
Current month vs last month billing

  • 21 March 2023
  • 2 replies


I have read that T-mobile does current month billing. However, the T-mobile rep said the billing is post paid i.e. the bill is for a previous cycle. If that is the case, I have paid an extra month of service fees because my billing started as a current month bill.


Can someone clarify? Thanks.

2 replies

This too has been an issue of concern for me. 

I’ve had my bill down to a zero balance only for my next bill to $388! I only have 2 phones. $155 for the plan. $82 for equip and other charges. $237 total. I set up a payment arrangement and cleared that to see if the total would come to the zero. Before my billing month is up, I already have another bill for $245!!! I talked to customer service only to be told absolutely nothing I didn’t already know. 

I’ve been with T-mobile since 2002. I don’t know why, but I’ve stuck with them. I’m a pink button away from switching to another carrier. 

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in the 21 years of being with TMO has their billing changed at some point in that time?
