327 phone calls over 2 days from 0600 texas time till 1800 texas time not 1 us rep.
Im so sick of being hung up on, questions not answered, transfered to this person and that person, ask for a supervisor oh no we cant et u one.
This is ridiculous. I will not deal with over seas call centers with personal or business info.
Ive had enough. They add $1140.00 to my bill after using my insurance to replace my phone. Sent old phone back in return packaging. Was taken by ups when they picked up a bunch of packages that went out. There insurance company says they didnt get it and im on the hook for it.
Well im not paying for something i dont have. Im done dealing with these call centers and non english que card readers.
Im a us citizen and want to only deal with people in my own country.
They say they care about your experience. The they do.
Tmobile is a joke im just done. Lawsuit being filed against them for this money added to my account as well as the aggrivation of these stupid call centers.