
5G home internet keeps dropping

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@Fredreed I unplugged it again and did another walk around the house.  Aside from one spot in the house that I get four bars about 5% of the time, and 2 bars the rest of the time, I think it’s in the best spot.  Whatever’s happening seems to be getting worse, as I’m now up to my fourth crash in two days.  

I have 4 bars had my device in same location by window for a year no problems what so ever 2 to 3 months after the one year drops internet all the time they gave me a new gateway and guess what same no internet connection why would things work perfect for a year then mess up I don't get it

I’m having a problem with T-Mobile 5g home internet that has not been resolved despite many calls in to the help line.  I’ve had T-Mobile 5g home internet for almost a month now, and the short version is that every so often the gateway drops the network.  When I say “drop the network,” I mean to say it throws everything off of the Wifi that it’s broadcasting, and anything plugged in via ethernet says “no network found.  (To elaborate this point, cell phones switch to cellular data because wifi is gone for them, and computers hardwired into the gateway think that they are no longer plugged into anything.)  Turning off the gateway and turning it back on resolves the issue, but doesn’t prevent it from happening again.  Whatever is happening doesn’t seem to affect our connection speed/strength when the gateway IS providing signal to devices in the home, but due to the nature of our work, we need a connection that won’t just disconnect randomly.  


To address this, T-mobile has so far run a bunch of tests on their end, and seem to have ruled out a tower issue (which makes sense, as the tower shouldn’t have anything to do with whether or not the devices on the gateway’s wifi or ethernet connection get thrown off of the network.)  They’ve sent me a replacement gateway, which is experiencing the exact same problem (3 times in the last 36 hours, in fact).   I’ve noticed that the device gets pretty warm, so I set up a computer case fan as a cooler to force air through the device, thinking that perhaps it’s an issue with the device overheating.  However, while the gateway is notably cooler than it was without the fan, it has not prevented the issue from persisting.  The last thing that I can think to do (and my most recent attempt at resolving this issue) is to plug a router into the gateway via ethernet, and allow the router to handle the wifi/connections w/ devices in the house, and to disable wifi from the gateway all together.  Maybe the gateway is simply too overburdened with connections and gets somehow overwhelmed and shuts down, and having the router handle the “heavy lifting” of taking care of all of the individual device connections will resolve it?  I don’t have a great deal of faith that this will fix the issue (as the gateway also kicks ethernet things off of the network when it experiences this problem), but I’m running out of options/ideas of what to do in order to just get a stable, constant internet service.   


Is anybody else having this issue, has anybody resolved this issue, or does anybody have any advice or feedback regarding how I might get this resolved so that I can get back to having stable internet?

I have been having this problem for the last two months.  Tech support is extremely poor and very annoying.  My gateway worked perfectly from September 2021 to May 2022 and then started crapping out several times a day.  I have given up on the tech support team.  I don’t need the stress and frustration of dealing with them especially since they are obviously unable to fix the problem. 

So it’s back to Comcast.  Disgusted.  I hope they ask why I am leaving so I can give them a piece of my mind.


We're having the same issue with losing the connection. We've had T-Mobile home internet for about 6 weeks. It was fine for about a month, but the last 2 weeks the modem will lose connection about every 1.5 to 2 days. Unplugging the modem and plugging it back in will fix it for another 1.5 to 2 days before it drops again and I have to unplug it again. I have no idea why it was good for a month then started having issues every other day. The only change I made was to add a second SSID that broadcasts just the 5Ghz signal so I can connect my cell phone to it because my phone would always connect to the 2.4Ghz network rather than being directed to the 5Ghz signal on the SSID that broadcasts both signals.

I Have been rooting for you T-mobile. You are severely letting me down. I am paying more than $200 a month for FOUR locations (via two different accounts, one business and one not), yet, you will not help me. And better yet, your “promised” business hotline will NEVER pick up the phone. I have attempted to call multiple times all for me to sit on hold for great lengths of time.


This neglects all of the previous issues mentioned T-mobile are ignoring. I was only getting 1-2 disconnects a day from the same issue everyone else is however, after some outsourced employees messed with my router and reset it, I’m getting a disconnect for greater than 60 seconds at a time DOZENS of times an hour. Makes the internet utterly useless. This is an ongoing problem at every single location I have these routers launched. I was promised that the Business line was local for the greater portion of the day, I can’t even confirm because they will not pick up the phone!



I can’t wait for LinusTechTips to review this heaping piece of garbage and trash this home internet. Not like it’s available in Canada anyways.


wow - even posting here doesn’t work well - just wiped out my entire comment.  short version: tmobile internet sucks, so done with dropped meetings, shows, everything - going back to xfinity

I have had the T Mobile Home Internet for about 6 months. About a month ago it started dropping the connection a few times a day. I have done the reset thing and it works usually. 
Reading through this thread does not give me much hope that the issue will be resolved. I am going to call them and ask for a replacement unit and go from there. 
I really don’t want to go back to Spectrum. Although their service was pretty solid I just don’t care for their business model. 
Anyhoo, I was hoping there would be a magic fix y’all had figured out. Guess not…….

I had to send mine back and cancel the service.  We were getting dropped out of meetings with no warning several times a week, which was unacceptable.  Real shame because XFinity is our only other option here and the TMO gateway speeds were comparable at almost ½ the cost.

5am and 8am. Unusable. 

Having the same issue. Tower says it's on and has signal but nothing will connect to it, it doesn't even appear when we search for networks on our TV or phones. This is the first it has happened to us. 


We had the same issue--frequent disconnects, inconsistent speeds (between slow and slower). After one day, it was clear it wasn’t going to work. I returned the device less than 24 hours after installing it, got a receipt, called TM to insure it was removed from our service plan (Magenta). Today, our bill has increased by $7.33 for the prorated service. Considering the misleading ads, and the assurance given on TM’s website that our residence was in the 5G internet service area, I’m now filing an online complaint with the FTC. As soon as our new phone is paid for, we are going back to Verizon. 

Like many of you I’ve been battling this issue as well. From 9p-6a I get decent speeds (anywhere from 75-250 down) the rest of the day the Speedtest times out and I get nothing. I find the disconnects occur when the performance is poor. I have 3-4 5G bars but the performance is unusable. 

Totally understand the draw on the tower during peak times but I’d assume marketing this product they’d have prepared for this, maybe I should stop assuming. 


I’m having a problem with T-Mobile 5g home internet that has not been resolved despite many calls in to the help line.  I’ve had T-Mobile 5g home internet for almost a month now, and the short version is that every so often the gateway drops the network.  When I say “drop the network,” I mean to say it throws everything off of the Wifi that it’s broadcasting, and anything plugged in via ethernet says “no network found.  (To elaborate this point, cell phones switch to cellular data because wifi is gone for them, and computers hardwired into the gateway think that they are no longer plugged into anything.)  Turning off the gateway and turning it back on resolves the issue, but doesn’t prevent it from happening again.  Whatever is happening doesn’t seem to affect our connection speed/strength when the gateway IS providing signal to devices in the home, but due to the nature of our work, we need a connection that won’t just disconnect randomly.  


To address this, T-mobile has so far run a bunch of tests on their end, and seem to have ruled out a tower issue (which makes sense, as the tower shouldn’t have anything to do with whether or not the devices on the gateway’s wifi or ethernet connection get thrown off of the network.)  They’ve sent me a replacement gateway, which is experiencing the exact same problem (3 times in the last 36 hours, in fact).   I’ve noticed that the device gets pretty warm, so I set up a computer case fan as a cooler to force air through the device, thinking that perhaps it’s an issue with the device overheating.  However, while the gateway is notably cooler than it was without the fan, it has not prevented the issue from persisting.  The last thing that I can think to do (and my most recent attempt at resolving this issue) is to plug a router into the gateway via ethernet, and allow the router to handle the wifi/connections w/ devices in the house, and to disable wifi from the gateway all together.  Maybe the gateway is simply too overburdened with connections and gets somehow overwhelmed and shuts down, and having the router handle the “heavy lifting” of taking care of all of the individual device connections will resolve it?  I don’t have a great deal of faith that this will fix the issue (as the gateway also kicks ethernet things off of the network when it experiences this problem), but I’m running out of options/ideas of what to do in order to just get a stable, constant internet service.   


Is anybody else having this issue, has anybody resolved this issue, or does anybody have any advice or feedback regarding how I might get this resolved so that I can get back to having stable internet?

I just received the Arcadyan router a day ago. I actually have 4 bars and still getting max 29mbps down and 40 upload. Had the tech check the towers around me to see was anything wrong with them for why my download was so slow. He couldn’t give me an answer to why. and to add insult to comedy he asked me to do a survey after our call….LOL!!! It was so funny that i couldnt be mad at him or TMO. I really hope they get this together because i will easily hop back over to spectrum and at least get a stable coax connection with an expensive price tag… DAYUM!!! Come on TMO I’m rooting for you guys b4 i make that next move….


I called T-mobile with my issue and everything checked out. No outages in my area, nothing he could see at his end, and I had already rebooted, and reset the unit. They sent me out a replacement the very next day. It is working a little better, but does kick out a few times a day for anywhere between 10-30 seconds at a time. So I'll give it a bit more time, but if it continues, I'll be forced to stick with xfinity. I'D DEEPLY REGRET THAT. PLEASE TMO, FIX. IT ORIGINALLY WORKED FLAWLESSLY FOR OVER 2 MONTHS. 

I’m chimming in here in hopes that T-Mobile will pay attention if enough of us complain.  Up until last week, I was a HUGE fan and proponent of the 5G home internet service.  I had even recommended it to several friends who also switched.  Now, I’m regretting this.  As of a week ago, my device constantly drops signal… like every 30 minutes or so.  And, as of yesterday, I’m no longer able to login to the home internet app on my iPhone.  Please fix this!  I’ve loved the 3 months I had but maybe the honeymoon is over?  


I really wanted to drop xfinity. I got T-mobile in April while keeping xfinity in case. For 2 months, T-mobile was great and fast. Then about a week ago, my signal started to drop. Now it's up to almost every couple of hours. I'll give T-mobile another month to get it right. If they can't, I'll return and cancel. 


I am having this problem as well.


Another data point - Drops recently started after months of constant uptime. Typically occur early in morning, between 5 & 9 AM. Very few connected devices and wired PC is generally device in use during disconnect. No fan. Approximately 1 mile from cell tower.

My guess, either capacity or interference. (If heat, reboot wouldn’t immediately cool router...)

Add me to the list of people experiencing problems. I have only had the home gateway for a few days, but have had to reboot the device multiple times a day since getting it. Given the number of problems expressed on this thread and others, it would seem as though this gateway simply isn't ready for prime time, and I will go back to Cox for the time being.

Userlevel 1

I believe the problem is indeed prioritization. Cellphone traffic is prioritized over internet traffic as i understand it.

A couple days ago, my 5G internet slowed to 10.4 down/6 up. At that same moment, my 5G iPhone registered 389/12.3.

It’s not my WiFi as I’ve registered over 500 down  in the mornings.

Last night, my streaming 24in kitchen TV had constant buffering and dropping to very low resolution. My  phone on wifi was around 10 down but on cellular over 200 down.  

Would deprioritization cause a full on disconnect thought?   I have seen slower speeds on the home internet vs my phone's data which would certainly be due to deprioritization.   We are having issues of full on internet loss,  I wouldn't think a tower would cut a modem off completely.   

We have that problem also. Around 6:45pm, we often get a “no network detected” message from our Apple TV device. It usually disappears in anywhere from 5 sec to 30 sec.

Userlevel 1

You may have some neighbor or even some equipment in your house interfering with how your computer connects viaWI-FIi. Your operating system on your computer have be corrupting NETWORK drivers used for communications or an installed app may be interfering with the computers built in Wi-Fi card. Again it may be a bad t-mobile device too.

I’ve looked at all the neighborhood WiFi signals that I can see with Inssider app. I’ve moved my signal to the most open channels I can find.

With my computer off Wifi right now, my iPhone shows over 500Mbps down on cellular data and 51Mbps down connected to my Wifi. That tells me either some other nearby device is harming my wifi signal. But more likely, I am competing with a lot more internet traffic in the evening as other T-mobile 5G internet customers fire up their 4K big screen TV or sit down for some intense gaming, etc.

Or someone’s mining Bitcoin nearby 😂

You may have some neighbor or even some equipment in your house interfering with how your computer connects viaWI-FIi. Your operating system on your computer have be corrupting NETWORK drivers used for communications or an installed app may be interfering with the computers built in Wi-Fi card. Again it may be a bad t-mobile device too.

I believe the problem is indeed prioritization. Cellphone traffic is prioritized over internet traffic as i understand it.

A couple days ago, my 5G internet slowed to 10.4 down/6 up. At that same moment, my 5G iPhone registered 389/12.3.

It’s not my WiFi as I’ve registered over 500 down  in the mornings.

Last night, my streaming 24in kitchen TV had constant buffering and dropping to very low resolution. My  phone on wifi was around 10 down but on cellular over 200 down.  

Would deprioritization cause a full on disconnect thought?   I have seen slower speeds on the home internet vs my phone's data which would certainly be due to deprioritization.   We are having issues of full on internet loss,  I wouldn't think a tower would cut a modem off completely.   

Userlevel 1

I believe the problem is indeed prioritization. Cellphone traffic is prioritized over internet traffic as i understand it.

A couple days ago, my 5G internet slowed to 10.4 down/6 up. At that same moment, my 5G iPhone registered 389/12.3.

It’s not my WiFi as I’ve registered over 500 down  in the mornings.

Last night, my streaming 24in kitchen TV had constant buffering and dropping to very low resolution. My  phone on wifi was around 10 down but on cellular over 200 down.  

I have had the newest 5g modem for a couple months.  Tmobile has already sent a replacement due to this issue.  I get great speeds all the time, over 300mbps.  But at least once a day,  always around 10am,  it looses internet for about 6 minutes.   Sometimes it does it multiple times a day.    As I said,  I’m on my second one in just a few months and still the same issue.   I’m wondering if it may be a firmware issue.   
