
How can I block ALL text messages sent from EMAIL ADDRESSES?

  • 16 January 2020
  • 73 replies

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73 replies

Hey guys, does this need either press or John Legere attention?

Because either of those outlets is open to me (clubhouse for John since he seems to be in rooms that I mod in on a daily basis) or some security tech writers who are already giving TMobile a roughing up for their repeated security failings.

If I'm understanding, it looks like the setting to disable email to SMS has been completely ineffective for everyone here. I'm not impacted, but people close to me are, hence my interest. But if anyone has further detail, feel free to comment.

I'll also forward to staffers in the Senate commerce committee. Can't guarantee any of these will have traction, but the fact that a common carrier is enabling such gross violations of spam regulations should be a driver for accountability. 

Hey all, I’ve been having the exact same problem and it’s been happening like every day. Here’s what I did:

I called T-Mobile 611, told them I’ve been getting spam/phishing texts from email addresses continuously, and asked to have email addresses blocked from texting me. They will ask you to first, forward the text message content (long-press a corner of that text bubble far away from the link, and options should show up; one is “forward”). Forward to 7726.


The person should then move onto blocking texts from short codes that aren’t recognized. Apparently, email addresses still use short codes to send mass texts to people, so this is supposed to block those too. 

Whether it actually worked or not, I guess I’ll need to wait and see. But apparently this should solve the problem. I didn’t get a clear response to why T-Mobile doesn’t offer their customers the option to block emails from texting like Sprint does, but (hopefully) this issue has been addressed. If it does not work and I still get texts from emails, I’ll update here. I hope it works for you all as well, if you try!

I’m having the same issue.


I blocked email and I’m still getting the spam sms


They are coming from email addresses - i’ve attached the latest one as a screenshot


I’m getting these exact messages too….I turned on block and I still received one of these messages this morning….the only thing I can think of doing is turning on Block Instant Messages sent via SMS but I’m hesitant because I have an IPhone so I’m guessing android users can’t text me. 

I am having the same issue as everyone else. This is absolute BS that this can't be turned off. I haven't received any useful help from T-Mobile. There are enough people having problems that this should get escalated.


Userlevel 1

Same issue here. At least 1-2 per day for me.


Of course, blocking each message and reporting as spam has had no effect. Also have had the “Block email" setting enabled on my line for two days now, with no effect.  I have heard on another forum calling T-Mobile “T-Force" and asking them to block email to SMS seemed to work for them.  I'll have to see what that means and make the call myself.

EDIT: T-Force is the supposedly cute name T-Mobile support techs call themselves.



I called T-Mobile about this and first they promised to call me back with a solution, and then never called. I called again and was told the only solution is to change my phone number. I don’t want to change my number- there must be a way to fix this! I am getting the same messages as others in this thread, for the same websites, sometimes multiple times a day. My son uses my phone for gaming and sees these, and they also appear on my apple watch even though I have the filter turned on on my iPhone. Thank goodness I’m not going into an office right now for work- I would get written up for sure if someone saw my watch or phone light up with these.

Its been a year of this now. Tmobile doesn't care.

They never did.



Hey guys, does this need either press or John Legere attention?

Because either of those outlets is open to me (clubhouse for John since he seems to be in rooms that I mod in on a daily basis) or some security tech writers who are already giving TMobile a roughing up for their repeated security failings.

If I'm understanding, it looks like the setting to disable email to SMS has been completely ineffective for everyone here. I'm not impacted, but people close to me are, hence my interest. But if anyone has further detail, feel free to comment.

I'll also forward to staffers in the Senate commerce committee. Can't guarantee any of these will have traction, but the fact that a common carrier is enabling such gross violations of spam regulations should be a driver for accountability. 

No idea who those are; but It surely needs to be brought to FTC attention. Because we know this is more than just a tmobile issue.


Just one of many that's been reported with no results:

 Gift Code #u1lrvo / Here's a gift from T|mobile

Have you tried texting "BLOCK 6245" to 9999?


Didn't work. Not available to Tmobile customers I guess!


Didn't work. Not available to Tmobile customers I guess!


Sorry it didn't help.  I guess it only works for Sprint customers that were forced to Tmobile because of the merger. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Are they coming from the same address? Also do they show up in your text message inbox with the same short code tied to it?

Userlevel 2

This is one.

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Hmm, and these messages don't also have a short code tied to it? Like one with 3 or 4 digits? Does it show your phone number as the recipient?

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Did you still need some help with this? If so, please let us know if this is coming from a 3 or 4 digit number and if your shows as the recipient.

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

I don't see they screenshots you posted. Can you try again? We'll try coming up with something that'll help.

Userlevel 2

I have attached the screenshots of the messages. Again.

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Sorry, for some reason it's not showing up on the site here. If it's going to your personal email. Are the emails coming from an address that looks like a personal email? Also, is it the same address and message every time?

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Ian left some awesome steps in the link he posted. Please take a look and let us know if that helps. Thanks.

I am having the same problem and getting the same messages it annoying.  I turned on block and I still received them.  I don’t know what else to do, I keep deleting them and they keep coming.

Well that didn’t work. I got 2 more today. 

If anyone knows of a solution, it will be appreciated.

Userlevel 2

I blocked messages like suggested

Userlevel 3
Badge +10

Awesome! Did the emails stop?
