPads, are late models that run fast.

I will update this in a month ….



Any update? You would be probably the only one not having issues...

I have tried all of the solutions on this thread and none worked. Eventually after many tries at calling, I got a local center out of California. They put in a “trouble ticket” to have an engineer go check out the tower (less than a mile a way).  Whatever they did, it worked.  No problems since.  I’ve put in several calls to find out what exactly was done so I know how to raise it if it happens again, but despite taking messages no one has called me back.  I would recommend using the key phrase “trouble ticket” and ask them to open one up and check the tower.  Hope this helps.  Happy to answer questions.

One possible solution.
It has been about a month since we signed up with Tmobile 5G home service in Oct ‘22.  The model of our black 5G tower is FAST-5688W.  Yes, it is sensitive to placement and also the proximity to the Netgear Nighthawk wifi router, causing the 5G internet to randomly drop over the initial 8 days.  That is until I moved the Netgear wifi router from 2 inches away to 12+ inches away.  It has been almost 3 weeks of reliable internet since.  We’re very happy that T-Mobile is available in the mountains of Colorado.  Subsequently we cancelled our Starlink reservation.  

I had run into this issue. After much research and fiddling with the gateway placement, I discovered some things. The gateway would drop connection at night, in the middle of the night. I have it placed near a window, but I have vertical blinds that I draw at night. The connection seems to be extremely sensitive to the placement of the gateway in my area, and I started checking the advanced cellular metrics as I played with different placement of the gateway. I figured out that some of the parameters would change from “poor” to “good” just by a few inches difference in the placement, and closing the blinds would affect the parameters even further. What I think was happening is that at night when the blinds were drawn, certain cellular parameters became very “poor” and the connection was dropped. I’m hoping I have fixed this by keeping the blinds slightly open a night. We will see. 

Userlevel 1

 so far problem seems solved I called tmobile and talk to tech they sent me out another tower.  This time I didn't switch out the Sim cards but called t mobile and had them configure the Sim card that came with the unit so far so good almost 2 weeks without a reset

So they seem to have refunded me $200.00 for the 4 months (we shall see if that really happens).  Frustration dropping just have to make sure xfinity does not gouge me LOL:) Oh finally run don’t walk from the tmobile gate way it is a peice of junk with unknown issues.  If they could not fix it in 4 months of service calls and untrue statement they never will “Run you fools!!!!!:) (as Gandalf said in the lord of the Rings LOL:) The Ronin

Fellas, the answer is very simple they have no idea what they are doing with  the internet pacakage F troop here.  Go else where they are charging and not providing the service  Get your money back and move on:)  I tried all of the things mentioned and in each case at the endof the apologies and we will make this right verbiage they never called back with a satisfactory resolution or corective action that allowed me to simply enjoy the service.  My conclusion based on this is that they have no idea how to fix the problem and are accepting my monthly payment for their gateway internet service which never provided service for a complete month.  it was good for a week then bad for two weeks etc…  I had such faith in T-mobile I played ball for 4 ,5 months.  Now I want my money back for those 4.5 month and we will simply part company. Xfinity bound ironically I don’t like xfinity but I have to admit thier service seems to at least meet the minimum requirment of um working:)  Not going to beat my head agaisnt the tmoblie Ftroop process any longer:)  Somtimes it is the simple answer that is the right one in this case t-mobile is cluless about the gateway package they are pushing:(  Eject now fellas and ladies So I am on the line right now and they were working on getting my money back and the call dropped sound familiar.  So done here:(  9 year customer moving on:(

Fellas, the answer is very simple they have no idea what they are doing with  the internet pacakage F troop here.  Go else where they are charging and not providing the service  Get your money back and move on:)  I tried all of the things mentioned and in each case at the endof the apologies and we will make this right verbiage they never called back with a satisfactory resolution or corective action that allowed me to simply enjoy the service.  My conclusion based on this is that they have no idea how to fix the problem and are accepting my monthly payment for their gateway internet service which nevre provided service for a complete month.  it was good for a week then bad for two weeks etc...

Three weeks in and I'm ready to chuck this junk. Every time I try to stream ANYTHING the internet drops requiring a modem reboot. Constant 5g 5 bars and wifi never drops, only internet. Strange how my phone never loses internet though. Looks like it back to the other ripoff at Xfinity. 

I am experiencing the disconnect issue.  I have great service when it is online, but at random intervals, it loses connection to the internet.  I have it just as my ISP as I use a mesh router for my house.  I have the 5ghz wifi enabled, but nothing is connected via wireless.  Service drops and typically all I have to do is reboot router via the app and it comes right back.  Occasionally I have to do 2 reboots of the router.  I made the switch from ATT as the only provider in my area could only provide 25mb down and 1-2mb up via their uverse dsl.  Hoping to see a firmware update on this, but looking at the history of the post doesn’t give me a lot of confidence.  I am on the black round gateway with firmware SGJi10105-1.1.52.  Router sits in a ~72 degree room with plenty of airspace around it.  Curious of the firmware version of others on here.


I’ve been running mine with a fan blowing on it for the last couple of days.  My issues might be fixed, but I need more time to confirm.

Userlevel 1

Ok so far problem seems solved I called tmobile and talk to tech they sent me out another tower.  This time I didn't switch out the Sim cards but called t mobile and had them configure the Sim card that came with the unit so far so good almost a week without a rest 


I’m having the same issues.  Internet has been dropping multiple times a day for the last few days after working nearly flawlessly for months.  If I’m not in a hurry, it will usually reconnect on its own within a few minutes.  Most of the time I’ll just reset the router and be back to working faster than if I were to wait.


After reading everyone else’s replies, I won’t bother calling Tech support.  Hopefully, they are just working on something, and it will clear up in a few more days.  If not, I have plenty of other options to go with.

Userlevel 1

I run 2 cameras off it. 2 phones 2 tablets and stream on 2 different tvs at the same time when the service works it works great.  But having to reset every day sometimes now 2 to 3 times a day gets a little annoying 

Have had the device two days and it works great! :) To the point that I have cancelled xfinity internet. Not a great test period, agreed, but ….

Seem to have the latest black box, looks new, 4 bars signal strength. Good cell phone signal strength out and about in the neighborhood. We also recently switched cell service from Verizon to T-Mobile.

Speed test varies a bit with the box but generally can get up to 200-300 plus, download.

However, with a boatload of computer hardware/software diagnosing experience in hand, I will not spend a lot of time working with support if I start developing drops, I will just dump the service and go crawling back to Comcast. 

Update:  I’m actually getting up into the 400-500 range at times. Even when it was showing 40-50 mbps the other night during prime time streaming, everything was running great. It’s just me and my wife here in a one story house, with not much concurrent device use. All of our devices, Roku box, iPhones, laptops, iPads, are late models that run fast.

I will update this in a month ….



Have had the device two days and it works great! :) To the point that I have cancelled xfinity internet. Not a great test period, agreed, but ….

Seem to have the latest black box, looks new, 4 bars signal strength. Good cell phone signal strength out and about in the neighborhood. We also recently switched cell service from Verizon to T-Mobile.

Speed test varies a bit with the box but generally can get up to 200-300 plus, download.

However, with a boatload of computer hardware/software diagnosing experience in hand, I will not spend a lot of time working with support if I start developing drops, I will just dump the service and go crawling back to Comcast. 

Userlevel 1

Mine usually disconnects about 3 or 4 am.  When I get up have to reconnect the unit by restarting it every single morning now that I have had 1 year of flawless service.

I’m also desperately trying to move away from Xfinity and was so excited to get the email that T-Mobile Home Internet was finally available at my address.  Immediately set up the equipment after delivery, and was happy to see that with the gateway in an upstairs window, I get five full bars of connection on my gateway.  But, even though I’ve only had the service for two days, I think I’m going to have to return it.  I’m getting the same performance issues everyone else is - in the morning 7:00-ish, I can’t even get a wireless connection on any device.  Then twenty minutes later I’ll test it at 300 Mbps download.  Ten minutes later it’s back to .2 (yes, point 2) Mbps download.  All of this is with “Excellent” or “Very Good” connections on the gateway.  This is unusable as I work from home.  I also called Tech support, who told me I have two towers close-by and that they may be working on them right now.  Sounds like everyone on this thread may all coincidentally have people working on their towers right now.  The connection is faster and more consistent in the night, but unfortunately I use it most during the day.  Too bad...I REALLY wanted this to work.  I’ll try it again in another year.  Until then it’s back to high prices at Comcast.

Userlevel 1

Yeah idk I went 1 year no issues now I am constantly every 24 hrs having to reset my network.  Kinda funny how there is no issues or very few issues during your first year and as soon as you start on your second year problems arise that wasn't there before that now no one can fix

I have had TM internet for over a year now.  I had maybe 1 connection drop in the first 6 months.  Then it got to be a twice a month occurrence, now it’s 5-6 times a day.  At least I know now it’s not just my service.  Hopefully it’s either gateway design or firmware issue that they can get this worked out.   

Userlevel 1

Yeah this issue hasn't cleared up its now every morning have to reset and sometimes a couple times a day.  I wish I knew what changed from my first year of service which was flawless to now 1 year 3 months and have crap service

I was having the router drop the cellular connection, while showing good signal, sometimes three times a day, often during a telework meeting.  I began tracking how often I power cycled the hotspot.  I had two occurrences on 6/3/22, singles on 6/5, 6/10, 6/18, and 6/20.  And then as of 6/22 this problem cleared up.  I'm in Houston TX, in case T-Mobile fixed by infrastructure instead of firmware update.

Userlevel 3
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Same problem here. Have had home Internet for almost a year with no problems. In the past two weeks, Internet drops one to two dimes a day. 9 pages of this and still no solution. I’m not going to waste time calling support.  We haven’t changed a thing. Maybe the dual\triple NAT and abysmal lack of settings are finally causing problems with updates from Windows and other hardware. I don’t know. But if this continues I’m going to take a peek at Verizon’s Home Internet and read some reviews. 
