
Terrible service!

  • 30 October 2021
  • 27 replies

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I quit this service well over 10 yrs ago and.they frustrate me just as much when i’m NOT a customer.

Unable to send MMS to any of my T Mobile contacts. i’m able to send them to contacts with ANY other service provider. This has been a continuous problem for well over two years and it SUCKS. Also, many times they don’t even get SMS texts!! (no media) within 72 hours of sending, and sometimtes NEVER get them. Anyone i know who uses this service is fed up and i’ve turned most of the t-moble customers that i know onto a very reliable, CHEAP, good, and SECURE service. Additionally, others i know have subscribed to Tm 5-G for home and they are getting throttled, service is spotty, their speeds keep going down and they are unable to get the speeds tm seems to be so proud of!. I have read that customers going to t-moblie’s 5G, are o.k. with the service for the first few months, but as the typical Corporate pig-dogs they are, they overbuild or they don’t maintain what they have, or go through another HACK and eventually customers leave in droves.

Reading all of these posts by TM customers who actually PAY for this clown car service is really disturbing. From all the posts i’ve read, this is what i see; 

  1. Customers take the time to warn others (strangers) advising any service provider on the planet is better than their service, post with no hope at all, or post to release their anger means so much, but unfortunately, this company will do nothing with all the complains until they are MADE to.
  2. Think about this; on top of crap networks, overbuilding their crap networks, even with 5G and all the beautiful bandwidth it provides their service still sucks. it’s because of greed, pure greed, and they will continue this for as long as they are allowed! 
  3. And, here is the thing that i deem the most egregious; They have been HACKED 8 times since 2018, resulting in hackers obtaining customer data, birth dates, phone numbers, S. Security numbers from MILLIONs.of their customers. This too will continue if they are not stopped. it’s called customer abuse.

There is so much more to this rant, but that’s it for now. Customers should consider contacting and complaining to their state’s AG, The Fed AG, the FTC, the FCC, their Senators and/or Reps in their State and in congress. Seriously, it makes a diff. Terrible, unethical company provides worst service and then to drive that home they don’t properly secure their networks. it’s abuse, it’s bullying (because they can) - period, and they are getting away with it.

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Just for context, Verizon has coverage and speed problems as well.  I was with them for 15 years or more and they used to be pretty good, until about 6 months ago.  After what I’ve been able to discern, they did some software changes on the towers, my phone almost quit making calls, (my mom’s phone that piggy backed on Verizon’s towers quit working all together, and her company had to send a new phone to get her service going again).  I could hear the other party but they couldn't hear me.  Verizon was no help, they said all was good and i could buy a new phone and a more expensive plan.  Some fix, all this after a $6.00 sur charge in the summer, mmm just because.  I told them if they didn’t make an effort to help a good paying customer I would leave to T-mobile.  They were unconcerned, so I’m here now.  So far service in my semi- rural area has been 100% and great call quality and I’ve logged download speeds as high as 40 Mbps.  I expect in a more city environment my speeds will be even better.  I went from a limited Verizon plan to an unlimited T mobile plan for less money.  Time will tell, but as of right now I’m glad I gave Verizon the boot.  Just another perspective.
