Just a suggestion, maybe you should ask TMOBILE to send you the latest internet gateway?
You have not stated which gateway you use. Since you state “almost a year” I would guess it might be the Nokia OR the Arcadyan gateway. Post the model of the gateway you are using and any data you have regarding the actual cellular operation from the reporting and maybe you will get some more suggestions that could help.
If T-Mobile support is saying tower upgrades are taking place it could be the case or just a line. If the 5G gateway you have is not working well you might discuss it with them and request a 4G gateway until they get the 5G upgrades done. If there are multiple towers about you they can move the connection the gateway makes to another cell on another tower. Push harder. Tell the support person you want to talk to a customer retention specialist as you are not receiving service, you need a workaround and do not want to pay for service that does not work and that no one can tell you anything about how long it will be before you may have service. It is wrong for them to tell people the service is available when in reality it is not. Push harder to get them to give you answers and push for a workaround until they get the tower “upgrades” done. Stand up respectably for yourself and be firm and direct. If you are not getting answers from the support engineer you are talking to request to discuss the matter with a manager.