I just received and set up a new MiFi 5G hotspot. Yesterday, things seemed pretty good, although I didn’t run a speed test. This evening, the MiFi is slower than the DSL router with downloads ranging from 0.49mbps to 4.44mbps. I’ve restarted it and the MacBook Pro but nothing seems to help. I have 4 bars showing on the hotspot. What’s the solution? I don’t need to be paying for a slower solution than the DSL I was trying to replace.
Slow MiFi
I just got mine and set it up as well. Multiple Ookla speed tests had me at download speeds of 5.55mbps or less and upload speeds of 0.26mbps or less, all with four bars of 5G.
I tried restarting the device, and checked to see if any updates were available. Nothing fixed it.
Sadly, I don’t think this device is going to work for me at all...
I just got mine and set it up as well. Multiple Ookla speed tests had me at download speeds of 5.55mbps or less and upload speeds of 0.26mbps or less, all with four bars of 5G.
I tried restarting the device, and checked to see if any updates were available. Nothing fixed it.
Sadly, I don’t think this device is going to work for me at all...
What have you done? What are your signal reading?
If you search these forums there is a wealth of info there is even a Facebook group that will help you.
Both of you to say I took it out of the box set it up and it don't work not much we can help you with.
If you look around this is like a cell phone so you have to try different spots in your home to see where it works best.
Again tons of info if you search even many youtube videos.
Remember this is new tech so it does not always work just by taking out of the box and plugging it into the closest outlet.
I had to install an external ant to get mien to work well not everyone does but location is imp. Did you look up where your towers are? Are you in a window facing the tower?
All I know is I dumped Comcast and I now get almost 700 down 100+ up but yea it took me some time to get it setup in the right place.
Again this is not always take out of box plug right in and it works perfect most need to spend some time to find the right location (unless your home is located under the tower).
So funny you guys are giving up in less than a day I spent weeks of investigation so many hours testing location many of us here have and we are good with the results.
This is not cable you don't just hook up your modem to any outlet and it works it uses cell signal so you have to find a good spot think about it.
I just received and set up a new MiFi 5G hotspot. Yesterday, things seemed pretty good, although I didn’t run a speed test. This evening, the MiFi is slower than the DSL router with downloads ranging from 0.49mbps to 4.44mbps. I’ve restarted it and the MacBook Pro but nothing seems to help. I have 4 bars showing on the hotspot. What’s the solution? I don’t need to be paying for a slower solution than the DSL I was trying to replace.
Here you go this is what you get if you invest some time and find the right location.
First forget the app on your phone log direct in
Post some info we can use to help you like.
Also under Status post what bands you are using Primary and Secondary.
With some work you most likely can get near Gig speeds but sure way better than your DSL. Again may take some work.
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