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How to delete verified business call notificaion

  • 2 October 2023
  • 52 replies

My phone has a permanent notification re Verified Business Calls that cannot be removed.  How do I remove it?

Why would I want 100’s of random business calls offering me a discount on a washing machine or some else just because they have paid T-Mobile an advertising fee. Only mentally challenged people who watch the shopping channels all day long would be interested.  99%+ of the people despise random marketing calls. 

52 replies

Userlevel 1

OMG I'm soooo irritated they have FORCED this on us!! I have done EVERYTHING to get rid of that annoying RED TMOBILE notification and no matter what I force stop, no matter what apps I delete... IT WONT GO AWAY!


I've been through Scam Shield just like they advise... NOPE! STILL THERE!! 


If you click on system apps under settings .... there's a NEW GREEN PHONE APP that you CANNOT STOP!!



Userlevel 7
Badge +15

I have never had a notification that couldn't be removed.  I don't use Scam Shield though.  Have you tried holding down on the notification to see if it gives you the option to delete it?  

Userlevel 1

Yes, it only gives you the option to go to settings which reveals a new 'green phone' app. It's been added right above your actual phone app, however you can't change any of the settings. They are all greyed out. 

I've tried Uninstalling scam shield, I've unchecked and deleted visual voice mail. I've done everything possible to try and clear this annoying notification. 

When it updated the One UI and system restarted, bam. It appeared on boot-up. And will NOT clear, or go away.

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

I probably haven't seen that then because I have seriously debloated my s23 Ultra.  No Chrome, no Gmail, and nothing else unnecessary.  I just have the regular Samsung phone app.  

Userlevel 1

Yeah, I'm running an s23 ultra too. 

I'm in the process of deleting EVERYTHING thats not necessary.

This is ridiculous how they just shove stuff into updates we don't want, or more apps that spy!

Userlevel 1

Pressing down on the notification only produces a lengthily description of the Verified Business Calling program. Usually this will give you the option of deleting the notification, but not with this T-Mobile fee generating program.  There are no options except to turn off or on but does not give a way to delete the notification itself.  I contacted T-M support, and they could not help.

Yup, it's bad enough that their service area is not what's advertised, but this 'Verified Business" bs has got me back to hating T-mobile. Sadly, I just switched back to it after enjoying years of V--- with service everywhere. 

Userlevel 1

This Verified Business Call Notification

was very bothersome. 

I was on the phone with tmobile tech support for days

Nobody could help me

But I figured it out without any help from Google or  tech support 

I made a video to explain how I got rid of this irritation 

Check it out let me know this helped you

Galaxy s23 ultra here


This Verified Business Call Notification

was very bothersome. 

I was on the phone with tmobile tech support for days

Nobody could help me

But I figured it out without any help from Google or  tech support 

I made a video to explain how I got rid of this irritation 

Check it out let me know this helped you

Galaxy s23 ultra here


That did not work. I just tried it

Userlevel 1

What happened to me was the notification 

Had come back once or twice after I did this but then I noticed it stopped. When it did return once or twice it took a long time hours before it showed itself.

So try deleting the notification and let it go so what happens after 2 days u delete the notification. 

This is the only thing that worked.

You can also access this within enriched calling it appears to be the same location however if u change this in enriched calling it does nothing at all.

You have to do it from inside the auto blocker.


At least this has worked for me

I do hope it works for you


Tmobile customer support is BS they can't do anything for us

We're on our own it seems

This Verified Business Call Notification

was very bothersome. 

I was on the phone with tmobile tech support for days

Nobody could help me

But I figured it out without any help from Google or  tech support 

I made a video to explain how I got rid of this irritation 

Check it out let me know this helped you

Galaxy s23 ultra here


Yeah this don't work. 

Userlevel 1

I don't know

My notification has not come back now 4 days

It works for me


But it's strange how it did come back a few times before stopping 

I'm just glad it's gone


I certainly hope not too it again 



Userlevel 1

I think you need to do this wait 1 day then reply see of works then.

You're wanting it to work instantly and it doesn't work like this


You follow the instructions and a few more notifications will appear until next day then nothing


Till now I don't have this notification anymore


It cannot be only me

That not make sense

Well all on the same network

I just followed the instructions in the YouTube video, restarted, and the notification came back.  However, I was able to dismiss it.  Maybe someday it will not come back.

Userlevel 1

This is another comment not following instructions 

This you are saying is exactly what it's supposed to do



I looked through the replies here and smile.   The Verified Business Call notification can be disabled.  But the mere fact that people are so upset at this notification yet not about the rising number of scammers, telemarketers using spoofed phone numbers, etc. isn’t surprising.

Welcome to the bold new world.   Please stop getting upset and distracted at the wrong things in the world.   

This Verified Business Call Notification

was very bothersome. 

I was on the phone with tmobile tech support for days

Nobody could help me

But I figured it out without any help from Google or  tech support 

I made a video to explain how I got rid of this irritation 

Check it out let me know this helped you

Galaxy s23 ultra here


If you have a secure folder you have to do it in there also.  From the main secure folder homescreen you hit the 3 dots on the top right, go to settings and then you go to settings and follow your directions from there.  Then restart your phone. That might be why it keeps showing up.


My phone has a permanent notification re Verified Business Calls that cannot be removed.  How do I remove it?

Why would I want 100’s of random business calls offering me a discount on a washing machine or some else just because they have paid T-Mobile an advertising fee. Only mentally challenged people who watch the shopping channels all day long would be interested.  99%+ of the people despise random marketing calls. 

I just downloaded a notification blocker app and blocked that notification. It worked like a charm and I never saw the notification since!

T-Mobile tech support here and T-Mobile user. This is a known issue related to android device. On the actual notification if you expand it to where you can read it fully it gives you an option to go to settings and an option to click GOT IT . if you click the GOT IT button it will clear the notification. After you click it you will be taken to the settings to set it up but the actual notification should clear just acknowledge the notification but clicking got it. 

T-Mobile tech support here and T-Mobile user. This is a known issue related to android device. On the actual notification if you expand it to where you can read it fully it gives you an option to go to settings and an option to click GOT IT . if you click the GOT IT button it will clear the notification. After you click it you will be taken to the settings to set it up but the actual notification should clear just acknowledge the notification but clicking got it. 

Please understand the problem is unsolvable if using Secure Folder. This problematic notification cannot be cleared when it comes from the Secure Folder.

You need to log in to secure folder before you can expand this notification. But after expanding, the notification merely says "Content Hidden" without any GOT IT button. Even if logged in to secure folder. This notification is simply bugged and misbehaving and needs to be bug fixed. 

This Verified Business Call Notification

was very bothersome. 

I was on the phone with tmobile tech support for days

Nobody could help me

But I figured it out without any help from Google or  tech support 

I made a video to explain how I got rid of this irritation 

Check it out let me know this helped you

Galaxy s23 ultra here


Watched the video & followed your instructions & did a reset...still there

It worked (finally) using your feedback in this order: 

Apps/Permission Manager/Phone

Then open the second Phone icon with the green receiver icon

Select Force Stop

Immediately swipe down on the verified business calls notification

You can now clear it

Also, clear the cache ( I did this before and after force stop so I'm not sure which sequence helped)

It worked (finally) using your feedback in this order: 

Apps/Permission Manager/Phone

Then open the second Phone icon with the green receiver icon

Select Force Stop

Immediately swipe down on the verified business calls notification

You can now clear it

Also, clear the cache ( I did this before and after force stop so I'm not sure which sequence helped)

Are you using Secure Folder - was your notification carrying the little icon indicating that the notification comes from the Secure Folder version of this new/2nd phone app?

Hi, I tried that also but had no luck with it.  I have a Galaxy 22.

Just to clarify - if you use Secure Folder, it’s impossible to remove the notification because the notification is generated from the “secure” version of the new phone app inside the Secure Folder installation. It’s notification is bugged and does not expand or display any information.

Even if you try to clear the notification from within Secure Folder, it’s not possible because while in Secure Folder, the buggy notification behavior is unchanged. You can’t expand the notification to reveal the “Got It” or other option to see settings. Those are revealed in the normal version of this notification, that people get who haven’t enabled Secure Folder. But if you’ve enabled Secure Folder, the notification is inescapable and you see it each time you reboot.

