
Device Promos when combining two T-Mobile lines

  • 21 January 2024
  • 1 reply


I’m looking for clarity on what is eligible for device promos. Many promos require adding a new line. Would transferring a line from another T-Mobile account to my plan be eligible for this, or does it only apply to brand new lines (not movement of existing T-Mobile lines)?

My fiance and I both have separate T-Mobile accounts. We’re looking to combine them into one plan to save some money. We’re also both in need of new phones, but we wouldn’t qualify for trade-in promos due to the condition of both of our phones. I’m hoping to take advantage of any promo that only involves adding a new line.


Does anyone have experience doing something like this?

1 reply

From my understanding you don’t qualify for new line activation with out adding a line. You have 2 lines so canceling lines and getting new ones is still 2 lines. You need to increase number of lines for a new line promo. You do have some options though. Regarding your question to merge lines, yes I believe can do this. Unless you’re already on the most expensive service you can “upgrade service” which has device promotions. Upgrade lines are likely higher priced, however might be lower cost than two individual lower priced lines billed independently, then you could qualify for promotions.
