
what's up with T-mobile removing autopay discount for credit cards?

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Userlevel 2

That was announced months ago.  It is because credit card companies charge a service charge that is based on the percentage of every transaction, which eats into T-Mobile’s revenue.  Removing the auto pay discount for credit cards negates that.  

Just because it was announced months agao doesn’t mean it’s right. Pathetic that they are doing this. 😥

Userlevel 2

Cheap and pathetic company that apparently doesn’t care about screwing their customers. Looking to go someplace else for internet and cell service. So annoyed wtih them right now. 😥

Userlevel 1

I have been with T-Mobile for over 6 years paying with a credit card for security.  T-Mobile has been hacked several times and I DO not want to have my bank account info in their system.  I called to challenge this change in service and was told “T-Mobile made this change because it is safer to pay by your debit card or your bank account.”  Huh?  EVERY security site says NEVER use debit cards online.  Ever.  I have four phones on my account and just added their internet service.  T-Mobile will not “save” 25.00 in credit card transaction fees.  That would be about 13% - not 3%.  It is just a way to charge more for people who can’t pay every month consistently with their checking account and use credit for that reason.  That is not my problem.  I have been very happy with T-Mobile the past 6 years, but this is a sign I need to look elsewhere.

Userlevel 7
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I have been with T-Mobile for over 6 years paying with a credit card for security.  T-Mobile has been hacked several times and I DO not want to have my bank account info in their system.  I called to challenge this change in service and was told “T-Mobile made this change because it is safer to pay by your debit card or your bank account.”  Huh?  EVERY security site says NEVER use debit cards online.  Ever.  I have four phones on my account and just added their internet service.  T-Mobile will not “save” 25.00 in credit card transaction fees.  That would be about 13% - not 3%.  It is just a way to charge more for people who can’t pay every month consistently with their checking account and use credit for that reason.  That is not my problem.  I have been very happy with T-Mobile the past 6 years, but this is a sign I need to look elsewhere.


that IS your problem though..if you lack the funds at times to pay and need to use another method in order to pay your bill.

Userlevel 1

I will be reconsidering about staying with T-Mobile if I have to put my debit card on file. Especially with all the data breaches they have. This is absolutely upsurd. Don't offer all the discounts in the first place if you can't afford them and don't make your premium customs that have over 5 lines, who always pay on time suffer because you are having financial difficulties. If a customer has magenta plan and 5 lines or more they should not be penalized. We are the people that keep you in business! 

Userlevel 1

First Comcast and now Tmobile. To get my autopay discount originally, IT WAS REQUIRED THAT I PROVIDE A CREDIT CARD NUMBER. The 3-4% fee charged by the credit card companies comes nowhere close to $10, at least in my case. Neither of these companies can provide good, reliable service anymore. It is an excuse to hose the customer for an extra $10. Since they are both mum on exactly why, one reasonable hypothesis is internal employees have access to card numbers, security codes, etc and may have been selling them on or using them for personal gain. By going the direct bank account route, both companies avoid the protections afforded customers using credit cards. Since they don’t discuss why they are changing, one can only conjecture. The $10 fee may be what they calculate to cover the cost, apportioned over EVERY customer, of all of the bills that will wind up in collections.

I just got the message too.  It’s stupid.  Especially since I use Apple Pay which gives me the additional 3% cashback on top of the $20 discount

In all fairness the competition (T-Mobile and Verizon) also requires a debit card or checking account to receive their version of the auto pay discount. You could argue that they have had fewer data breaches, but you can’t argue they are not matching their competitors. 

Userlevel 1

I started out with Sprint, and after the merger I thought service was going to be better. In some ways yes, but performance and accessibility is another. In another way to tell us customers that they're changing our agreement and stopping discounts. In any large company that you pay for product or service out there ... just name them ... transaction fees are always there, it is the added cost that is already calculated into the price of the service or product. I believe that the smart people in charge has leveled out revenue and needed to find others ways to give themselves raises. It is my belief, they are going the wrong way... it would be better if they were to have the added savings offered to those willing to change payment method for a better discount. Removing the discount would have greater problems with billing and loyalty.

Userlevel 1

Oddly my brother-in-law recently got this text for his and my sister’s account but I didn’t get one for my older account.   We verified the text he got came from the same place that sends other texts to both of us for billing and the link it contained is the same as those other texts.

We both agreed that giving T-Mobile our Debit or Bank Account is a no go and questioned how it would save them money to do Debit vs Credit Card.  I did mention there have been court cases brought by merchants over debit card fees and surmised perhaps those have resulted in lower fees but don’t know for sure.

One person suggested getting the paper bill and paying it via check as a solution.   They missed that the reason many of us signed up for autopay is the monthly discount.  Prior to signing up I DID pay (using online bill pay provided by my bank) and only started autopay for the discount.

I don’t mind telling my bank my T-Mobile account but do mind telling T-Mobile or any other merchant my debit or bank account number.l   Firstly, my bank is far less likely to get hacked (and if they do I’d have much larger issues).  Secondly, many people have reported “accidental” extra debits in a single month by merchants they’ve given access to their debit or checking account.  Often that results in the merchant acknowledging it was an error but then suggesting they won’t refund the overcharge but rather leave it as a credit to defray the next month’s billing.  That is really bad for those who live paycheck to paycheck.   I can’t say that has happened to any T-Mobile customer but also can’t say it hasn’t and see no reason to take the risk.

It is incorrect to say there are no protections on debit card fraud like there is on credit card.   This was true in the early days but the rules have changed meaning you CAN get your money back.   The problem is it going away in the first place.   If you have valid outstanding payments and checks they might be refused before you notice the money is gone.  Having to report the fraud, get the money back then deal with other payees penalizing you for such refusals would be a huge hassle.  With credit card charges nothing comes out of your bank account until you make a payment on the credit card.  Moreover you are not required to pay any amount you dispute (i.e. report as fraud) until the dispute is settled so it never comes out of your bank account (assuming it is in fact fraud).

P.S.  I created a separate T-Mobile account to post this lest they see my real account and send me the text telling me not having done so was an oversight on their part.  :p

Userlevel 1

I just received a text notice of the discount terms and highly discouraged by such action and would have liked to know about the change sooner. My credit company lets me know if there are changes in reoccurring billing, this does not happen with banks. My friends and family were fed up with billing issues like extra charges and changing bills and so forth ... most of them ended up changing providers.

Userlevel 1

This is nothing more than a price increase. Given their data breaches, I don’t trust T-Mobile either with my debit card number & most definitely not my bank account info. I’m aggravated enough by this move that it is time to start shopping my cell phone service to other potential providers…. starting now!!

Userlevel 2

T-Mobile is going to lose a lot of customers they are now behaving like the other carriers with subpar service I call bs on the team of experts because when I call 611 my call gets routed overseas and I can hardly understand the rep on the phone not to mention the data breaches they have had I hope someone gets really smart and bring a class action against them because they are reckless with your info and it’s just flat out wrong. They want your bank info so the next data breach all of your money will disappear 

this is crap and I am leaving T mobile because of this and I suggest you do the same other cell phone companies let you pay by credit card so you can earn miles on your card another benefit t mobile is taking away screw you T mobile after 18 years I am gone

Userlevel 2

Are there ay lawyers out there? I don’ think it is legal to change the rules after you already made an agreement. What about a Class action law suite ??? I have been using my CC since I started with T-mobile in 2022 Feb. Now I will lose my discount. I chatted with them and was told that it is because people will pay with CC, get the discount, then revers the charge, REally? I don’t think that is the case. How can they really expect someone to be forced to use a personal checking account or debit card to receive the discount. I can choose to use my CC but at a cost now of 20.00 a month, this is basically a charge to protect my checking account from being hacked. 

let me know if you find one for a class action suit I am ready to sign

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Are there ay lawyers out there? I don’ think it is legal to change the rules after you already made an agreement. What about a Class action law suite ??? I have been using my CC since I started with T-mobile in 2022 Feb. Now I will lose my discount. I chatted with them and was told that it is because people will pay with CC, get the discount, then revers the charge, REally? I don’t think that is the case. How can they really expect someone to be forced to use a personal checking account or debit card to receive the discount. I can choose to use my CC but at a cost now of 20.00 a month, this is basically a charge to protect my checking account from being hacked. 

let me know if you find one for a class action suit I am ready to sign

Unfortunately in Tmobile's terms and conditions they can change it. Autopay discount is a perk not part of the plan cost.

Userlevel 6
Badge +9

 other cell phone companies let you pay by credit card so you can earn miles on your card another benefit t mobile is taking away screw you T mobile after 18 years I am gone


You can still pay by credit card and earn your miles.  T-Mobile has not taken away your ability to pay by credit card, only the discount.

Userlevel 1

Yep, this is a money grab to the detriment of the customer. I don’t pay ANY bills with a debit card or a checking account. No one should allow a vendor to store their debit card or checking account number. There are far fewer protections for these than for credit cards.  You are giving the company FULL ACCESS to your checking account, with no legal recourse against the bank of Tmobile accidentally or intentionally takes too much or overdrafts your account.

No doubt a large company like Tmobile with a relatively large average ticket size pays less than 2% for their merchant services.  So, on my monthly $250 bill, their cost is no more than $5. But if I don’t give a debit card, they charge me $40.00. UNACCEPTABLE.

Userlevel 1

 other cell phone companies let you pay by credit card so you can earn miles on your card another benefit t mobile is taking away screw you T mobile after 18 years I am gone


You can still pay by credit card and earn your miles.  T-Mobile has not taken away your ability to pay by credit card, only the discount.

Not exactly. Yes, you can manually pay be credit card, but you still must have a debit card or checking ACH on file to have the discount. UNACCEPTABLE.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

 other cell phone companies let you pay by credit card so you can earn miles on your card another benefit t mobile is taking away screw you T mobile after 18 years I am gone


You can still pay by credit card and earn your miles.  T-Mobile has not taken away your ability to pay by credit card, only the discount.

Not exactly. Yes, you can manually pay be credit card, but you still must have a debit card or checking ACH on file to have the discount. UNACCEPTABLE.

youre should jump to V as quickly as possible…


but after reading….


Re: Want to sign up for paperless billing
Customer Service Rep

@JimmyMac53 ,

We're sorry to hear that you're having so much trouble, but let's find out a bit more on this. You would be set to paper-free billing by default, but if you changed that to where a physical bill is sent out each month, please check out this link for steps on turning on paper-free option: . You can always access and view a digital version of the last 12 months of billing statements through My Verizon. Please keep in mind that you don't get a discount just with paper-free billing, as you must also be enrolled in Auto Pay with either a debit card or a bank account. If you are using a credit card for Auto Pay, it's not going to give you a discount through us, unless it's the Verizon VISA card. Please check the same link I had shared for steps on managing your Auto Pay. 


View solution in original post

Userlevel 1

$5.00 at 3% = 15 cents. And this is not a new charge, T-Mobile has been paying that CC processing fee since inception of this program. I think there is something else going on. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

$5.00 at 3% = 15 cents. And this is not a new charge, T-Mobile has been paying that CC processing fee since inception of this program. I think there is something else going on. 

If you're plan is $100 the cost to process it at 3% is $3.  The $5 autopay fee discount isn't what's processed it the plan total.

Userlevel 1

I miscalculated. It's a price increase (T-Mobile’s just being a weasel about it) as they know more than 50% are not giving up their personal bank account information after all of the irresponsible T-Mobile breaches. 

My credit card automatically provides phone insurance. By changing my payment, I'll be forced to switch to Assurant's less than adequate insurance. It's a double whammy. You get my banking information, that you've proven you can't keep safe and I lose my protection. 

It’s not too late for the corporate decision makers to reverse this terrible decision.

I’m becoming more unimpressed with and disillusioned by T-Mobile every day. Slowly chipping away at the benefits will only drive customers away, so as soon as my two-year “contract” is up, it’s adios.

Tmobile doesn't have contracts per se they have equipment installment plans that can be paid off anytime you want.

You also have to remember if you have a tax inclusive plan you're saving that way. How many other carriers offer that?

Nobody else have been hacked 3 times, lost 85% (probably 100%) of existing clients data and all data from previous customers. And they made settlement that will give each customer they lost data $13??? Nowhere in the world credit card payment costs any company $20 on $150 bill (if you ever paid anything to goverment you will see that they charge up to 3% from amount).

Also with all the data they lost with adding bank account or debit card, I might as well give them power of attorney…

Most likely, when they made certain commitments last year (commercial "never raise prizes, Thanksgiving=same price, Christmass=same price, Valentines Day=same price, etc...), they didn't calculate on inflation/smaller revenue due to loss of customer data/other carriers promotions, etc… for reaching bonuses for revenue and now they're trying with this stupid excuse, like we are living on Mars.

You should be ashame of yourself T-mobile for trying to treat us like sheeps!!!

Only 3? I think it's more right? lol

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

It’s not too late for the corporate decision makers to reverse this terrible decision.

I’m becoming more unimpressed with and disillusioned by T-Mobile every day. Slowly chipping away at the benefits will only drive customers away, so as soon as my two-year “contract” is up, it’s adios.

Tmobile doesn't have contracts per se they have equipment installment plans that can be paid off anytime you want.

You also have to remember if you have a tax inclusive plan you're saving that way. How many other carriers offer that?

Nobody else have been hacked 3 times, lost 85% (probably 100%) of existing clients data and all data from previous customers. And they made settlement that will give each customer they lost data $13??? Nowhere in the world credit card payment costs any company $20 on $150 bill (if you ever paid anything to goverment you will see that they charge up to 3% from amount).

Also with all the data they lost with adding bank account or debit card, I might as well give them power of attorney…

Most likely, when they made certain commitments last year (commercial "never raise prizes, Thanksgiving=same price, Christmass=same price, Valentines Day=same price, etc...), they didn't calculate on inflation/smaller revenue due to loss of customer data/other carriers promotions, etc… for reaching bonuses for revenue and now they're trying with this stupid excuse, like we are living on Mars.

You should be ashame of yourself T-mobile for trying to treat us like sheeps!!!

Only 3? I think it's more right? lol

They've all been hacked multiple times.

Userlevel 2

So didn’t tmobile know they would have to pay credit card charges when they set their prices?
