
DNS Encryption Warning

  • 24 September 2022
  • 7 replies


I am getting a warning on my iPhone that my internet provider is preventing it from encrypting DNS traffic. Can this be turned off somehow?

7 replies

Userlevel 7
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I have never seen any warning like that.  I have seen some browsers say the connection isn't safe because the site address was typed with http instead of https.  Most websites only need https when you are making a transaction or accessing secure information, like your online banking.


Here is a screenshot. I really want to know if it is a setting that can be changed, or it has something to do with T-Mobile collecting meta data.


Userlevel 7
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I haven’t seen that before personally but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s referring to T-Mobile.  When you access a website, you are accessing a network that hosts that site.  That would be my guess what it is referring to because I have not ever seen that message when logging into my online banking or to T-Mobile’s website from my phone to pay a bill.  Have you tried using a different browser to see if it might be related to your current browser?


The message is displayed under the iPhone’s WIFI settings so I’m assuming it is referring to the T-Mobile network.


I have never found this to be an issue when using either a private DNS service or simply Cloudflare. In your WiFi router settings, change the primary DNS to and secondary to - or, continue to use your current DNS “ automatic “ and install an app called iVerify and in settings, change DNS/DOH to “Cloudflare”. That app forces all traffic to HTTPS and enforces DOH by default. Pretty cool and fixes that because CF always supports DOH.

Userlevel 7
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I have never found this to be an issue when using either a private DNS service or simply Cloudflare. In your WiFi router settings, change the primary DNS to and secondary to - or, continue to use your current DNS “ automatic “ and install an app called iVerify and in settings, change DNS/DOH to “Cloudflare”. That app forces all traffic to HTTPS and enforces DOH by default. Pretty cool and fixes that because CF always supports DOH.

Personally, I use Quad9 and have never had an issue either.  Perhaps the provider or app the OP is using just doesn't have their configuration right or has some sort of issue.  

I used quad 9 until last week, when for some reason they stopped accepting DoH from IVerify. No kidding, changed providers and the warning immediately went away. 
