
Anyone's Home Internet App not loading?

  • 12 November 2022
  • 36 replies


I had an issue and they reset my router/modem. The password reset and Im trying to change it back but I can’t load back into TMobile Home Internet App at all. Its stuck at loading.

36 replies

I found the following, if the app won’t run.


  1. Turn off TMHI app
  2. Turn off wifi on your device
  3. Restart TMHI app
  4. Wait until the app reports that the wifi isn’t connected and let it turn on your wifi on the device.
  5. After the app turns on wifi it will then run correctly. Be prepared to do this every time you need to reconnect.




Thanks, that does seem to work!


That being said, it is a somewhat convoluted way to go about things. I realize this is a community forum and not a support forum, however I am surprised that no one from T-Mobile has responded to these concerns. A quick look at Apple’s App Store ratings, the most recent replies are dismal to say the least. I thought T-Mobile was a customer focused company and I’m surprised T-Mobile would ignore this issue.

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OK, just to play the game I went through the steps above exactly as outlined. Result=Fail. That does nothing for getting the application to connect on my iPhone 12 Pro. My phone is on 16.2 so maybe it does not behave the exact same way due to the iOS version in operation. So, it is not going to play. It is sort of like a rigged one arm bandit. The house is going to win.

T-Mobile just needs to fix the mobile application so it works on ALL their phones. Yes my iPhone is directly from T-Mobile. 

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The mobile application appears to work for some people and not so much for others. I have an iPhone 12 Pro, from T-Mobile mind you, and it seldom loads the T-Mobile home internet application without 6-8 attempts to get it to work and more often than not it fails all together. Just to feel the pain with you I took the time to see if it would log me in. Low and behold it let me in after 6 try. I was just giving up and left it sitting 20-30 seconds after pressing the “Login” yet again. It actually presented me with the password window. I logged in and it tells me I have a connection to the gateway but NO internet. Duh… I am typing this right now connected and the mobile application can’t figure it out. I have the Nokia which has the web GUI and I can see it has BOTH cellular signals and is working fine. GO FIGURE

So, if it loads at all just hit the login and wait 30 seconds or so then see if it presents the password entry. If it does well it might work. Don’t get in a hurry. Be patient and persistent. That is what I found with the mobile application. Feel free to leave constructive comments for T-Mobile so they maybe get the idea that having a single access method to manage the gateway is a BAD IDEA. 

I had to factory reset my gateway after disconnecting the Alexa. Then I was able to connect the T-Mobile app. I hope this works for you. It is extremely frustrating. I get it. 

Also, the only work around for this to get a wireless access point and connect It to an Ethernet port on the gateway.  I haven’t tried it yet. My WAP just arrived today. 

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I can’t say there is a specific “formula” for getting the mobile application to connect to the gateway. Once in a blue moon it will surprise me and just work and connect. Most of the time that is not the case as it may take 4-5 maybe 6 attempts to get it to connect to the wireless. The phone may be connected and it always is but the applicaiton seems to need to hook into the system and it repeatedly fails. The ratings in the application store are fabricated. I have given feedback on it a couple of times but I have seen no improvement over the past 2 years so I have little optimism that the developers will fix it. 

  1. It will always present the “Let’s get you connected!” screen.😕
  2. Then the “Auto Connect”
  3. Then the “Join” dialog box pops. (let it sit a little then give it the poke)
  4. Then if it works, it will have the “Connection status” screen presented. 🙄
  5. If the entire “Connected” page is rendered 100% it is good but ☹️ (just kidding)
  6. Select any menu option at the bottom before then and spinning sphincter of death back to “Let’s get you connected!” page overlays again. Logic failed yet again.(Connection quality is not reporting so everything else that rendered is useless.) 👎🏿(100% or go to jail)
  7. Lets play the Auto Connect Game again, spin the wheel! wait for the sphincter of death and gray screen OR close the application and start the game all over again 😕😡
  8. Repeat ((Oh! surprise!)) The “Connection status” page renders and it figured it out.🙀
  9. Now time to do the Happy Dance! 
  10. While you are doing the happy dance; the devices will render. Dance, dance, dance 💃🏻

The key is to be very patient and persistent. The game may take minutes. If you try to go at normal pace as for a properly written application you will be disappointed and will probably play the “Let’s get you connected” game more than if you go slow and don’t rush at all. Like really give it a bit of a delayed response and then wait and repeat as necessary. If the Connected page is only partially rendered, i.e. some data missing, then after a pause just close the application and then start it again. I have found this to work sometimes and get in on only a couple of tries from that point. If you rush the “Auto Connect” part at the start that does not help but seems to make the game go on longer.  Just my experience. 

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If you have an Android phone, even with no SIM card, and use it the application will connect and work pretty much right away. If you are using an Apple iPhone then the application has a problem with the connection to the wireless. It is a problem with the app connecting to the network. I cannot agree more that they need to fix it. I seldom ever use it because it is soooooo difficult to get it to work on my iPhone. 

I have removed and reinstalled it a few times trying to improve operation but that is useless. I have left feedback but that is useless. In the past 2 years I have actually used it once, during the initial setup process, after that since I have the Nokia gateway which supports the web GUI I don’t bother with the trash mobile application. I have only tinkered with it from time to time to try to figure out if there is a specific set of steps that might work 100% of the time. No success with that. Just come on down and spin the wheel! Play the game and you might just win a free pass to use the application! Multiple spins are encouraged!

Thanks for fixing, been about 4-6 weeks now and working fine.

The app is not loading for me either even after restarting it 


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I checked to see if there is an update in the Apple store for the T-Mobile HI mobile app and it is still listed at the 2.10.0 version level so that has not changed in the Apple app store. How the application got the 3.9 star rating boggles my mind. I think there is some popularity fabrication going on there. No way it is that good. I have been through the remove and reinstall multiple times with the application and it has not improved at all. 

Found a fix that's seems to be working. Logout out and get to the screen were it asks for the admin password. Enter it and uncheck the remember me box. You will have to enter the admin password every time but it will connect.

Tmobile should have been sble to fix this long ago. Seeing complaints over 2 years old. Shamefull.

They need an update asap 😤

I have an iPhone. When the app will not load -- which is frequent -- I reset my phone and it loads. That’s very clunky. If they read these comments, they should bet working on an update. If not … oh well.

App doesn’t work. FIX IT TMOBILE!!!

I’m of the opinion this app is pretty much garbage.

I’ve been using the T-mobile 5-G internet for about 6 months now and I have the KVD21 model router. The internet works well, however lately I am getting some lag waiting for pages to load. I have the app installed on a iPhone 13 and it hardly ever works. It just spins and spins. I used to be able to delete the app and reinstall and then it would work, but the last time it seriously broke something and I didn’t think I’d ever get connected to the router again. Finally after turning off my phone a couple of times and rebooting the router my phone has wifi again I’m sort of afraid of this app now and may just go back to Comcast. Which is a real shame as I did want this to work out.

I just don’t understand how such a fine company as T-mobile can roll out this garbage.


The mobile application appears to work for some people and not so much for others. I have an iPhone 12 Pro, from T-Mobile mind you, and it seldom loads the T-Mobile home internet application without 6-8 attempts to get it to work and more often than not it fails all together. Just to feel the pain with you I took the time to see if it would log me in. Low and behold it let me in after 6 try. I was just giving up and left it sitting 20-30 seconds after pressing the “Login” yet again. It actually presented me with the password window. I logged in and it tells me I have a connection to the gateway but NO internet. Duh… I am typing this right now connected and the mobile application can’t figure it out. I have the Nokia which has the web GUI and I can see it has BOTH cellular signals and is working fine. GO FIGURE

So, if it loads at all just hit the login and wait 30 seconds or so then see if it presents the password entry. If it does well it might work. Don’t get in a hurry. Be patient and persistent. That is what I found with the mobile application. Feel free to leave constructive comments for T-Mobile so they maybe get the idea that having a single access method to manage the gateway is a BAD IDEA. 

Try restarting your router/modem and your device. If that doesn’t work, clear the app cache or reinstall the T-Mobile Home Internet app. If the issue persists, contact T-Mobile support for assistance.

Not doing so well for me either. Screen icon just spins around. I can change networks then change back, restart the app and sometimes it works. 🤷🏼‍♂️😩

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I have discovered if I am very, very patient sometimes waiting sometimes it does allow me to login. It will tell me I need to connect to the network I am already connected to. It seems to not be able to figure this out on its own. I cannot recall exactly but if I disable the wireless and then enable it so my iPhone reconnects to the network then IF I am very patient the application does respond and then I can get logged in. I am talking a minute or more. It is still rather obtuse and takes fidgeting with it. If I go too fast it does nothing but if I wait and I mean wait it will sometimes work. If I try to get it to allow me to login as admin too soon it will fail. If the timing is right and I have allowed whatever needs to happen in its own time to take place then I can get in. It is such a battle I seldom use the mobile application as the Nokia lets me use the web GUI. The mobile app seems to work on my original Pixel phone but the phone’s battery is pretty much trash now so just to use it I have to always plug it in first. It is probably getting closer to being a hazard so I plan to just put it in the recycle before it has a battery problem that becomes a fire starter.

I found the following, if the app won’t run.


  1. Turn off TMHI app
  2. Turn off wifi on your device
  3. Restart TMHI app
  4. Wait until the app reports that the wifi isn’t connected and let it turn on your wifi on the device.
  5. After the app turns on wifi it will then run correctly. Be prepared to do this every time you need to reconnect.




The app sucks.  That’s all I can say.  Also, no help from T-Mobile support.

You get no argument out of me!

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T-Mobile NEEDS to enable the web GUI management for the Arcadyan and Sagemcon gateways. When the Arcadyan first released the web GUI was there WITH “admin” access. Why, other than penny pinching, did they think that was a good idea????? One way, a poor way, to make changes to the gateway when NEEDED. If the mobile application developers can’t make it work there are plenty of others with experience with development of web pages that can. The entire framework is already there clearly as the Arcadyan gateway once had the capability. When a mobile application ONLY GETS 1.4 STARS IT IS OBVIOUSLY TRASH

As Forest Gump said, “Stupid is as stupid does.”

Get a clue, please!

I’ve been struggling to connect with my iPhone 12… it used to work, then all the sudden it started getting glitchy and now I can’t log in at all.  

It’s so annoying… I did a complete factory reset twice trying to figure out what’s going on and then to find out it’s just the App??

-could you please take some time @TMobile and address this issue?? PLEASE??? 

I wasted hours of my life messing around with either my phone or the router.  Ugh…

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In the Apple App Store there is a “Developer Spotlight” on Winston Chen about his success about reshaping an application into a hit.

Title: His Secret? Listening To His Users.

Maybe I am wrong and “users” find the T-Mobile home internet application is a great thing but I think not. If users do not voice their option louder they will not be heard. Either users don’t seem to have a strong opinion, don’t care OR maybe T-Mobile is NOT LISTENING. The developers either need to be empowered to make the application work or maybe some new talent is needed. Any utility app that is so small and fails to get more than 1.5 stars is fundamentally flawed. 

Same problem here. For nearly 2 month now. It’s annoying because my gateway looses 5g at random and I can’t reboot it from the app any longer.


fix it! 😁
