SOLVED Voicemails not showing up until days after they were left

  • 3 December 2020
  • 37 replies

Userlevel 1

I’ve struggled with delayed call and voicemail notifications for years.

A phone reboot or airplane mode toggle or network reset would show the missing notifications….but subsequent missed calls/voicemails would not appear.

After many wasted hours of support calls and store visits with no resolution, I finally found the source of my problems…….too many visual voicemails!!!!!!



After removing ~100 visual voicemail messages, I now get immediate  missed call and voicemail notifications.

I am so happy!! 




37 replies

Userlevel 2

I am angry because I just received a voice mail from my doctor's office telling me they had an opening...4 DAYS AGO!!!! None of the above fixes work. T-Mobile, YOU NEED TO FIX THIS!!!

Userlevel 1

Not solved. This is impacting my ability to do business. Please fix. 

Userlevel 1

I don’t save voicemails. Most times the message is deleted after Inlisgen to it. The last few days voicemails appear hours after left. Today a voicemail was left at 2:30 pm and it was 10:12 pm before the notification came through. 

How can this be fixed?

Userlevel 1

This is not resolved. Have had this issue for years. 

Userlevel 1

This fix did nothing. I don’t save voicemails so I don’t have voicemails, toggling airplane mode did nothing, hart restart did nothing. Drive 100 miles to nearest city. Voicemails show up. Very very bad service this is last straw why am I even paying for this crappie service. I’m done bye crap Mobil 

This issue is costing me $$.  Missed calls for jobs and get voicemail weeks later.  This is unacceptable!! Never had this issue with Sprint.  None of the posted “fixes” have worked.  Erased and deleted all stored emails restarted phone and still no voicemails! 

If this is posted here with so many views and comments, I find it very frustrating that technical support acted like they had no idea about this problem.  They offered no solution and blamed it on Apple.  Apple support said, No way.  Not possible.  C’mon guys.  Fix.

This is absolutely ridiculous. I have missed interview opportunities, jobs, friends emergency calls- all because of this voicemail issue. I have the iPhone 13 mini and the same issue happened with my iPhone 11, my iPhone 6, etc. I keep getting operators that don’t understand English and can’t help me. Class Action Lawsuit needs to happen here.

Userlevel 1

I’m have the exact same problem.  Often Visual Voicemails show up hours after people have left me a message.  I’ve been a T-Mobile customer for 10-15 years.  This has been going on for years.  VERY frustrating!

Userlevel 1

There is at least a 3 hour delay when receiving voicemails. I just switched to TMobile and IPhone so I don’t know which to blame, but I never had this issue before. Please help. Very very frustrating!

This is an issue for me as well. Important messages take anywhere from a few hours to four days to come through. The veterinary office called regarding an animal that was at their office at that moment. I wasn’t able to answer right away, so it went to voicemail. I still haven’t received that message and that was hours ago. Thankfully I was able to answer when the vet called a bit ago, but who knows what kind of information was in that message. I tried the “fix” above and it did not work at all. I tried resetting the phone as well and this still happens. This is super frustrating and happens on a regular basis. I didn’t have this problem with Sprint. What’s going on with T-Mobile? Based on what I see here, this problem has been going on for years and they still haven’t fixed it. I’m receiving some good offers from Verizon. Maybe it’s time to switch.

Userlevel 1

Great that you found this fix. Sadly it didn’t work for me. I have no visual voicemails and only 2 regular voicemails. Still voicemails can take up to a day to show up:(

Hey T-Mobile, new line. Set up voicemail. But no voicemails are showing up on the phone. People can leave voicemail, but I don’t get any notification of voicemail on my iPhone 11. I don’t use video messaging, and don’t have many texts, so it can’t be about no space/storage. Why dont voicemails show up? Read online to say something to you such as “Have them file a Service Complaint under "MWI: Voicemail notifications (MWI) are delayed”. Please help!

There is at least a 3 hour delay when receiving voicemails. I just switched to TMobile and IPhone so I don’t know which to blame, but I never had this issue before. Please help. Very very frustrating!


Action1024 do you know if there is a simple way to mass delete messages?  I have tons!

And, once I delete them, is there a trash hidden somewhere I can go to to permanently delete them?

I sure hope this works!  I too have been having the same issue for years!

Same issue here. I just discovered a VM by dialing my number and hearing I had a 6 day old message waiting.  No notifications on the phone, I just luckily (out of the blue) decided to check.   Odd too is when I opened visual voicemail to see if it had the message, the app acted like it was newly installed  (started up with a splash screen advertising a "better" subscription version and then synchronized my messages).   I had used visual voicemail in the past so not sure why it started as if it was just installed.   

I too have been having this problem on and off for at least a year.  Unfortunately I don't think TMobile support reads these messages so don't expect much from complaining here.  Enough people need to call tech support over and over again before they might do something.

I have been getting voicemails late from debt collectors but once I receive a regular call from anywhere else, these types of voicemails show up. And it’s only them not anyone else. For example, a blood bank called me for a donation today, got the missed call plus the voicemail along with a voicemail yesterday from a debt collector. Idk how legit the scam is because it seems my VM from these kinds are always delayed. Frustrating! 

btw - I delete voicemails and texts usually right after I receive them so I have plenty of storage, usually restart my phone once a week, toggled airplane mode, nothing has seemed to help! 

Same issue--this has been going on for years. I don't use visual voicemail and never have more than 5 or 6 voicemails kept on my phone, but if I get notified within an hour or two of a voicemail being left, I consider myself lucky, when the reality is that this is ridiculously bad service. Sometimes I will see that someone has called and I know there's a 99% chance they left a voicemail, but my phone shows that they didn't until an hour, two, three, sometimes days, later. This is ridiculous and WAY PAST TIME TO FIX, T-MOBILE!!

Thank you for your post!   I have been struggling also.  So you have to go to your deleted voicemails and delete your deleted voicemails.  Mind blown!  But it worked immediately!

Same issue. I am a small business owner and I have lost business and caused frustration with my clients as a result of getting messages hours or days after they have been left. This has happened on 3 different iPhones. I should leave T-Mobile but my husband has a legacy plan that our entire extended family is on. I have tried everything - even removal of my SIM card. Spent hours trying to address this. Please help. Please. Please. Please.

This is an issue for me as well. Important messages take anywhere from a few hours to four days to come through. The veterinary office called regarding an animal that was at their office at that moment. I wasn’t able to answer right away, so it went to voicemail. I still haven’t received that message and that was hours ago. Thankfully I was able to answer when the vet called a bit ago, but who knows what kind of information was in that message. I tried the “fix” above and it did not work at all. I tried resetting the phone as well and this still happens. This is super frustrating and happens on a regular basis. I didn’t have this problem with Sprint. What’s going on with T-Mobile? Based on what I see here, this problem has been going on for years and they still haven’t fixed it. I’m receiving some good offers from Verizon. Maybe it’s time to switch.

I have the same issue. I've tried even resetting my voice-mail (##004#) to no avail. I get the constant notification and nothing there when called, and can't even remove notification. Beyond frustrating!

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

and you re recorded a new voice greeting?

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

its a part of the voicemail that takes whatever VM is left and turns it into a text so you can just read it. its something you must opt into.

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Hey @Action1024  and thanks for posting.

We always want to you so spend only the time you need to spend on with support so sorry if we took too much of your time. 

On the other hand, I’m glad you posted some helpful info for other folks to use if they come across this issue. Clearing out old message is  HUGE help.

Thank you!

What worked for me on my iPhone is to open the T-Mobile app. Go to profile, open “block scam calls and changeable content”, open “block other” and turn off “ t-Mobile voice mail to text block”. Once I did, this voicemails appeared immediately.
